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Blowing It Scenario #29-Following The Sage Advice Of A Facebook Group.

A Mother Was Arrested For Feeding Their Child Bleach In Order To Cure Autism.

The scary side of ignorance runs deep in this story. One that a parent believed a facebook group touting the cure for health issues in the form of hydrochloric acid in a purified water solution. The snake oil salesmen peddling this “cure” came to market with the genius name Miracle Mineral Solution. And two that they used this “cure” on their own child. A simple google search would reveal hydrochloric acid in water is essentially bleach. What we use to kill all pretty much all living things germs, bacteria good and bad. It’s an industrial solvent and used in the human body it can in small doses eventually kill the person ingesting it. In larger doses that will action will be expedited.

We can’t believe everything we read on the internet. If you get your information from facebook, google, or even blowingit always double check your references. Once you double check them and you find yourself what you believe to be a reputable resource. Go on to double check the creator of that resource. What are their credentials? What makes them an authority in this arena? Never, never take anything at face value. It’s so easy to be an “expert” these days. You write a few articles, and bam, your the “expert” on healthcare and medicine, or your the “expert” on sports and fitness and so on and so forth. I will tell you right now. I am no expert, I only want to open up the conversations on these issues. Others failures are the absolute best way to learn. From this conversation you might learn don’t feed your child bleach. Hopefully you already knew that but it was a mothers failure that can help reinforce it.

I do believe in alternative healing therapies. Granted I call it alternative, but I believe it’s really as simple as sticking to a healthy diet of living natural organic foods. With that, we could probably wipe out over half of all medical problems. Easier said then done. Food can act like a drug to us, especially the standard american diet, it plays our own mind against us sometimes. It’s the cause and the cure of what ails us. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, once wrote, Let food be thy medicines and medicine be thy food. This was a man who lived to his 90’s when the average life span was half that. These are the “cures” we should search out. Not foods and medicines that kill but ones that live and heal. Not processed but natural.

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Blowing It Scenario #28-Weak, Pathetic, Coward Mass Shooters-A Massive Failure Of Government.

Yet Another School Shooting Took Place Yesterday In Florida Killing 17 Students And Teachers.

When will it end? I literally wrote about gun control three days ago. That is how prevalent mass shootings are in our society today. Heaven forbid we make it more difficult to get your hands on a gun. The second amendment was written when people used single shot muskets. I’m sure had they known what was to come they would have excluded right to bear arms altogether. School shooting after school shooting. 58 concert goers just trying to enjoy a night out on the town gunned down by another one of these pathetic cowards. Because that is exactly what these shooters are, complete cowards. It’s easy to be confident behind a gun. These mental midgets seem like giants in their own weak selfish minds. Instead they need to think of others, and they need help. What they don’t need is access to a gun.

Now this piece of human garbage who I won’t refer to by name. Has taken the lives of 17 innocent children while they were attending school. One of the most defenseless places these cowards can target. And now we’re not only giving him the attention and notoriety he probably so desired. We probably won’t take any action towards reforming this outdated law. Sure keep right to bear arm but make obtaining a gun such a stringent process that no gun ever falls into the wrong hands. I addressed it before. We need make it necessary that in order to buy any gun, rifles and shotguns included. You must pass rigid psychological tests, followed by a more thorough background check. One that involves internet search histories, purchasing history, etc. Keep track of ammunition purchases. These records need to be updated annually throughout the entire time you own the gun. We also need mandatory annual classes. If you don’t come to your scheduled class every year and retake all the necessary test you are required to relinquish your fire arm. Also require all serial numbers to be attached to the owner. If your gun is involved in a crime, you will be held responsible for said crime.

Their are so many options that can take to prevent this kind of senseless violence. And yet we choose money over the value of life. Money to keep the gun makers and NRA happy. Or we call it personal freedom. How dare you take away my right to bear arms, we’ll hear the gun owners say. You’ll also hear only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. Well guess what gunslinger, the bad guys are winning. And lets discuss those good guys with guns. Most are just waiting in anticipation for an excuse to use that gun on someone or something, given the opportunity they’ll take a life too. A gun is simply a killing device, it serves absolutely no other useful purpose. You can’t rake the leaves with it or scoop ice cream with it. You don’t walk the dog with it or play lullaby’s with it. You kill things with it. It’s as straight forward as that. So we should all be on board with the notion that no one with any kind of psychological issues or background red flags, should ever be able to touch a gun. If you are one of those who believes you’re a good guy with a gun, then actually stop the bad guys by getting behind laws preventing gun ownership. Because the only true way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is to never give that guy a gun in the first place. Let’s stop the senseless violence already.

