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Blowing It Scenario #36-They Did Not Blow It Series-Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee

Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee Is Hilarious.

Good wholesome fun every show. Every now and again on blowing it I tire of my own cynicism. And feel I need to discuss something that makes me feel good or happy or is successful. Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee is all of that and more. What a better way to spend some down time then to have a good laugh. Every single episode accommodates that. And does it in under twenty minutes. You have one of the all time greats in Jerry Seinfeld, taking other comedians out in classic, often funny cars, that suit the guest he has that day, to go get coffee in a very informal relaxed environment. What you get is the perfect blend of effortless, all natural humor.  On top of that Jerry is a very clean comedian so he often kindly shuts down any negative direction one might head in. The results are a positive fun hilarious twenty minutes of show.

Most recently the show did come under fire with a blowing it story. Some gentlemen claims to have given Jerry the idea for the show and now wants created by credits and royalty checks. That very much is the american way, isn’t it? Don’t do any of the work but take full credit. Even if the story is true, let this be a lesson to you. Have contracts signed prior to shooting anything.  Or before you outsource any of your ideas. If you are not going to be doing the work for whatever reason. And you are going to contract it out to someone else, who does your work for you. Make sure you have legal protections behind your idea. Always remember the idea is the easy part.

It was the same thing with Facebook. Some guys had an idea, which they copied from Myspace, to make a exclusive social media website for Harvard. They chose not to do the work themselves and outsourced it to a young guy named Mark Zuckerburg. Who actually did the work and far exceeded anything they could ever dreamed of making themselves. And then they wanted to take full credit for it. They luckily got paid later for the idea. Which I think is generous, they didn’t do anything and they never had any legal protections, but at least they had a paper trail. In that case, the difference between the idea and the work was a few billion dollars. And it might be the difference of a couple million in the situation with Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. This guy who wants to take credit for Jerry’s work after doing absolutely nothing. Did he get the sponsorships? Did he line up the interviews? Did he market and grow the viewership? Did he star in the show? Did he do anything other then claim to come up with an idea? The easiest part of the whole process. Just do the work. And if you can’t bring yourself to do that much, get a contract signed. Regardless of where you stand on that, I think we can all agree it’s a fantastic show and one you’ll be better off for watching. If you can’t think of anything to do today, do yourself a favor, go have a good laugh and pop on Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee.

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Blowing It Scenario #35-Don’t Blow It With A Tax Refund Scam.

Tax Season Is Ripe Pickings For Criminals, Be Vigilant When Filing.

It’s that time of year. For some it’s a wonderful time where the government gives you back a nice little tax refund. For many others it’s the worst time of year. Already hampered by the never ending tax bill you pay in your day to day life. If you owe the government money come April. You get the knock out blow to the old savings account. We all have to pay them, it’s just part of life but some times it feels like the beating never ends. You have employment taxes, social security taxes, federal taxes, health insurance taxes, the list goes on and on. We pay our car tabs, gas taxes, sales tax, and so on and so fourth. So much of our earnings go to paying for many services and debts we never agreed to or asked for. But this article is not about all that. Today we’re focusing on the scams. Because on top of all that the government’s takes. We also have to navigate the never ending land mines of criminal fraudsters attempting to steal our hard earned tax dollars away, before they even make it to the government.

If you receive any email claiming to be IRS and they don’t have a .gov in their title, they are probably a scam. If you do receive email from company that looks legitimately like the IRS sent it. First ask yourself would their be any reason for them to send you such a email, and second if you are not sure call their offices. The other popular scam happening right now is a phone call claiming to be the IRS and sending you to collections. Do not pay these collection calls, it is a scam. Why would the IRS even send you to collections prior to April when taxes are officially due. Hang up immediately and if you are worried, again just call your local IRS. Lastly don’t get scammed by false websites. It’s really a really simple formula if you are paying online just stick to the website that says IRS and has .gov in the name. Just be safe out there this tax season and use common sense. In a month from now, I don’t want to have to write about you blowing it on some elaborate tax scam.

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Blowing It Scenario #34-By Blaming School Shooting Survivors Of An FBI Conspiracy.

You Are Blowing It, If You’re Blaming School Shooting Survivors Of An FBI Conspiracy.

These kids have been through enough and it’s about time victims are finally standing up to the status quo. Far too long has the call for change fallen on deaf ears. But the victims of these crimes have taken this atrocity and have become activist in order to facilitate these necessary changes. Now that these kids, who had to endure one of the most horrific acts one can witness in any given lifetime. Now that their stepping up and doing something about it. A right wing group has decided to move forward with claims of a FBI conspiracy. One that has placed one of the child survivors directly in the eye of the public to promote an anti gun, anti trump agenda. Why do they claim this? Well it’s because the kid is articulate and has a father who is retired from the FBI.

