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Eliminate Thinking Of Help As A Burden #263

When Others Try To Help Sometimes We See It As A Burden. And How That Help Is Only Going To Make More Work For Ourselves.

We can’t look at it this way. We have to see it for what it is. Help through the kindness of the other person’s heart. Even if it does require more work out of you. You have to fight the urge to think of it as a burden.

I have a glowing symbol of this on my back patio. A wood burning stove that was never installed. It was gifted to me by my ex-wife It’s no surprise now why she is an Ex. Because all I could see in the moment was how this was going to create so much extra work for me and added expense. But for her this was a very loving gift. She knew I wanted a wood burning stove in the house and went out a found one for me and bought it. It never was installed and over time that old “burden” became a new issue, a new burden. How am I going to sell this heavy fireplace? Or that’s how I chose to look at it.

I did it far too many times. She would want to help assist me with projects like install some flooring or other household tasks. And I would let her frustratingly but that attitude shined through brightly. Because I could not see the forest through the trees I did not see how my actions of seeing another as a burden hindered our progress. To me it felt like it was complicating the process in the moment to add another hand. But looking back, me thinking that helpful hand was a burden was massively detrimental to the relationship. And it always will be no matter the context.

When someone offers assistance don’t think of it as a possible burden. But as a way this person is trying to show love and affection through their actions. Because once the idea of something becoming a burden outweighs thinking them as an asset. You will lose.

This happens with children and parents especially. Children love to help and to be a part of what your working on. And most of the time we think they’re just getting in the way. But we need to accept this form of love they’re sending us.

This concept tends to be quite difficult for introverts. Who prefer to do most things on their own. It’s a battle between ways of showing affection. An introvert needs to see assistance as love. And extrovert can sometimes show love to an introvert by leaving them completely alone. Which is just as hard to see as love.

No matter what, anything you think of as a burden has a funny way of departing your life for good. Which should come as no surprise. It was burdening you, or so you thought. And when you look back you just might say to yourself I wish I accepted their love better.

The Germ Is Nothing, The Terrain Is Everything. #262

The Germ Is Nothing, The Terrain Is Everything. These Were Some Of Louis Pasteur Final Words Of Warning.

Why would the father of pasteurization. Who was a renowned biologist microbiologist and chemist. One that contributed heavily to the science of vaccination and germ remediation. Say, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything?”

The germ is nothing
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Because he understood fundamentally that the germs needed a proper environment or host to be sustained. It is the terrain where the germ flourishes that becomes our Achilles heel.

We are in the middle of a global pandemic right now. And all the answers are pointing in the direction of pasteurization and vaccination. Clean everything, kill all germs and vaccinate when one is ready and we’ll all be saved. But what it really boils down to is have you provided good terrain for the virus to flourish? Have you weakened your immune system through unhealthy lifestyle choices? Bad diets, poor sleep, deficiency in cellular nutrients and toxicity through environment.

As of right now, one of our current solutions may eventually become our problem. If we thoroughly clean everything with industrial cleaners we eventually weaken our immune systems through toxicity exposure. These solvent are detrimental to our heal. We absorb them through our skin, inhale their vapors and when we do. Our immune system is forced to focus on the breakdown and removal of all the toxins, food included. So in it’s distraction, viruses can easily prevail.

A Proper Functioning Immune System Makes Quick Work Of The Virus.

In most cases with no symptoms at all. It doesn’t get to stick around because the terrain isn’t well suited for it. That’s why it doesn’t really affect healthy children. They don’t have as years of damage and strain placed upon the immune system as older adults due.

All in all the answer is quite simple, focus on the terrain, take care of your body. Fuel it with the right nutrition, get good sleep, stay clean, just do it without toxic cleaners. And eliminate the two fundamental causes of disease, deficiency and toxicity. Because in the end the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.

Context Framing #261

Context Framing Is When We Edit Out Information In Order To Fit Our Own Agenda. Something To Avoid.