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Blowing It Scenario #26-Immigration, A Failure Of Economics And Diplomacy.

Where Do You Stand On Immigration?

Their are always two sides to every coin and at least that many sides to every debate. Currently the senate is in that process this week. They will be debating on immigration. On the one hand our country was built on immigration. Most every country at some point was. However this day and age you have countries that are literally connected to each other, yet the economic difference in each country might be staggering. On top of that you have massive failures in diplomacy creating war zones around the world. Where the innocent just want to get to a country they can just safely raise a family. Granted their are always going be a few bad apples that won’t obey the rules in their new country but their numbers are minute. And their actions are only compounded when they are ostracized from their new societal home. It’s the mammalian brain, the fight or flight response, and they already flew.

Let’s face it when people are pushed to their limit in their country of origin. They are going to go looking for a new home, it’s just human nature. I think that is where the debate begins. It’s a human right to explore this wonderful globe of ours. Yet we construct these imaginary lines to keep out the boogy men and to protect what is “ours.” Since we’re no quite there. We have to look at all the options. I don’t think we should just cast people out. I also know there are situations where the economics just can’t support an influx of new comers. So their does have to be checks and balances. Maybe a system of longer visa’s to see if the person wanting to immigrate to said country can assimilate into that society and contribute. That would need to be proceeded by a very thorough screening process. Assess them at the end of the visa, say 2 years, and if they are a productive member of society, give them ten. Then after ten they can receive tenure.

Or we could just open all boarders. Make every immigration like a sports trade. For every two of yours, we’ll give you two of ours. Create a waiting list. We really just have to make the legal process available to all. I always thought it would be cool to move to Norway but I know their is a process to it. I can’t just fly their and get myself a job and partake in all their social programs. That’s just not how it works and that is fair. They have their own citizen to look after and care for. I don’t think it’s too hard to understand the idea of stopping illegal immigration and it’s also not too hard to understand people wanting to leave their country for a better life either. We just have to find a common ground and hopefully the senate can make that happen.

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Blowing It Scenario #25-Military Added 4000 Names To Gun Ownership Ban After An Attack.

It Was Only After One Of Their Own Forced Their Hand. When He Went On A Killing Spree In A Church In Texas.

In November of last year an ex U.S. Airmen went on a killing spree during a church service in Texas. We won’t say his name because quite frankly he doesn’t deserve to ever be part of the american consciousness. His memory and all like him, should be scrubbed from history. Every mass shooter should never have their name released in the news or their photo. They should be ghost. Worthless humans who tried to make a name for themselves in the worst way possible.

Somehow gun control has been the biggest hot button issue in the U.S. for thirty some odd years now. Yet we still can’t seem to get it right. Sure people should have the right to own guns. But their should be a very stringent psychological test, followed by an extremely through background check, followed by a mandatory gun school training program. We also need to monitor ammunition purchases like we do with fertilizer or cough medicines. It’s a red flag that should be accounted for. And here’s the kicker, every single gun serial number should be tied to that owner, so if your gun is involved in a crime. Then that gun owner should be held responsible for that crime. How’s that for responsible ownership? Guns would be locked up so tight they would never see the light of day. When the owner wanted to take it out. I guarantee he or she would keep a very close watch on that.

After the last mass shooting by one of their own. The military have finally removed over 4000 other names from the gun registry list. All names deemed unfit for gun ownership. Names that were never added to the system prior and could freely purchase guns to do whatever they please with. Men and women who were trained for combat but were too unstable or violent for the military, could have purchased guns. Because their paperwork was not filed by the military. Not to mention the person who shot people in the church in Texas. His name was on that list that was never filled. He should have never been able to purchase the gun he used.

All I’m saying it doesn’t end with just the military. I’m all for responsible gun ownership. Any responsible person would and should submit to stricter gun purchasing laws. Half of the people who go on mass shooting sprees have no criminal background. So what good is a background check then? We need more then just that. We need to weed out the psychologically unstable and the violent as well. We’re the only country in the world who has consistent displays of this kind of senseless violence. Let’s do more to prevent it. At least the military wised up and started to work towards future prevention.

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Blowing It Scenario #20-Military Parades

Nothing Says Peace And Love Like A Couple Of Nukes Driving Down Central Avenue.