Let’s pause a moment to realize how absolutely ridiculous that sounds. First off if you are part of a hate group or a group that thinks kids who were shot at and want change to gun laws, so no kid ever has to go what they went through. If you think they are coached by the FBI. Then you are dumber then a high school student and naturally this amazing articulation coming from the mouth of a teenager would lead you to believe he is in some way  a hyper intelligent, FBI coached wunderkin. This child scholar who displays the most common intelligence, couldn’t possibly be a regular student. He must have certainly been coached since birth for the day he would be placed at a school shooting. That will be the day the FBI release his super intelligence to the world. Even with his dad being a retired FBI employee. Most are glorified accountants or computer savvy men and women.

Lastly allow us to ponder what if. What if this kid an FBI pawn? What if one kid is placed in the public eye to facilitate a change to reduce murders, gun deaths, and suicides. What if one kid is placed in the public eye to push that agenda. What if? I challenge you to find anything wrong with that. Mind you we’re talking about kids. Let me emphasis that again, kids. Kids are being murdered and kids want change. Why? Because their are being shot at in places where they should feel safe. We should all want these kids to succeed on the progress they’re making. Yet many adults are either too stupid, too stubborn or too lazy to effect positive change to prevent these kinds of things from happening. Come on people, it doesn’t take a teenage scholar to figure that one out.

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Blowing It Scenario #33-Couple Spends Life Savings To Buy A Sailboat, Only To Sink Boat Within Two Days

Never Set Sail Without Being Fully Prepared.

This is interesting article because I feel for the couple and I admire them for following their dreams. The issue of them blowing it comes in when you realize just how incredibly unprepared they were. They sold everything they had to buy a 28 foot sail boat, which isn’t much to begin with. They would then move to Florida with the intent that they would attempt to sail around the world. I assume their plan was to live off the abundance of the sea and work in different ports because they left with nearly no money to their names.

They spent a few months living on the boat and stocking up on food and supplies. However only two days after they set sail, they ran ground on shifting sand bars in a Florida straight. Leaving the boat to fend off the full power of the waves and incoming tides. Eventually the boat capsized taking with it nearly all of their belongings. It’s a frustrating and upsetting circumstance but this is where I begin to question really how prepared these two were for world travel. So these individuals who seem to be under prepared in life let alone at sea. Left with nearly no money as a safety net. Nor did they carry any insurance on their only life possession. Absolutely no insurance on what they just used their entire life saving to purchase. I get going off the grid but that’s a pretty big red flag. These two might want to thank their lucky stars that this happened early on in their adventure and not far from rescue.

Now the couple is trying to rely on the generosity of others hard earned living’s to bail them out of the situation they put themselves in. This seems to me like a metaphor for the life they had already built around themselves. Under paid, under prepared, under achieving. I know sailing is difficult, you’re at the mercy of the sea, that is why you have to be beyond prepared. It’s also more work then any remedial job you pick up here and there. You have to be constantly vigilant, constantly in control. I once read a book about the first men to circumnavigate the globe solo, without stopping. The book was called “Voyage Of Madmen.” It was a race in the 60’s before all the fancy GPS and navigational tools we have today. The winner of the race said after victory, “I wonder how many hardened criminals we would have if they we’re subjected to sail solo around the world, It’s hard labor with solitary confinement.” Some men never made it back from that race. Sailing is difficult and if you want to sail around the world you can’t treat it like you listlessly treat life. You have to be beyond prepared and be ready to put in the work. It is my belief that these two will be much better off if they don’t receive any money from their gofundme page. It will only enable them to make similar mistakes down the road. In life you going to fail you have to learn how to fall and pick yourself back up again. You can learn from others mistakes but when your the one that put yourself in any given situation and others bail you out. You’re doomed to make the same mistakes. You’ll never learn and you’ll never grow if others are always doing the work for you.

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Blowing It Scenario #32-Parents Are Blowing It By Employing The Tablet Babysitter

It’s A Lazy Parenting Move, Failing To Engage With Your Child.

We have all seen it. Most of us have participated ourselves. That feeling you get when you just don’t want to deal with your child or hear them anymore. You think I need a break and you go reach for your trusty old babysitter side kick. The family tablet or when your out and about your smart phone will make a great substitute. That heavenly screen with all it’s bells and whistles can surely shut the hardiest of kids right up. But at what cost? An article came out recently that silicon valley parents are now raising their children tech free. That means the very creators of these tools believe they are a hindrance to their child’s development. It’s a major read flag and we should heed the warnings.

