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Blowing It Scenario #46-Daylight Saving Time.

Can We Just Be Done Already With Changing The Clock Twice A Year.

What a cruel joke we have played on us twice a year. Spring forward and Fall back as the saying goes. Spring forward happens over this upcoming weekend. And oh what glory we get to look forward to Monday morning when we crawl out of bed, eyes burning, head pounding, as we just received or first day adjustments for our one less hour of sleep then we normally are accustomed too.

Then six months later we’ll get to enjoy the whole circadian dance once again. When we give ourselves the gift of that depressing notion that we will be rolling our clocks back an hour those wonderful long days of summer are now long gone and we will eventually falling back into complete darkness at 4 in the afternoon, as we set our clocks back an hour the follow fall. Neither clock adjustment is enjoyable and quite frankly I don’t see any benefits to it what so ever.

We’re always told it was for the farmers who have to get up at the crack of dawn and before their was an abundance of power workers needed to get there work done in daylight and shops need to stay open for patrons. So hours were adjusted. But there are no farmers to till the land anymore power is readily available at all hours of day and night and the earth doesn’t change it’s rotation back an hour in Fall and forward in Spring. It just all seems completely arbitrary to keep this experiment going. It’s a failure for us to continue to recognize this as status quo. Every year we talk about over turning it and every year nothing happens. Let’s just stay sprung forward and call it good.

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Blowing It Scenario #45-Supreme Court Ruling Of Citizen United Is Basically Equal to Russian Meddling In Our Elections

President Said He Would Crack Down On Russian Meddling In U.S. Elections He Should Start With Over Turning Citizens United.

I love this constant talk about Russian Meddling in our elections. I think it’s absolutely hilarious how the media paints a picture of some other country messed up our elections process and now is at fault for our unhappiness in the new state of affairs. It’s a completely ridiculous argument to incite vitriol, anger, and anti-Russian sentiment. It’s our own ignorance that skips over the fact that the worst perpetrators of election meddling is our very own “domestic” companies. I say domestic but that is a term used loosely.

You can be an international company with a corporation based in the United States Of America and that company would be considered a an American citizen. And that “American Citizen” company, would then be allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money to elect the official that will best support their corporate agenda. Take this for a hypothetical example. Anheuser-Busch the makers of Budweiser are considered an American corporation. However they are fully owner under the Anheuser Inbev umbrella. A multi nation conglomerate who is based in Brazil and Belguim. Now if Budweiser had a candidate they thought would best set rules and laws that would help their business. They could then pour billions of dollars into trying to get their candidate elected. How is this not meddling from foreign interest? I’m not saying Anheuser Busch InBev did any of this. It’s just an example I use to demonstrate our very own Supreme court set the stage for anyone in the world to influence our elections. They don’t have to be a U.S. citizen (human citizen) they just have to maintain a corporation within the U.S. And they will be able to completely influence every election held. And our own countries elected officials gave them that right.

Maybe Russia has had their hand in our elections and then again maybe it’s just all fabricated. Just a seed planted in our minds to grow into us to actually wanting to fight with or go to war with Russia.  I hope that’s not the case. My question is what does Russia really have to gain? Did they receive any benefits what so ever from this election? Who knows maybe they are trying to create their own currency and cut out international banking. That will usually earn the ire of those in charge to push for war. Regardless of where you stand on Russia we have to get our own affairs in order first before we go blaming other countries and that begins with over turning the failed and flawed ruling of Citizen United.

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Blowing It Scenario #44-United Airlines Replacing It’s Performance Based Bonus With A Lottery

Now You Can Work Your Butt Off And Hope To Get Lucky.

This is so indicative of our economy and state of employment. Performance pay based on luck. United is essentially saying we don’t want to pay you for working hard, but we’re going to incentivize you with the idea that if you do work hard we just might pay you. It’s the same concept as an internship. Work hard for free so the employer can benefit from your hard work at zero cost. And just maybe at the end of it we’ll give you a job.

It’s a genius racket and one we all buy into, yes it does work out in the end for a select few. But many more will fail or worse yet greatly benefit the company it “works” for and receive no compensation at all ever. Maybe I’m just crazy to think our time is valuable and if we’re putting in time for another we should compensated for that time. We only have so much of it on this earth why would we want to waste it advancing some companies agenda while never receiving anything in return. It would be a beautiful system if we were all altruistic and groceries were free, housing was free, labor was free, gas was free and health care was free and we all just worked supporting one another at no cost. But that isn’t how our society is setup. We work to get paid so we can pay for housing, groceries, health care, gas and in some cases labor working for us.