I’m not one for militaristic displays of power. This, “mines bigger then yours” mentality. Why don’t we get our junk out and measure that while we’re at it. What is the real point? Is it to rally the country behind the spectacle? I do believe everyone in the country is already in full support of our troops and thankful for their sacrifices. Is it to display one person’s glory? That they can set out with this might and conquer the world. Or is it to get more recruits to the cause? I really don’t know the answer.

When I think of these parades it always brings up haunting memories of the old dictatorships. Hitler, Stalin, Lennon, those guys sure could put on a show. All were very good at displaying their power to the world through parades and propaganda. And then they went on to display that power in the form of war around the world. Most of us were fortunate enough to not have to witness the atrocities of that era. But as the last of those who had to suffer through that time, die off. The great forgetting begins, no one that was around then, has the platform any more and if we don’t know our history, we could be doomed to repeat it.

We already have attacks on free speech in the form of what powerful people call fake news. If it’s not agreeable it’s fake, right? However, in our current news environment, how are we suppose to get real news? When all of our news outlets are owned by about 5 major networks. News is only referred to as propaganda when it’s owned by 1 government body. Yet we’re strikingly close to that. We could be told anything and believe it. Heck, I’m writing this article because the news told me that our president might bring back military parades. It could be a 100% news fabrication for all I know. The way we receive news can only get more obstructed in the future. Since an un-elected government body struck down Net Neutrality. Opening the way for about 4 major companies to control what your able to view on the web. It seems like the FCC thinks it’s the Supreme Court. Just a handful of people making laws and rules that effect every area of our lives. Never with any ulterior motives. The FCC chairmen, didn’t recently work for a major company that stands to gain the most from his actions in government. No conflict of interest there, that I can see. Now if you haven’t noticed these last few remarks are sarcastic in tone, and I digress.

Parades are wonderful when done right. You bring the family out with lawn chairs and blankets to sit on the side walk. While well designed floats carrying beauty queens and grand marshal’s, line the streets. Others don fun festive costumes. Candy and trinkets are thrown to the audience, while marching bands march and dancers put on a exquisitely choreographed display in procession. Or parades where giant balloon floats are carried through the streets to celebrate giving thanks for all that we have. Why do we need anymore then this? These are the parades of my generations. The ones I love. The ones of peace, joy, and togetherness.

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Blowing It Scenario #19-Pollution, An Ecological Failure

A Study Just Came Out That Our Earth’s Ozone Layer Is Failing To Heal Itself.

I’m no scientist but I do believe we live in a time of great paradox. On one hand we have a system that can only sustain itself, on perpetual growth. That growth more often then not, aggressively challenges nature for new, ever expanding resources. While adding even more issues ecologically down the road when those resources inevitably need to be discarded. Ocean’s are acidifying, polar ice caps are melting, species are dying out, and now we know the ozone layer is failing to heal.

What are the answers? I honestly don’t know and I fear some of the alternatives. It seems like one system must give way to the other. We are a species that will attempt to insure our survival at all cost, sometimes at the peril of other species. As those species die off though, we must work to get more inventive. Or the better solution would be to put forth efforts to save the planet and it’s species. Which may come at the expense of growth. The concern is how does that look? Is it dystopian by nature with population controls and water wars? Or can we engineer inventive ways to create world changing products, that rob nothing from the environment and possibly even give back to it in the process. None of which do I believe will happen in the immediate future. But I’m hopeful for the latter.

We can now grow far more plants per square foot indoors and through hydroponics then we could on the same acreage of land outdoors. I do have some concern in that process. That growing soil-less food it’s lacking the abundance of nutrients nature provides through the soil. Never the less it’s a step in the right direction to feed an ever growing population, that uses far less water and has zero need for pesticides use. However the best possible solution I could think of, would be if everyone maintained there own garden. However in that scenario, the food industry would have to give way. And the people would have to step up and do the work. Would the industry be willing to part with such profits? Would the people maintain their crop or would they allow there mini farms to fall into disarray?

Scientist now work towards lab grown meats by using stem cells from cows. Which are then allowed to grow and multiply on a nutrient rich solution. Something some may think is gross but it’s a similar process in nature. Probably the best answer would be to eliminate meats from diets all together but I don’t think many will sign on to that proposal. We’re starting to work towards alternative energy with solar panels, wind turbines, hydro electricity. None of which are completely above taxing the environment in some form or another but it is far better then burning fossil fuels. I do believe we’re working in the right direction but we have a very long ways to go. I do hope we finally crack the code in this process and create a system of harmony because the alternative could be far worse.

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Blowing It Scenario #17-Amtrak Blew It Again With Yet Another Crash

How Are Trains Getting Into So Many Accidents?