If you haven’t already noticed. Tech has drastically changed the way we as adults operate day to day, and not always in a good way. Yes it has added massive amounts of convenience but that convenience robs us of doing the work ourselves. Robs us of the ability to becoming more proficient in different skills. We become lazy, reclusive, imbeciles who don’t know how to change a tire, or start a fire. Heck we don’t even know how hold a conversation anymore. If we have a pause or break in conversation. We just rudely pull out our phones mid conversation and check to see what our friends on Facebook or Snapchat are doing. Oh, look at that, Kerry’s having fun on vacation, let’s respond super jealous. Oh and Sarah’s clearly having a wonderful night on the town with her significant other. As shown in her most recent snap. She couldn’t have possibly rudely paused that night out, in order to take those photo’s and upload them. Envy engulfs you as you realize you’re stuck in this drab situation with no end in sight. At least you have your smart phone to rely on. As you’re scanning your phone for the most interesting people that are not in the room, a baby begins to cry in the background. Thank goodness you also brought your extra Ipad along with you. That annoying kid is not going to steal your attention away from your device either. So you hand the crying child it’s tablet security blanket because that thing really knows how to parent, who else will sing lullabies or tell stories to them.

So the vicious cycle continues into adolescence where children learn how incredibly easy it is to bully another without ever even having to leave the comfort of their bedroom. Kids these days do massively destructive things because what they have seen and learned online. Not to mention, we don’t do them any favors when the parenting that was meant to guide them away from from troubled waters is slightly absent do to the fact that they have their own technology distracting them. It’s an addiction for many people. We’re all to often giving into that addiction and starting the youth off on the very same path, from a very early age. We all could do better off by limiting our screen time and engaging with the world around us again. If not for anything else, at least do it for the children’s sake.

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Blowing It Scenario #31-Pet Food Companies Supplier Blows It By Contaminating Canned Dog Food With Deadly Drug

Pentobarbital, A Sedative That Is Also Used To Euthanize Animals, Was Found In Canned Dog Food, Forcing A Recall.

Sometimes you can’t even trust the food you feed your pet. And if you’re the manufacturer of pet food, sometime you can’t even trust your suppliers. A number of canned dog food brands were recalled this week went it was found the contained the deadly sedative. The food and drug administration has since lead an evaluation and determined it was at very low levels unlikely to harm your pets.

However what if this happened to baby food or your canned soups. We put far too much trust in our over chemicalized food industry. Everything we eat is over processed and under nourishing. A study also came out this week that processed foods have the greatest link to the causing of cancers within our own bodies. The food we eat is literally killing us slowly. They don’t even need to give us the deadly sedative dog food treatment. The poison is already in the foods and approved by the FDA. And we willingly purchase it and enjoy it because lets be honest those food chemist really know how to activate our taste buds and ignite our desire to crave more of what’s bad for us. Unless your a monk living in a monastery isolated from all worldly pleasures. Then you too have partook in the many joyous flavors and sensations over processed and over preserved food has bestowed upon our stores shelves.

It’s incredibly hard to resist even fully knowing that the foods we eat can give us cancer, heart disease and every other health ailment you can list. Our health care bills continue to grow. Yet we keep chugging along on the same path to destruction. It’s only when poison is found in pet food that we receive a blip on the radar that says, “hey, maybe all this mass produced food isn’t all that good for us after all.” However, it’s a fleeting notion, one that will usually pass with the next big bag of fried chips or the frozen t.v. dinner.

At least their is hope, we know from failure there often comes success. The company responsible for the dog food mishap has since isolated it to one supplier and I’m sure have since installed new safety measures to prevent anything like this happening in the future. As for the people who want to get there health in line maybe they will begin to start avoiding the hazards of processed foods and maybe even begin to implement a healthy eating regiment filled with all natural foods. They will most likely stubble and fail along the way but just always remember the alternative. The over processed chemical filled foods you think nourishes you now, could very well be the source that’s poisoning you. Isolate it and remove it.

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Blowing It Scenario #30-Fox News Commentator Blowing It By Telling Basketball Players To Shut Up And Dribble The Ball.

The Political Commentator Who’s Blowing It By Telling Basketball Players To Shut Up And Dribble Instead Of Talking Politics.

