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Associations Of Ill Repute #207

It Is Said That You Are The Sum Total Of The Five People You Keep Associations with Most.

These associations matter. They matter when you want to be a better person and they matter when you find yourself in the gutter. Look around you and see who you spend your time with and see how they influence what you do and who you are. You will notice just how much you all act alike.

It came out today that our president was once an associate and friend with Jeffrey Epstein and through their associations with one another they would have get together’s. They threw a party in the early 90’s at his Mar-A-Lago estate with 28 women and just the two of them. Jeffrey is a billionaire financier who is currently on trial and facing 45 years in prison for sex trafficking and rape charges. He also had a pension for underage women, a fact that Donald has admitted in the past. He did not condemn this fact. Quite the contrary, he likened the man to himself. Donald once said, “he’s like me, he loves beautiful women and he likes them young.” It’s not surprising that the president had associations with this man in the past. Birds of a feather flock together

Consistent Misogynistic Displays

This president has talked candidly about grabbing women in their nether region. The man has been accused of cheating on wives with porn stars and playmates. Meanwhile, he ran pageants for decades with underage women and would frequently visit their dressing rooms while they changed. Feel free to read about his disgusting display at pageants in Rolling Stones, for example.

House Of Cards.

By all accounts this man’s house of cards should have crumbled years ago. Incredibly, he seems to build it up faster than anyone can tear it down. Understand, he is not a good person, politics aside. If you have any proper judge of character you can see this. Yet we always allowed the predator to walk freely among us. He always managed to justify his actions. And from the looks of it he avoided in engaging in blatantly illegal activities from what we know. He just always had associations with these wealthy criminals. What really has taken place? Will we ever know?

Ways To Improve.

5 closest associations

All we can really do is watch out for ourselves. Be careful who you associate with. If you find yourself engaging in actions of ill repute, look around you. It might be those closest to you that help facilitate your actions and it could be high time to disassociate and find a better class of individuals to surround yourself with.

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Contradictory Gratitude #204.

Gratitude with an Asterisks, Most of Us Are Doing It All Wrong.

There is an oversight to gratitude that we often go without seeing and that is our living contradictions to that of which we are grateful for. If you say I’m grateful for water, it’s a nourishment to life, it keeps me alive and well hydrated it makes the world a beautiful place. And then in turn you curse the rain for ruining your day or getting your hair wet. Then that becomes an immediate a contradiction to your gratitude. There are so many examples of this; thankful for the sun, it helps all the plants grow and the plants in turn feed us and contribute to earth’s beauty but then you complain about the heat or the over growth of trees in your yard, it conflicts with what you might say you’re grateful for.

Maybe you say to yourself that you’re grateful for your spouse, but than in turn, certain things about them you just can’t stand, that’s another conflict of interest. You are not thankful for them as a whole. You might be grateful for income but loath people who have even greater wealth than you. With that, you are directly going against the gratitude tide and it will hurt you especially if you want to get ahead yourself.

Differences In Gratitude.

Yes these are generalizations of a broad spectrum but that’s just the thing gratitude and disdain don’t live in the same realm. You’re either grateful for the entire array, or not. You may try to break it down to just it’s parts. But when it’s just the parts, you understand, you are not expressing true gratitude, gratitude as a whole. And that is where we shoot ourselves in the foot.

Picking and choosing some of what make things special to us is a losing battle. One that can eventually overwhelm your gratitude. Does this sound better I’m thankful for my spouse’s humor and affection but all the rest not so much? How long could that possibly last? What happens when they are not being funny or affectionate? That’s what we do when we break it down to the sum of its parts, we’re not truly grateful. We’re trying to play both sides of the coin and eventually it’s going to land on just one side. Be thankful for all that you have and all that comes with it.


How I Practice Gratitude.

Thank you to the creators of all things and the energy in everything. Thank you for the sun and the trees for the water and the air I breathe. Thank you for all that I have and all that I’ll receive. Then go on to list all the immediate things you are grateful in your life currently. This is a great way to start every morning. Gratitude is powerful.