We as patrons of United should all be able to fly for free right? We’ll just setup a lottery that will insure the airlines might get paid for travel cost. See how that works when the shoe is on the other foot? It simply doesn’t. Now if the fact is that their is just no money to pay bonuses that is a different story. However if we examine the executives pay and it’s 50 times the average earnings of the employees then their is money in the budget. It may be a crazy concept but I think we should pay the people that help our companies most, the workers.

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Blowing It Scenario #43-Trade Wars Are Here, Brace Yourself.

President Trump Wants To Raise Tariffs On Imported Steel And Aluminium.

This could very well set off a trade war with the rest of the world. I really don’t know how to feel about this. Both sides have a great argument. If we truly are losing billions in trade then it does make good business sense to cease these trades. On the other hand I imagine it can severely raise cost, not only to consumers but to all countries benefiting from trade with the U.S. Which in turn would create more reason for those other countries to retaliate and raise tariffs on U.S. products.

War is never a good word, it doesn’t matter what you are referencing. That is unless you are discussing the card game but even then, that game usually involves infighting and ends with someone holding all the cards. We have seen it countless times throughout history. Cold wars like trade wars or currency wars or nuclear armament, can often end in hot wars. In 1930’s Germany they began to institute protectionism as aspects of free market capitalism were viewed as failures to a nations sovereignty. They instituted public-works programs like autobahns, protected industry from foreign competition, expanded credit, instituted jobs programs, bullied the private sector on prices and production decisions, vastly expanded the military, enforced capital controls, instituted family planning, penalized smoking, brought about national healthcare and unemployment insurance, imposed education standards, and eventually ran huge deficits ( Which all seem great, and were to a country rebuilding a nation. However it most likely was the issuing of government backed credit that was their first major mistake and the beginning of their downfall. Their we’re much more horrific mistakes in the proceeding years. That is a whole other colossal failure topic. However for this article we’re discussing money and trade and when it comes to finances, the debt collector will as come calling.

Every war in history has been a battle over money you can spin it anyway but it all comes back to finance. It can be over land but that land usually has something of financial value. Or the land is strategically placed near a port or central to operations to obtain near by lands and their prosperity. Most people think the civil war was fought over slavery. This is simply not true, it was a financial war. Lincoln was issuing greenbacks throughout the nation (money back by the government) without any foreign interest. Which is a very protectionist stance against money lenders. However the war itself was over trade tariffs. Which put the country into insurmountable debt that the green backs had to be abandoned. Boston Tea Party, taxes. Hilter’s credit expansion. Napoleon Bonaparte and the french revolution again, began over taxation. Protectionism was instated to prevent further financial decay. Later introduced a government ran bank with new currency and ended in exile and death. The moneyed interest will always come for the pie. So although protectionism seems good for a country’s people and their sovereignty. Some entity, be it a country or a financial institute, with a lot more, will come for their share and usually win it. Often times at great loss. As long as the U.S. doesn’t try to issue their own money outside of central bank control. We should steer clear of a hot war. Good luck Venezuela with you government cryptocurrency. Those who introduce their own currency don’t usually fare well throughout history.

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Blowing It Scenario #42-Teacher Barricades Himself In Classroom And Fires Gun.

After All The Talk About Arming Teachers In the Wake Of The Florida School Shooting One Teacher Took It On Himself To Begin The Process Early.

Now this is a terrible action and luckily no one was injured except the teachers reputation. From the sounds of it the teacher was a bit unstable in spite of the fact he was well liked by the students. This was a solo act by one unstable teacher but with his extreme actions he may have ended the debate about arming teachers. I know the president called for arming well qualified highly trained with military background teachers. But shootings can happen any where from elementary school to high school to churches to concert.

There is no way to predict what event these cowards will target next. arming teachers is like putting a bandaid on a shark bite. Real genius move, how do you imagine it will play out when a shooter firing at hundreds of students running for their lives only to dodge return fire coming from these trained teachers. This isn’t the military and no one will ever except friendly fire as an excuse for death in a school shooting victim. On top of that at what point do we stop stacking these worthless bandaids, once the teachers don’t work out do you add more “qualified” weapons specialist just in case their needs to be another line of defense when the teachers fail to engage their targets?

I challenge you to find a military trained elementary school teacher. They usually don’t exist, its predominately, nurturing, caring adults, that want to care for and protect the youth without violence. As a matter of fact, that is most teachers in general. This teacher was a social studies teacher and if you have ever taken a social studies class you know they tend to be highly politically driven. If this teacher was at all like any other normal human being with even a fraction of empathy. His heart probably broke for what happened in Florida. Along with all our hearts. Maybe he was making a point, then again maybe he just lost his mind and he owned a gun. Let that latter part sink in. Even when you are off your rocker insane, you usually still have access to a gun. No specially trained teacher is going to get to a shooting before he or she can prevent deaths. On top of that most of these shooters go into these situations with the full intent to end their lives, after they inflict as much destruction as possible. What good is it in the mind of a potential shooter, of having the full knowledge that their might be a threat of military style teachers defending their schools with guns? What good would that be when the shooter themselves have absolutely nothing to lose? Either way this teacher just proved that it’s a terrible idea adding more guns to a gun problem. Especially in the school environment.