Context Framing
Photo by pine watt on Unsplash

Give the whole picture and allow everyone to judge for themselves. This always happens in politics. It’s actually quite sickening how much this tactic is used. You’ll often see an agenda of shining a negative light on another group. By framing the context around their own agenda. Just to show how one side cares about an issue and the other doesn’t. Even if the other group cares just as much if not more. They’ll do this by context framing.

Say a group wants to help a particular social interest. And in doing so they raise funds for that niche. Now if a competing firm wants those funds to go to their cause. They may paint the picture how this group who raised the funds doesn’t care about their cause. In essence framing the context to shine a negative light on a group who might have been trying to do good in another area. What’s even more sad is showing that you care about something just to spite that which you feel some negativity towards. And negativity is simply the absence of acceptance. Don’t care about social cause just because they detract from other causes. Care about them because you truly care about them.

Lets Never Lose Sight Of The Broader Picture, The Whole Image.

Because when the lens focuses on only what was framed in the information given. It becomes incredibly damaging. And that is exactly the goal of it. Damage another. It should be outlawed or at least ran like a roast. If you’re going to drag someone or somethings name through the mud. Or paint them in an inglorious light you should always have to end with something positive about them. Unless it’s truly evil what that person has done. In that case it brings me back to my original point. Give the entire picture not just the context you are framing.

Limit Monoculture. #260

We Need To Limit Monoculture And Cultivating A More Permaculture Society As Well As In Nature.

Monoculture is the cultivation of one crop. Which has become so pervasive in nature that it’s elements have stretched into the human condition. One crop, one business, one industry to dominate all others in a territory. In nature she sends an arsenal to combat this with viruses, “invasive species” (they are only invasive to the harvester), pest. And as the harvester fights back with pesicides and herbacides, debt financing and all other anti competitive policies. Worse and worse issues arise until the entire crop eventually dies off.


Nature was never meant for monocultures. It thrives with diversity and so do we humans. We see it time and time again. If you kill off competition, you kill off innovation, you kill off motivation and ultimate you kill off the industry or the species. We always fight nature for supremacy, we manipulate it to control it but nature has it’s arsenal too. We see this happening right before our eyes not only in nature with the novel coronavirus killing thousands of people.


We also see this in our financial system where it’s always a race to monopolize everything. Companies will take on debt for decades to undercut all other competition and when all other companies are gone and only one prevails it becomes susceptible to catastrophic failure and destruction of entire industries. And it then needs another power to save it with a bail out. Or it dies which sometimes you should just let it. Because forcing life into a dying industry does nothing to fix the underlying problem. Permacultures usually arises from the ashes. A more harmonic balance.

Monopolies and monocultures need to be broken up and diversified for the whole to survive. Think of areas of your life that you have monopolized, your work, relationships, housing, etc. And think of the catastrophic failures that arise when something goes awry in those personal monopolies we keep for ourselves.

Maybe we aren’t meant to be with just one person or live in just one place, work in just one job or industry our whole lives. Sometimes it works out just long enough but that’s the exception not the rule. Quite literally variety is the spice of life. There is a lot of truth to that statement. Apply everywhere you can in order to not kill off the organism.

Don’t Brace Yourself With The Ejector Seat Handle. #259.

What A Great Life Metaphor. As Well As Helpful Advice If You’re Ever Going To Fly In A Jet. Hand’s Off The Ejector Seat Handle.

In France a 64 year old man was lucky enough to be gifted a passenger flight on a fighter jet. If you don’t already know fighter jets are equipped with an ejector seat lever. In case the fighter pilot runs into fatal trouble and needs to escape as a last resort.

Now if you aren’t familiar with your surroundings you may mistake this as a common handle and when you hit our first maneuver. When those g forces are pushing and pulling against you. If your hand is on the escape lever you just might eject yourself from that situation. In this case the man ejected himself out on take off. He escaped before the journey even really started. And is that not one of the best metaphors through life?

