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Believing Time Travel To The Past Is Possible.

Time Travel Absolutely Can Not, Will Not, Has Not Ever Existed Or Will Ever Be Invented.

Sorry to have to be the one to destroy all science fiction movies, shows and books on the subject for over a millennia but this has to be addressed. And when you reach the end of this article, the rationale will leave you more inspired than anything time travel has to offer. This is not an argument for or against quantum theory or wormholes or anything scientific about the current understanding of time travel. We always think of time as a linear thing, of very pinpoint, direct causalities but it’s in fact infinitely exponential where everything affects everything else. And the simple truth of the matter is time only moves in one direction and always will. Which is the way natural laws protect us from ourselves.

In order to explain this best, I have to use an old example. In this thought experiment, we’ll theoretically go back in time from your existence. First, let’s get into an agreement. Would you agree with me that you have two parents a mother and a father? They don’t have to be good parents or in your life currently but did it not take two humans to create you? One male and one female? Yes? Ok good, we’ll start there. And for your parents, did they also need two individual parents to begin their lives, your grandparents? So your mom had two parents, and your dad had two parents. So four grandparents for you in total at this point. Now if we keep doing that every generation doubles the previous. 2 becomes 4. 4 becomes 8. 8 becomes 16. 32 then 64 then 128 and so on. And this pattern continues back through time. At that rate, it only takes 30 generations to reach 1 billion great (to the power of 30) grandparents. Let’s say the average age of having children is 25. So with that rough average, 30 times 25 is only 750. Theoretically, in this example by the time we reach 750 years ago you will have had 1 billion grandparents in that time.

On top of that, they say the odds of you even being born is 1 in 400 trillion. That means every single one of those billion great-grandparents had the same odds. That is simply astronomical to fathom. Babies, although they make it seem easy to have in movies are incredibly difficult to bring into the world. First, you need that second person, which, all meetings throughout life are about timing and chance. Miss the bus, late for coffee, stuck in traffic. Anything and everything, all of it has a ripple effect that over time grows into a tsunami of change for future events. With just a bump, or a smell, or a conversation, all of it can knock you off any given trajectory and you might miss out on that chance encounter that could lead to finding that partner. Or that delay could lead to meeting them in the first place. Even still the web of encounters we have on a daily basis are constantly changing our timelines and in turn we change the timelines of everyone we interact with around us as well. Just reading this article is changing yours now. And nothing is passive either, ideas change decision-making down the road as well. So back to birth, once you find that other person, again your timing is everything the “right” sperm has to reach the “right” egg at the perfect moment in time. Ovulation the small window of time a woman can get pregnant every month is at best only 5 days out of the month but usually only 2 to 3 days. Miss that window the child doesn’t exist and its on to the next month and a totally different child. Then out of the billions of sperm only one reaches the egg which dictates so many traits that child has for life. That means temperature, diet, moisture and again most importantly timing all play a role. Any difference in that sequence, you could have a boy instead of a girl, a child who is unhealthy as opposed to a healthy one. Everything contributes to everything else. The resources that we all need to grow, come from the universe around us. So we’re always borrowing and exchanging with plants, animals and other people alike. Right down to the molecules of water, oxygen, carbon etc. all are burrowed and that which is in use can’t be taken in by another. So in effect, we share what we need to survive.

But here’s where it starts to get really cool. Since everything is so interconnected, we are literally changing the world with every step we take. You don’t have to be a titan of industry, or a Bill Gates to change the world. Simply walking, or driving, or talking with a friend is doing it. Some things seem more profound and have a greater impact in your life, some that you can see it in real-time for instance. Like if your significant other breaks up with you but you go out and meet the person of your dreams and have a beautiful family or even a miscarriage that eventually leads the next healthy beautiful child you might have. That child wouldn’t exist without the previous loss and that family wouldn’t happen without the breakup. So you literally have to give thanks to that breakup or the bad things that happen along the way to the good because without it the life you have wouldn’t exist.

It’s such a great concept in life. We are constantly experiencing peaks and valleys. Great times and hard times. But when your standing on the peak you have to look back and thank the valley, for had it not happened you would be on a completely different path and not on that particular peak. Birth and the life it gives is the ultimate peak, so just the same as with your own life, you have to look back through time and be grateful for all the peaks and valleys throughout history because they all contributed to your existence. Earthquakes, famine, atrocities, victories, defeats, wars, celebrations, births, and deaths. Everything contributed to all those perfectly timed chance encounters and if you try to move one single card in this giant house of cards the world as we know it, doesn’t exist, you don’t exist. So back to time travel. If you had this mythical time travel machine and went back 750 years and you simply bumped into one other person and you slightly alter their timeline that day. That small act compounds massively over time. And just by going back in time you effectively remove yourself from existence, so you never are around to actually go back in time. As a quick example say that small bump makes them slightly late to dinner and upsets the man’s wife who decides they don’t share the bed that evening. So the child they might have had doesn’t happen that night. and every single encounter that child had and the connections they made and the relationships they had and influenced don’t happen and the snowball builds and builds till you rearranged the entire world. You simply can not remove or mess with anything in time because it is all interconnected.

Blowing It Scenario #65-Our Failure To Value Our Time Properly.

Time Is Our Most Valuable Resource We Control.

Yet we squander it as if there is a never ending abundance of it. We’ll take on unfulfilling jobs that pay us barely enough to get by and in doing so, we let someone else put a price tag on our time. We’ll think we’re making money if we sell something online yet often times when we do, those that want to purchase want our time as well. It takes time to meet them, it takes time to make that transaction. Time we don’t account for but never the less time we lose. We wait on others often to attend events. I believe one of the most disrespectful things you can do is to not be on time. When you make others wait for you you are basically telling them your time is more valuable than theirs.

683,280 hours that’s how many hours you have if you live to be the average age of 78. Take out the more unproductive years of your youth and you only have three quarters of that time left. If we valued our time appropriately we’d probably charge far more for work and other menial task then we currently do. Markets tend to dictate price but people tend to dictate markets. We need to make them work for us without the barriers of our time.

We shouldn’t go out of our way just to save a buck when we know it cost 10 times that in time wasted. Just understand time is our most valuable resource. However you wish to spend your time, that’s truly up to you. If it’s spent only chasing what makes you happy, or if it’s spent in pursuit of getting ahead, or both. Just make sure it’s highly valued by yourself and those around you.

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