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Blowing It Scenario #34-By Blaming School Shooting Survivors Of An FBI Conspiracy.

You Are Blowing It, If You’re Blaming School Shooting Survivors Of An FBI Conspiracy.

These kids have been through enough and it’s about time victims are finally standing up to the status quo. Far too long has the call for change fallen on deaf ears. But the victims of these crimes have taken this atrocity and have become activist in order to facilitate these necessary changes. Now that these kids, who had to endure one of the most horrific acts one can witness in any given lifetime. Now that their stepping up and doing something about it. A right wing group has decided to move forward with claims of a FBI conspiracy. One that has placed one of the child survivors directly in the eye of the public to promote an anti gun, anti trump agenda. Why do they claim this? Well it’s because the kid is articulate and has a father who is retired from the FBI.

Let’s pause a moment to realize how absolutely ridiculous that sounds. First off if you are part of a hate group or a group that thinks kids who were shot at and want change to gun laws, so no kid ever has to go what they went through. If you think they are coached by the FBI. Then you are dumber then a high school student and naturally this amazing articulation coming from the mouth of a teenager would lead you to believe he is in some way  a hyper intelligent, FBI coached wunderkin. This child scholar who displays the most common intelligence, couldn’t possibly be a regular student. He must have certainly been coached since birth for the day he would be placed at a school shooting. That will be the day the FBI release his super intelligence to the world. Even with his dad being a retired FBI employee. Most are glorified accountants or computer savvy men and women.

Lastly allow us to ponder what if. What if this kid an FBI pawn? What if one kid is placed in the public eye to facilitate a change to reduce murders, gun deaths, and suicides. What if one kid is placed in the public eye to push that agenda. What if? I challenge you to find anything wrong with that. Mind you we’re talking about kids. Let me emphasis that again, kids. Kids are being murdered and kids want change. Why? Because their are being shot at in places where they should feel safe. We should all want these kids to succeed on the progress they’re making. Yet many adults are either too stupid, too stubborn or too lazy to effect positive change to prevent these kinds of things from happening. Come on people, it doesn’t take a teenage scholar to figure that one out.

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Blowing It Scenario #30-Fox News Commentator Blowing It By Telling Basketball Players To Shut Up And Dribble The Ball.

The Political Commentator Who’s Blowing It By Telling Basketball Players To Shut Up And Dribble Instead Of Talking Politics.

Of coarse this comes from a network that claims to be fair and balanced. Laura Ingraham a fox news commentator, thought it would be smart to go after basketball players expressing their negative opinions about politics today. Laura being the all knowing political genius she is, ripped them for this. Saying they need to shut up and dribble the ball. Attempting to reduce their worth to a mere side show act that has no brains or free will. One who soul purpose is to dribble a ball. It’s a degrading and generalized statement. All people not just basketball players but all people, are so much more then just their job or what they do to earn a living. These men have very high emotional intelligence and have the life experience to know what’s happening in their communities. Sports player might be one of the best possible resource to comment on the political climate of the times. Most have had their foot in both camps, poverty and prosperity. Who have not only grown through that process, they more often then not continue to maintain relationships with their not so well of friends.

Whatever her intentions were, it was a blatantly disrespectful comment and one that completely backhands her own supporters in the process. From the plumber to the doctor who may love Trump and support him. She is also telling you your opinion doesn’t matter and you should get back to laying pipe or prescribing drugs. She is insinuating that all your self worth is tied up in the one action you do to earn a living and support your family. You very well couldn’t possibly know how to do anything else or think for yourself. Because only political commentators can have opinions on politics. I absolutely love the double standard in this line of limited thinking. She’s telling people to stay in their own lane meanwhile she is swerving back and fourth through everyone else’s. it’s a absolutely beautiful display of the antithesis of fair and balanced. It’s this, if you don’t agree with me, I’m going to deride your beliefs and hammer you with data that only supports mine.

It’s this political environment that gets us all so polarized in our views. We don’t listen to anyone who has conflicting beliefs of ours and when we over hear it we feel we must attack it. More often then not we all have similar goals, don’t dismiss others beliefs, engage them. If you feel you can help someone, show or offer alternatives but don’t demand them. Everyone should think for themselves, and when we disagree let’s open the door to that conversation, not begrudge, besmirch or belittle them, embrace them.

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Blowing It Scenario #26-Immigration, A Failure Of Economics And Diplomacy.

Where Do You Stand On Immigration?

Their are always two sides to every coin and at least that many sides to every debate. Currently the senate is in that process this week. They will be debating on immigration. On the one hand our country was built on immigration. Most every country at some point was. However this day and age you have countries that are literally connected to each other, yet the economic difference in each country might be staggering. On top of that you have massive failures in diplomacy creating war zones around the world. Where the innocent just want to get to a country they can just safely raise a family. Granted their are always going be a few bad apples that won’t obey the rules in their new country but their numbers are minute. And their actions are only compounded when they are ostracized from their new societal home. It’s the mammalian brain, the fight or flight response, and they already flew.

Let’s face it when people are pushed to their limit in their country of origin. They are going to go looking for a new home, it’s just human nature. I think that is where the debate begins. It’s a human right to explore this wonderful globe of ours. Yet we construct these imaginary lines to keep out the boogy men and to protect what is “ours.” Since we’re no quite there. We have to look at all the options. I don’t think we should just cast people out. I also know there are situations where the economics just can’t support an influx of new comers. So their does have to be checks and balances. Maybe a system of longer visa’s to see if the person wanting to immigrate to said country can assimilate into that society and contribute. That would need to be proceeded by a very thorough screening process. Assess them at the end of the visa, say 2 years, and if they are a productive member of society, give them ten. Then after ten they can receive tenure.