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Blowing It Scenario #41-Jon Jones Is Both Fined And Has His Fighting License Revoked For Steroid Use, Again

When Will Jon Jones Learn He Has To Be More Accountable And Not Let Those Around Him Do Everything For Him.

This situation, banned from the sport he loves, may help that. Part of me really feels for the guy, he seems really sincere in his regret. Another part of me is angry with the guy. No longer will we be able to watch one of the greatest fighters of all time display his magnificent skills in the octagon. And then another part of me is just plain dumbfounded by the incredible amount of ignorance that goes into screwing yourself over this many times.

This is now his third separate time he has been suspended for a drug related incident. The self sabotage is paramount in this mans career. Each time he comes back, he seems a better person and a better fighter. In his returns he always puts on a display that brilliantly shows how to come back from adversity but it’s all a mirage. Twice now he has been suspended for steroid use, or another way to put it, performance enhancing drugs. Both these times were during his comebacks. First from his DUI suspension and second from his steroid use suspension. After three times it begs the question have you learned anything other then how to be plea for forgiveness?

It’s truly a shame too because when you fall from grace this way you are banned from the very thing that can give you redemption. Mainly redemption in the sport you love. However redemption in life is not off limits. He can pursue that full force in his spare time, by giving back, volunteering, educating others on the mistakes he has made and how to avoid them. The are so many ways he can give back to the community and if he pursues that. Then just maybe one day he will be given the chance again to show to the world that he has truly overcame all his setbacks and has taken full ownership of his failings. Then the day may come, when he gets his chance to display his talents again. That doesn’t necessarily mean in fighting, it may just be a new found talent. And when he gets there, he just may come out a winner on the other side.

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Blowing It Scenario #40-Crony Capitalism On Full Display In Georgia.

Georgia Governor And Other Georgia Republicans Vow To Cut Tax Breaks To Delta Airlines If They Don’t Reinstate NRA Benefits.

We hear about crony capitalism all the time but we rarely get to watch it on full display in the public eye. The Georgia Governor have vowed to pull tax breaks to delta airlines which is based in Atlanta. If they don’t reinstate NRA flight benefits. Let’s take a wild guess who has funded his election? I can only speculate but it would be amazing to me if the NRA wasn’t involved in some form or NRA linked companies.

This is the problem with the Citizen United, Supreme Court ruling. Corporation are not people and yet we classified them as such and now they are allowed unlimited spending on campaigns which inevitably leads to corrupt politicians who look to only benefit their own supporters. Talk about picking winners and losers. The Georgia Governor is literally doing just that. That is not the free market at all. This is precisely why corporate money needs to be removed from elections. We’re a government that is supposed to be for the people, by the people. Corporations are not the people. Granted maybe most of his constituents are gun toting NRA supporters and member. Even if that is true, regardless of that fact he still trying to dictate the market. Government dictating and controlling business is a dictatorship and when a corporations dictate government it’s called crony capitalism. Neither of which are desired by the people. Yet, it’s what politics has become.

Politicians think and act in a way that says, “I’ll support what’s supporting me,” and that task usually goes to the highest bidder. Not your regular old every day citizen. It’s that billion dollar corporation with unlimited funds, that has it’s own agenda, nonadjacent to the people but with the same rights as the people. That’s who’s going to get the attention of the politician. Weird how that all works. I’m sure it was probably an act of crony capitalism that brought Delta to Atlanta in the first place. And Now it’s the same crony capitalism that may dictate their business model in the future. All because another corporate backed entity says so. We as citizens need to find a way to get the power back and the first step would be to over turn Citizens United. Because the over abundance of money in politics has been flowing to both political parties, and the more it does, the divide continues to grow larger. And with that great divide the more it seems neither party tends to have the public’s best interest in mind most of the time. Hopefully we can begin to change that, because whatever this is, it’s definitely not for the people by the people.

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Blowing It Scenario #39-Childhood Obesity Rates Remain High.

We Continue To See High Childhood Obesity Rates With No Evidence Of Decline.

It was recently published in pediatrics magazine that we have made zero progress on decreasing the childhood obesity rate here in the U.S. This generations failures have got to make way for future generations success. At least that’s what we anticipated with the last. This information, I must admit, is absolutely no surprise to me. When children are being feed pizza at nearly every social activity they attend. Usually cake is there as well to round off the balanced meal. Sugary juice boxes and packaged snacks line their lunch boxes along with all other kinds over processed under nourishing foods.