A lot of us live life bracing ourselves on the figurative ejector seat handle. And when we come across any little discomfort or bumpy patch on the road of life. If life’s turns weigh on us more then normal we are so quick to pull that lever and escape. But in life, just like with flying, 99 percent of the time you will always land safely. It’s riskier to eject even though it feels like a safe escape. The adventure will get uncomfortable and tremendously scary at points. But we need release that firm hold on the ejector seat.

Sometimes it’s enjoyable to just be the passenger along for the ride. But for the most part we do need to pilot our own ship. Don’t be afraid to take your life into wild new terrain. Just keep your hand firmly on the yoke steering your vessel and off the ejector seat.

And if you choose to be a passenger you better educate yourself and know the ins and out of every possible inch of the ride you’re on and who’s driving it. Because even though you’re outsourcing your journey you still need to be acutely aware of your surroundings.

Blowing It Scenario #22-Hypocrisy

Blowing It Through The Act Of Claiming To Have Moral Standards Or Beliefs To Which One’s Own Behavior Does Not Conform.

Hypocrisy runs rampant in our society. More often then not though it comes from people of positions of power and influence. From the celebrities touting their newest cause, one that is preferably popular at the moment. They’ll take their stand on the issues, while providing years of previous hypocritical actions to fully negate their new found worthy actions. To the patriarchs of the family. We have all been hypocritical at some point, especially parents. We’ll tell children not to drink, don’t do drugs, eat your vegetables, never say a bad word and so on and so forth. Meanwhile we’re at the dinner table, eating a porterhouse steak (no veggies of coarse) and washing it down with a cold beer. Cursing like a sailor as we’re finally heading the door to party all night long. As much as it seems harmless enough as long as you continue telling your kids, “don’t do what daddy does.” It really isn’t, you will have to lead by example, not by hypocritical suggestions. Parents are and will always be the main role models in their children’s lives. It’s not do as I say not as I do. It really is do as I do.

Now government, government is where the real demons of hypocrisy hid. The men and women who make the rules we must abide by. Often can’t seem to stick to their own moral high ground. From the anti LGBT Republican Senator caught have gay sex in his office. To the most recent story that came out today about the Utah Republican Representative who fought for tougher penalties against prostitution while allegedly soliciting sex from a prostitute. Using tax payer money to buy hotel rooms to hook up with said prostitute. That’s not only hypocrisy, these are crimes. Not just the soliciting of sex either. I’m talking about the outright theft of tax payer money. He’ll probably just get a slap on the wrist and all we be forgotten.

Tax payer theft is so prevalent yet we really don’t know how deep it goes. The governing body that polices it, is the same people in charge. I could be wrong though, all elected officials could be noble in their pursuits, except for just a few bad apples. However if you run for office on a certain message and when you get elected because of that message. Then go on to disregard everything you stood for, that is a form a tax payer theft. When you take air force one to travel Europe on your honeymoon and call it a “business trip” that is a form of theft. When you want to put a 24 million dollar toilet on that same jet. That is a form of theft. And when you stand for fiscal responsibility yet burden tax payers unnecessary spending that is hypocritical theft.

If you say you want smaller government make it happen, start with your own job. Give your bloated salary and all the benefits back to the people. I’m also not saying you should be able to except money from a business, yours or any others, while writing laws that benefit that business either. As a matter of fact no one should write laws that directly effect a business or company they have ever been associated with. Law makers should make the average american salaries only then will it remove the hypocrisy. Put a cap on all campaign contribution. Since clearly that presents a major conflict of interest, when a lawmaker receives millions from one donor. A donor cap and salary cap may help to level the playing field. Because as of now how can an elected official who makes a couple hundred thousand a year with full unlimited benefits, who can take up to six months off. How can they understand the plight of the mothers and fathers who work might work two jobs each just to put food on the table and maybe cover medical expenses and receives no time off? The system is already set up to be ripe for the abuse of power. And isn’t that often what hypocrisy is? An abuse of power.

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