I love a good train ride, hundreds of thousands of pounds of steel gently coasting along two 4 inch rails. Inertia carrying the momentum of its weight to the point it takes miles to begin a stop. These things are quite literally guided on tracks to your next destination. I honest can’t understand the continual failure behind these modern marvels.

There is a phenomenal book by Matthew Syed called Black Box Thinking. Where he discusses the line of thinking in the airline industry. That has lead to a drastic reduction in air disasters over the years. You rarely ever hear of a plane crash, let alone two in quick succession. It’s because in that industry, every incident or failure is painstakingly scrutinized in an effort to limit or altogether eliminate those air disasters in the future. Yet so few industries adopt this line of thinking, no one wants to except blame. But it is so necessary for becoming better in all areas of your field. Especially so when innocent lives are on the line. When you are a bureaucracy like Amtrak I imagine it’s not easy to pin point where these cracks that are causing the dam to break are.

Is Amtrak looking to put itself out of business? They are a bureaucratic government entity, which I believe I once read, has consistently loss money year over year. A good way to shut down a business would be to have multiple crashes with a few months of each other. Are they hiring inexperienced train conductors who are bound to fail at some point? That is definitely an area you don’t want to fail in, when others lives are on the line. You should have so much training in the beginning, that you get those learning curve failures out of the way before you ever have another passenger. I seems like they might be opening the door to a liquidation event. It would make sense to outsiders to now privatize and sell off the assets to the highest bidder and essentially giving the corporate buyer a near monopoly on cross country passenger trains.

How is it we live in a day and age where cars can nearly safely drive themselves with all the obstacles faced on the road at any given time of day. Planes can fly themselves. And yet we haven’t built an auto pilot for a train? All it would have to do, is simply guide itself along at the right speed. Heck, their guidance system is already firmly nailed into the earth.

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Blowing It Scenario #16-Flu Season, A Failure To Defend Ourselves Against The Virus.

Flu Season Has Been Busy This Year.

I have luckily enough been one of the fortunate ones this year and I haven’t been sick. But if you are one of the thousands who failed to avoid the illness, you know it’s been a rough season. However, silver lining, it has been a great year for the virus itself. I should mention I’m no doctor, so I’m also in no position to be shelling out advice. And I imagine if I was a doctor, I would probably have my hands full right now. But let’s discuss the flu and our many failures to defend against it.

First off the flu vaccine. I get the concept of microdosing to build up your body’s immune system to better defend itself against virus. But you are literally giving yourself a small dose of the flu. At least that’s how it’s been explained to me. On top of that their are many different strains of a virus. How are you to be certain your defending yourself against the correct flu bug? I’ve taken it once in my life and it was the one year I actually got very sick. It may work for a majority of the people that use it, but I choose to let my body build it’s defenses the natural way. If you stay healthy and clean you just might be giving yourself a fighting chance.

Second line of defense towards prevention is cleanliness. An area I think we vastly fail in. I want to talk about the common handshake for a minute. I know its a personal touch toward connecting with another person and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. But why can’t eye contact and a head nod work just the same? Listen folks, I’m a man, and let me tell you men are disgusting creatures. I can’t tell you how many countless times I’ve been in the men’s room and I’ll hear crickets from the faucets as the fading steps grow fainter and the door echoes the cringe worthy sound that another one of our revolting species just failed to wash their hands. Now I’m expected to go shake hands with this individual? Maybe women do it too but we need to be able to avoid the handshake with out coming across as a horrible person when we do.

Next, if your sick, stay home don’t be a hero. I know that is incredibly difficult to do and society doesn’t make it any easier. Employers don’t always have the most sympathy. If your child is sick, finding someone to watch them is difficult and so and on. What I’m talking about is the manageable tasks. The stuff you can get to another day. The post office visit, the dining out, maybe cutting out your cycle class or chest day at the gym. Another major cesspool of germs. I’m an advocate for getting in shape, but their isn’t a much better place then a gym, for those happy viruses to grow and get strong along with you. That nice warm and damp gym, where hundreds of people share the same equipment. That’s not the best breeding ground, if their ever was one.