Carbohydrates are the most popular filler. On account they’re cheap and easy and they are not as perishable as other healthier foods. All carbs eventually turn into sugar in the body. So kids are often being fed sugar upon sugar. It’s really no surprise that the diabetes rates amount children have skyrocketed. I believe it’s nearly 1 out every 4 children now have or will have diabetes by the time they hit their teenage years.

It really all falls on the parents shoulders to guide their children to the healthiest possible habits from a young age. Some parents may disagree but it shouldn’t be a democracy. 3 year olds and 5 year olds shouldn’t have a vote on what’s on their plates. If you absolutely feel like you need to give them candy or you feel they deserve it then just give them fresh fruit. Or if they want juice make it fresh yourself. Veggies should be the staple of all diets. I wish my parents forced me to eat more veggies growing up. I know how difficult kids can be when it comes to eating but if they’re never introduced to such bad foods they’ll never know that it’s something to crave. However you have to do it, we should be giving the best start to life possible and that begins with diet.

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Blowing It Scenario #38-Vaping.

Vaping may be more toxic then just good old fashioned smoking.

A study was recently released that vaping or e-cigarettes contained high levels of of toxic metals. Such as cadmium, chromium, lead magnesium, nickel and in some cases arsenic. Often times when knew technology comes out we sometimes think it must be safer then the alternative. I know a few friends who have kicked their smoking habit through vaping. They progressively diminished the amount of nicotine in their e-cigarettes till it was down to nothing. But the habit of the smoking action never completely left them they still continue to vape maybe with just a slightly less toxic vapor.

So it begs the question is it even a safer alternative. After further test it has been revealed that these toxic metals are coming form the devices themselves. The cheaply made heating coils within the vaporizer are leaching toxic metals into the vapor and these metal could lead to a whole slew of health issues down the road.

Hopefully they will soon create a better heating element because I for one am in support of others using e-cigarettes as an alternative. They can be used nearly anywhere, no nasty lingering smoke smell. No actual smoke that you force others to breathe in second hand. It a much more polite habit, if you were to have one. You don’t force everyone around you to partake in your vice.

Until then most smokers will be risking health issues that come with the injestion of toxic metals in aerosol form. Be that cancer, brain damage, or any other health ailment. I’m pretty sure most people that vape know that they are risking their health in some form or another. Even if you were inhaling just concentrated water vapor it’s still would not be a good pure product for you to fill your lungs with. Now add a bunch of chemicals and toxic metals and you have the making of a long term study on the effects on human health. And if your an early adopter of the tech, then you get to enjoy the status of a guinea pig.

As long as you have all the facts before hand and you can make an educated decision if you want to participate in this trail run, at the potential expense of your health, then by all means, it’s your body, vape away. However if you didn’t already know you may just want to give it a second thought.

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Blowing It Scenario #37-Drinking Alcohol To Live Past 90.

A Study Came Out Claiming That If You Want To Live To 90 Moderate Drinking May Help You Get There.

This is just crazy to me. I really don’t know how this study came across this hypothesis or how they determined such an end result since the study began in 2003. It just perpetuates the idea that I have long since suspected, they we are pushed to drink. In every social setting we’re supposed to drink, in every movie or show, drinking is often glorified. Every sporting event alcohol is the main sponsor. I imagine without it our economy might just collapse. It’s the social lubricant that gets you free of inhibition to make those impulse actions and purchases. Moderation is so difficult because as your self control wanes, so does your ability to say no. You more often then not agree to have more and more. Even full well knowing you be paying for it the next day. Sometimes for two to three days after. The loss in productivity alone could be the economic balance act. You spend a lot on drinking and going out then you turn around and lose it on lost productivity.

In contrast to this miracle health benefit alcohol somehow provides. I have also read many more studies on the adverse effects of alcohol. They have linked it to dementia, heart disease, cancer, liver disease. The list goes on and on. You can also factor in all the arrest made due to over drinking, the loss of life due to drunk driving, the sexual assaults, STD’s, alcohol poisoning. Often in these inhibited states one tends to explore other drugs, leading to a whole other slew of problems. Knowing that the benefits hardly outweigh the cost. We willingly and might I say happily submit to or urges at least every weekend. Or if your on the health plan, every day. Because let’s be honest drinking is pretty darn fun. Who cares about the consequences.

However, if you’re one of the few who choose not to submit to this constant bombardment, don’t worry their will be a fair amount of harassment coming your way along with studies to support why you should be drinking more. Don’t give in to it. But if you do, who knows what can happen. You may just some how find that sweet spot of dosing and if you stick to it maybe you just might be one of the lucky few to make it to 90. That is if you don’t develop the plethora of alcohol related diseases along the way. Good luck.

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