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Failing To Understand Failure And Success Follow The Same Principles #172.


Cut From The Same Cloth Both Success and Failure Start Slow Than Come All At Once.

The key is paying attention to the consistent micro actions you are participating in. Is it one of future failure or one of future success? Each action builds over time till one day you become exactly what your actions dictated. Do you look at your significant other lovingly or with scorn and annoyance? Do you feel they are a burden or an asset?

Small Actions

Small actions will show through no matter how you hide your feelings. Do you work everyday to improve your station in life or are you living paycheck to paycheck. Do you spend frivolously or do you spend conservatively? Each minor purchase is a tell tale sign of where your finances will be.

Do you pass on the veggies and go straight for refined starches or do you workout daily and cut out junk food? We’re all skinny until one day we’re all of a sudden fat, over weight and lethargic.

It All Adds Up.

Or some of us might be overweight till one day we have others commenting on how fit we look. None of it happens over night. Success is a long process of small decisions and actions. A slow simmer before the boil.

Trust me the simplest acts are always adding up. You may believe an action isn’t anything other than a passing moment of time with no consequence. This line of thinking can cost you dearly.

Micro Adjustments

If you neglect to focus on or fail to see that your glance, your remark, your body language is all playing into a bigger picture. Than you will be blindsided when your house of cards comes crumbling down. But if you pay attention and course correct early on, at the onset of slightest misstep. Those micro adjustments can have major ramifications over time and distance. If you’re off one degree over the span of the earth you will miss your destination by hundreds if not thousands of miles. That is why we must always course correct. Mistakes as well as successes compound over time.

How Did We Get Here?

We are exactly where we are because we put ourselves there. No amount of wants or desires will show through without a equal level of actions that put you in that life scenario. You may say you want something but your actions might betray that desire.

No one ever says I want to be poor, I want to be divorced, I want to be in prison. Yet I guarantee if you trace back all the individuals who are where they want to be or not where they want to be. With every single one of them you will find a well trodden path to that destination. Their very own perfect trail of actions that led them down that road. They may not even see it for themselves. You might have to uncover a few bushes or hidden shrubbery. But clear as day you will find the path.

Carve your own path to success.
Carve your own path to success.

Proper Actions.

Just keep etching your trail towards the better, make adjustments along the way. Ask for directions when you need to. Your partner and those closest to you are best suited to tell you where you might need to make adjustments. But when you look back at your accomplishments you’ll know it was a slow process getting there than all of a sudden one day you were there.

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Divorce (Blowing It Scenario #120).

Divorce Is One Of The Biggest Life And Relationship Lessons One Can Receive. Don’t Waste It.

Divorce was never even in my conscious realm. I thought I did everything right. Never cheated, Never used drugs, Never uttered bad name towards the other, only built up each other, Went to bed every night together, every evening would tell each other, “I’ll love you more tomorrow than I did today” and every morning we woke up we would say to the other “I love you more today than I did yesterday.”

We traveled the world together, we saw Buddhist temples in Thailand, had lunch on Machu Picchu in Peru, ate termites in the amazon rain forest, Sailed through the Greek islands and rode quads throughout Santorini and Mykonos. Went on night hikes and ziplined through the jungles in Costa Rica. Skydived in Kauai and relaxed on their marvelous beaches. Was told on numerous occasions they would never want to go through life with another, and I was the love of their life.

So how did it all fail? How Did It End In Divorce?

It all comes down to the little things. Those little things that you begin to neglect the more time spent with another. And as you neglect those things they slowly erode the relationship as they become more habitual. until you finally reach the point where it would be awkward to reintroduce them into a relationship. We’ll call this phenomenon learned neglect. Where each mild neglectful action is slowly reinforced by continuous love and affection even though you stopped the actions that might be deserving of that love and affection somewhere along the way. You may not even notice it. This is why communication is so important. Tiny leaks can sink great ships and if you don’t pay attention, your marriage too could be relegated to the bottom of the sea.