Of coarse this comes from a network that claims to be fair and balanced. Laura Ingraham a fox news commentator, thought it would be smart to go after basketball players expressing their negative opinions about politics today. Laura being the all knowing political genius she is, ripped them for this. Saying they need to shut up and dribble the ball. Attempting to reduce their worth to a mere side show act that has no brains or free will. One who soul purpose is to dribble a ball. It’s a degrading and generalized statement. All people not just basketball players but all people, are so much more then just their job or what they do to earn a living. These men have very high emotional intelligence and have the life experience to know what’s happening in their communities. Sports player might be one of the best possible resource to comment on the political climate of the times. Most have had their foot in both camps, poverty and prosperity. Who have not only grown through that process, they more often then not continue to maintain relationships with their not so well of friends.

Whatever her intentions were, it was a blatantly disrespectful comment and one that completely backhands her own supporters in the process. From the plumber to the doctor who may love Trump and support him. She is also telling you your opinion doesn’t matter and you should get back to laying pipe or prescribing drugs. She is insinuating that all your self worth is tied up in the one action you do to earn a living and support your family. You very well couldn’t possibly know how to do anything else or think for yourself. Because only political commentators can have opinions on politics. I absolutely love the double standard in this line of limited thinking. She’s telling people to stay in their own lane meanwhile she is swerving back and fourth through everyone else’s. it’s a absolutely beautiful display of the antithesis of fair and balanced. It’s this, if you don’t agree with me, I’m going to deride your beliefs and hammer you with data that only supports mine.

It’s this political environment that gets us all so polarized in our views. We don’t listen to anyone who has conflicting beliefs of ours and when we over hear it we feel we must attack it. More often then not we all have similar goals, don’t dismiss others beliefs, engage them. If you feel you can help someone, show or offer alternatives but don’t demand them. Everyone should think for themselves, and when we disagree let’s open the door to that conversation, not begrudge, besmirch or belittle them, embrace them.

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Blowing It Scenario #29-Following The Sage Advice Of A Facebook Group.

A Mother Was Arrested For Feeding Their Child Bleach In Order To Cure Autism.

The scary side of ignorance runs deep in this story. One that a parent believed a facebook group touting the cure for health issues in the form of hydrochloric acid in a purified water solution. The snake oil salesmen peddling this “cure” came to market with the genius name Miracle Mineral Solution. And two that they used this “cure” on their own child. A simple google search would reveal hydrochloric acid in water is essentially bleach. What we use to kill all pretty much all living things germs, bacteria good and bad. It’s an industrial solvent and used in the human body it can in small doses eventually kill the person ingesting it. In larger doses that will action will be expedited.

We can’t believe everything we read on the internet. If you get your information from facebook, google, or even blowingit always double check your references. Once you double check them and you find yourself what you believe to be a reputable resource. Go on to double check the creator of that resource. What are their credentials? What makes them an authority in this arena? Never, never take anything at face value. It’s so easy to be an “expert” these days. You write a few articles, and bam, your the “expert” on healthcare and medicine, or your the “expert” on sports and fitness and so on and so forth. I will tell you right now. I am no expert, I only want to open up the conversations on these issues. Others failures are the absolute best way to learn. From this conversation you might learn don’t feed your child bleach. Hopefully you already knew that but it was a mothers failure that can help reinforce it.

I do believe in alternative healing therapies. Granted I call it alternative, but I believe it’s really as simple as sticking to a healthy diet of living natural organic foods. With that, we could probably wipe out over half of all medical problems. Easier said then done. Food can act like a drug to us, especially the standard american diet, it plays our own mind against us sometimes. It’s the cause and the cure of what ails us. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, once wrote, Let food be thy medicines and medicine be thy food. This was a man who lived to his 90’s when the average life span was half that. These are the “cures” we should search out. Not foods and medicines that kill but ones that live and heal. Not processed but natural.

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Blowing It Scenario #28-Weak, Pathetic, Coward Mass Shooters-A Massive Failure Of Government.

Yet Another School Shooting Took Place Yesterday In Florida Killing 17 Students And Teachers.

When will it end? I literally wrote about gun control three days ago. That is how prevalent mass shootings are in our society today. Heaven forbid we make it more difficult to get your hands on a gun. The second amendment was written when people used single shot muskets. I’m sure had they known what was to come they would have excluded right to bear arms altogether. School shooting after school shooting. 58 concert goers just trying to enjoy a night out on the town gunned down by another one of these pathetic cowards. Because that is exactly what these shooters are, complete cowards. It’s easy to be confident behind a gun. These mental midgets seem like giants in their own weak selfish minds. Instead they need to think of others, and they need help. What they don’t need is access to a gun.