Or we could just open all boarders. Make every immigration like a sports trade. For every two of yours, we’ll give you two of ours. Create a waiting list. We really just have to make the legal process available to all. I always thought it would be cool to move to Norway but I know their is a process to it. I can’t just fly their and get myself a job and partake in all their social programs. That’s just not how it works and that is fair. They have their own citizen to look after and care for. I don’t think it’s too hard to understand the idea of stopping illegal immigration and it’s also not too hard to understand people wanting to leave their country for a better life either. We just have to find a common ground and hopefully the senate can make that happen.

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Blowing It Scenario #22-Hypocrisy

Blowing It Through The Act Of Claiming To Have Moral Standards Or Beliefs To Which One’s Own Behavior Does Not Conform.

Hypocrisy runs rampant in our society. More often then not though it comes from people of positions of power and influence. From the celebrities touting their newest cause, one that is preferably popular at the moment. They’ll take their stand on the issues, while providing years of previous hypocritical actions to fully negate their new found worthy actions. To the patriarchs of the family. We have all been hypocritical at some point, especially parents. We’ll tell children not to drink, don’t do drugs, eat your vegetables, never say a bad word and so on and so forth. Meanwhile we’re at the dinner table, eating a porterhouse steak (no veggies of coarse) and washing it down with a cold beer. Cursing like a sailor as we’re finally heading the door to party all night long. As much as it seems harmless enough as long as you continue telling your kids, “don’t do what daddy does.” It really isn’t, you will have to lead by example, not by hypocritical suggestions. Parents are and will always be the main role models in their children’s lives. It’s not do as I say not as I do. It really is do as I do.

Now government, government is where the real demons of hypocrisy hid. The men and women who make the rules we must abide by. Often can’t seem to stick to their own moral high ground. From the anti LGBT Republican Senator caught have gay sex in his office. To the most recent story that came out today about the Utah Republican Representative who fought for tougher penalties against prostitution while allegedly soliciting sex from a prostitute. Using tax payer money to buy hotel rooms to hook up with said prostitute. That’s not only hypocrisy, these are crimes. Not just the soliciting of sex either. I’m talking about the outright theft of tax payer money. He’ll probably just get a slap on the wrist and all we be forgotten.

Tax payer theft is so prevalent yet we really don’t know how deep it goes. The governing body that polices it, is the same people in charge. I could be wrong though, all elected officials could be noble in their pursuits, except for just a few bad apples. However if you run for office on a certain message and when you get elected because of that message. Then go on to disregard everything you stood for, that is a form a tax payer theft. When you take air force one to travel Europe on your honeymoon and call it a “business trip” that is a form of theft. When you want to put a 24 million dollar toilet on that same jet. That is a form of theft. And when you stand for fiscal responsibility yet burden tax payers unnecessary spending that is hypocritical theft.

If you say you want smaller government make it happen, start with your own job. Give your bloated salary and all the benefits back to the people. I’m also not saying you should be able to except money from a business, yours or any others, while writing laws that benefit that business either. As a matter of fact no one should write laws that directly effect a business or company they have ever been associated with. Law makers should make the average american salaries only then will it remove the hypocrisy. Put a cap on all campaign contribution. Since clearly that presents a major conflict of interest, when a lawmaker receives millions from one donor. A donor cap and salary cap may help to level the playing field. Because as of now how can an elected official who makes a couple hundred thousand a year with full unlimited benefits, who can take up to six months off. How can they understand the plight of the mothers and fathers who work might work two jobs each just to put food on the table and maybe cover medical expenses and receives no time off? The system is already set up to be ripe for the abuse of power. And isn’t that often what hypocrisy is? An abuse of power.

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Blowing It Scenario #13-Watching The State Of The Union Speech

Why Even Watch? There’s Two Sides To This Coin, Neither All That Positive.

Hogwash, far be it from me to believe that their isn’t much conviction in the words spoken in these addresses. And when their is, it’s not usually shining the most positive light. So what do I do, I attempt to avoid it. But when all the major news outlets are report on one thing, you tend to take notice. Politics have always a been very sensitive subject. You can find fault in nearly every argument and at the same time find ways to support that very same argument. It’s exactly what divides us and at the same time it’s the same thing that brings others together. It’s a complete contradiction. And if your the lucky few to find value in both ways of thinking then you ahead of the rest.

As F. Scott Fitzgerald once stated, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” As many see voters that hold opposing views from their own, as having less intelligence. I would argue most of us do not display this first rate of intelligence at all, especially in this field. So we allow the conflict within us to take hold. We hear the, “he wants to build a wall,” and anger, anxiety grow in some. Others hear that and say, “he wants to protect American jobs.” Some may see positives, some may see negatives, some may just lose the ability to function altogether. It’s stressful and hopeless, and it’s hopeful and empowering. The contradictions cease to end there.

So instead of battling this inner turmoil. Turn off the television. Take a step back. Don’t let it effect you. Take that would be wasted time and put in into something of a higher value. Enjoy time with the family, find ways to make others around you lives a little better. Everyone has there own plight. Help others find hope and empowerment and you’ll be so much more happier when you do.

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