Do Not Use The Word Divorce.


We had our occasional arguments a few blowouts where I said things I didn’t mean. They were very few and far between. Here is a massive lesson for you, never ever verbalize the D word (divorce) in the others presence unless you’re ready to begin your perilous decent. Even if you think it’s the best way to end an argument trust me it is not. Distraction is another culprit on the on the relationship killers list. I could have spent a lot less time distracted, A LOT less time. We are so absorbed by other things that catch our interest, we get pulled in too many directions and forget to focus on whats important.

However you are luck.

My loss is your gain, and it’s also the gain of my relationships from here on out. Divorce is such a powerful lesson don’t throw it away or revert into self loathing. Know that it falls on your shoulders, take ownership of it and be better down the road. Here are the most valuable takeaways I can give you.


this is the foundation of all relationships and it must be respected, you have to trust each other. You have to believe the other. Jealousy has no place in solid committed relationship. What you or your partner may have done it their past has no bearing on the present or your future together. Try to welcome your partner without judgment and if you do come to a problem with some thing from your partners past, learn to forgive. It’s in the past and I’m sure had they known you then it would not be part of their past.


Communication is paramount. It’s where you find out your partners likes and dislikes, wants and needs, worries and fears. Tell each other what you want from the other and from life, tell them often. It’s where you discover how your partner is feeling and you should be able to ask and receive an honest answer at any given moment in time. Guessing is just setting both of you up for failure. And don’t assume the other knows how you feel or think they are supposed to know that information. Sometimes we know but it’s far better for both parties to just talk it out.


Put down the fucking phone from time to time, pay attention to your someone. Sorry to use such crass language but this is becoming the norm in most relationship and it’s slowly eroding all that you’ve built together. That action is simply telling your partner non verbally that your tech with it’s news feeds and it’s easy access to all the other people on facebook, snapchat, instagram, or pinterest, are far more interesting than your partner.

And you would prefer to be entertained by whatever is going on onscreen rather than engage with the real life human sitting across from you. It’s somewhat of an emotional cheat, you are reaching out to tech to get what you feel you are lacking from your partner. Don’t go in search for outside entertainment, be present in each others company. Give that person your full utmost attention. Be comfortable with boredom. it’s not always going to be massively stimulating and that’s fine embrace it for both your sakes.


Touch each other often, cuddle with each other, kiss each other, hold hands everywhere you go. Have sex, lots of it and don’t be afraid to use your mouth. Use communication to find out what your partner likes and wants are, than go and do that to them or for them. Something happens physiologically when two people continuously embrace. Your bodies almost seem to crave each others. There is this wholeness between the two of you. Use it to both your advantage.

When you stop touching that craving diminishes and it becomes much more difficult to want what you are not currently receiving from that partner. This is where some partners find themselves straying if they are not having their needs met. Which is basically the end of the relationship regardless. Do not do this, it’s incredibly selfish if you feel you must move on give your partner that same right. Once you have strayed there really shouldn’t be any coming back from that. Steer clear of this and just frequently touch each other and hold each other close.


Give honest sincere appreciation of each other and their actions and or sacrifices. Say thank you and mean it, that simple gesture is so important and it can have a massive impact on future actions. If your partner is someone you’re thankful for let them know it often. What ever they do for you is simply icing on the cake and with each layer let them know how grateful you are for it.

Putting It All Together

Anyone can have tremendous success in a relationship. It does not have to end in divorce. Find someone who fits you perfectly and always work to insure you grow your relationship together and that it’s a positive one on both your lives. One that you impact each other in ways far beyond the surface. That you’ll strengthen your resolve in one another and continuously deepen your connection. It really is easy you just have to find the right person you are willing to do this for and they are willing to reciprocate.

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