Now this piece of human garbage who I won’t refer to by name. Has taken the lives of 17 innocent children while they were attending school. One of the most defenseless places these cowards can target. And now we’re not only giving him the attention and notoriety he probably so desired. We probably won’t take any action towards reforming this outdated law. Sure keep right to bear arm but make obtaining a gun such a stringent process that no gun ever falls into the wrong hands. I addressed it before. We need make it necessary that in order to buy any gun, rifles and shotguns included. You must pass rigid psychological tests, followed by a more thorough background check. One that involves internet search histories, purchasing history, etc. Keep track of ammunition purchases. These records need to be updated annually throughout the entire time you own the gun. We also need mandatory annual classes. If you don’t come to your scheduled class every year and retake all the necessary test you are required to relinquish your fire arm. Also require all serial numbers to be attached to the owner. If your gun is involved in a crime, you will be held responsible for said crime.

Their are so many options that can take to prevent this kind of senseless violence. And yet we choose money over the value of life. Money to keep the gun makers and NRA happy. Or we call it personal freedom. How dare you take away my right to bear arms, we’ll hear the gun owners say. You’ll also hear only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. Well guess what gunslinger, the bad guys are winning. And lets discuss those good guys with guns. Most are just waiting in anticipation for an excuse to use that gun on someone or something, given the opportunity they’ll take a life too. A gun is simply a killing device, it serves absolutely no other useful purpose. You can’t rake the leaves with it or scoop ice cream with it. You don’t walk the dog with it or play lullaby’s with it. You kill things with it. It’s as straight forward as that. So we should all be on board with the notion that no one with any kind of psychological issues or background red flags, should ever be able to touch a gun. If you are one of those who believes you’re a good guy with a gun, then actually stop the bad guys by getting behind laws preventing gun ownership. Because the only true way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is to never give that guy a gun in the first place. Let’s stop the senseless violence already.

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Blowing It Scenario #27-Hallmark Holiday’s (Specifically Valentines Day)

Valentine’s Day is One Of Those Forced Made Up Holidays.

If you love someone, then love that someone every single day. We don’t need a holiday for it. Valentine’s day plays a role in countless hours of unneeded stress throughout the day and week leading up to it. You have to find yourself a Valentine, if you don’t already have one. Then you have to get that special someone gifts so they will still love you, right? And by no means don’t get the wrong thing. What kind of message would that send? That you no longer love them? That you don’t care? That you’re moving on? Or is it the opposite. Is the message that you love them too much? That you care about them too much? I mean, whoa, ease back hotshot, your smothering them.

In all this madness, you are still require to get them something, because clearly the best way to show love is through the purchase of material goods. Nothing says I love you, like balloons that say “I Love You.” Held up by a teddy bear who’s also holding chocolates and jewelry. That beautiful gesture is sure to get you the love you crave. There will be no withholding in the bedroom tonight. You nailed that gift perfectly. Or did you? There is just so many forced assumption that can be made through failing to get the right gift for the right someone on this “holiday.” So by now you’re starting to feel this added stress on yourself of. Did I buy the right thing? Is he or she going to enjoy what I got them? Or will they find it unsatisfactory? A foolish attempt at trying to please the one you love.

I can only imagine what one goes through on a day like this, who wants to celebrate, but has no one to celebrate with. What a kick to the nether region that must be. Dating apps all of the world must be experiencing massive surges in traffic, as their customers swipe frantically to find their prince or princess charming on a day like Valentines Day. Oh what a magically evening you’ll get to have with a complete stranger, that inevitably climaxes in coitus. Because, who knows, they just might your future Mr. or Mrs. Right. How could this not be the one? You met on Valentines day, the day of love. But in actuality, more often then not, the date will end in them never calling again. At least you had that one magnificent evening together. Ah, Valentine’s day success.

Now that I have my cynical side out of the way. I, in all honesty, really enjoy these holiday’s. Hallmark Holidays are a great way to break up possible monotony from day to day life, and we all need that from time to time. Plus, I’m married and I love doing things for my wife. We don’t feel the need to go all out with some grand gesture proclaiming our love from the mountain tops. We already love each other very much and let each other know every day. We feel if you and your partner agree not to put too much emphasis on the day. You can both enjoy a fun little stress-free holiday and come out of it happier for being able to spend the day with the one you love. I do understand, that for those of you who are single, you probably hated this last paragraph. How could you not? It is, by all means, Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day.

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