It may sound like I’m being a bit of a germaphob at this point. I assure you it’s quite the opposite. Bacteria is everywhere there is no avoiding it. Bacteria cells in the human body, some say, actually outnumber our own cells. It’s simply part of us. So we should surround ourselves with the good natural bacteria nature provides. Only use antibiotics as a last resort. Because if you have enough good bacteria it will defend itself and you against the bad. Nature abhors a vacuum so when your body and immune system is deficient, something will come to fill its place. It’s prime ground for illness to take shape. I believe if we keep ourselves healthy by getting the proper bacteria into and around our bodies. Which you can get from eating organic fruits and vegetables along with drinking fermented beverages or eating fermented foods. Also, we can stay cognizant of others and keep our space, quarantine ourselves when sick. If we need to be out, lets at the very least cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze. Just try not to use your hands when you do, but if must, be sure to wash up frequently and keep them clean, you may just have to shake with those things later.

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Blowing It Scenario #15-Punxsutawney Phil Blew It With His 6 More Weeks Of Winter Prediction

It’s Goundhog Day.

If you are anything like me you are already over this winter. Cold and wet would be the best two terms to describe the weather where I’m from. We get wet most of the year but  the additional cold really makes for a dreary couple months. Now we have this over confident, overzealous groundhog over in some small town on the east coast named Punxsutawney, telling us we have 6 more weeks of this nonsense winter.  Well I for one am ready for spring. It couldn’t come any sooner. I even took a tropical vacation in December to break this drab winter. It certainly helped but now Phil is raining on my parade.

I do love Groundhog Day. What a wonderful tradition that now receives national attention. About a rodent that can predict the weather in a town I had never heard of before fun little holiday. It is also a day that has sparked the creation of one of the greatest movies of all time and also one of my all time favorites. Groundhog Day. A movie where Bill Murray plays the protagonist. A self righteous self absorbed character at the beginning of the film who is cursed to live the same day, February 2nd, Groundhog Day over and over. And through a never ending series of failures in which he continues to blow it each day. After he finally hits rock bottom, quite literally in the film. He begins to learn from his mistakes, he lets go of his selfish behaviors, and begins to take action towards making the lives of everyone around him better. Only when, he at last improves all the lives around him including his own. He finally wakes the next day, a better man with a happier fuller life.

This movie is not just a brilliant comedy, it is filled with life lessons. One of the most important lessons and my favorite is that you can often feel like you’re on this never ending carousel of the same awful day. Making the mistakes. Blowing it all the way to the next repeated failure. However that’s not how the story ends. We can take actions towards making our lives and those around us all that much better. It doesn’t happen over night, it may feel thankless at times. You may have to live through what might feel like like a never ending journey just to get to the next day. But it will come if we stay steadfast in our commitment to ourselves and others. We will see the light of a new much brighter day.

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Blowing It Scenario #6-Doctors And The U.S. Gymnastics Team Blew It

How Doctors Are Failing Us. Exposed Through The Lens Of The U.S. Gymnastics Team.

It recently came out that the women’s U.S. gymnastics team doctor has been molesting the team for years. Hundreds of poor innocent children, girls who couldn’t know any better. Girls who just wanted to become the best in the world at the sport, were fully taken advantage of, and it’s a failure of society at every level.

This is a failure of executive power, of those who are deemed to be in control, those who are in charge. We see it happen throughout upper management in businesses all over the globe. Pure selfish abuse of power. In this case specifically it was those at the U.S. Gymnastics Association. To turn a blind eye for years, to brush under the rug any inking of a pedophile on staff. Even one that has such a close intimate job, as a doctor would. Another position of power that can be easy abused.

This is a failure of a sick doctor who used his position of power to manipulate young women. It’s also a failure of us. To treat doctors with such trust and faith. To place them on a pedestal as if their word was gospel. We believe that they always have our best interest at heart. Yet when we don’t question their actions, things slip through the cracks. We have scandals like this. Opioid epidemics, where I’m sure these, “well intention-ed doctors” had their patients best interest in mind. When they were doling out those oxy pills like candy. They couldn’t have possibly wanted to make more money or have been influenced in anyway by drug makers. Another system we put far too much faith in. So we end up with endless illness, doctors that just treat the symptoms and not the underlying health issue. Doctors that blatantly abuse their position of power and at the worst end of the spectrum, wrongful deaths at the hand of doctors. That again get swept under by the powers that be. They can’t possibly risk a lawsuit. Plus doctors are infallible, or at least that’s what we’re lead to believe.

Lastly this is a failure of society as a whole. To just now open the conversation about these abuses of power. How does such a high profile doctor become the most prolific child molester without anyone being none the wiser? Why wasn’t he imprisoned after the first time a child came forward. Or was it our failure to provide a safe place? Did we create, or contribute to a system in which the abused were just too afraid to come forward for fear of persecution. The answer is yes. We are making progress, but we’re still a long ways away.

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