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Blowing It Scenario #60-California Cancer Labeling Laws Adding Coffee To The Possible Cancer Risk List.

California’s Law About Labeling Possible Cancer Risk Is Good In Theory.

It just seems a little bias at times. How are you going to label one of the most popular drinks in the world as a possible cancer risk, and not every single processed food items on the shelf of a grocery store? Chips, cancerous, Cereal, cancerous, cheeseburger and french fries, cancerous. Soda, yes that delicious lake of sugar, cancerous. Coffee is just one of thousands of potential risk. If you are going to go after such high profile items, do it for all items equally. Don’t pick and choose which product you want to bury.

I was recently told an anecdote by a colleague. He said California had to slap a cancer warning label on sand for sand boxes. Why? Because excessive exposure may cause skin cancer. Not sure how much truth is behind this but imagine that. Just playing out in the sun in a sandbox may cause skin cancer. So I guess we should also add slides and swing sets to the list as well.

Coffee has been the staple of life across all cultures for many centuries. It’s an artful craft and a well loved beverage. And though I don’t drink it myself, I believe their are far worst things you can put into your body. As a matter of fact coffee has amazing cancer healing benefits to it, if it’s used properly. If you are one of the unfortunate to get diagnosed with cancer. And choose a healthy all natural alternative in fighting the invasive cancerous cells, over the noxious poisoning of chemo and radiation. Then you may subscribe to “The Gerson Therapy” an amazing all natural approach to fighting cancers of all forms and many other potentially fatal disorders. The Therapy itself builds up your own bodies immunity through natural foods and juices so it can fight off cancer itself. It was discovered by Dr. Gerson that through certain vegetable and fruit juices the body could be purged of toxins through this juices. However the toxins tended to collect and get trapped in the liver. The bodies garbage disposal. He discovered that if you use fresh organic coffee, used in an anema, that certain elements found only in coffee, can actually open the bile ducts of the liver and release those toxins. Completely flushing them from the body. This has proven more effective then current cancer treatments but it’s illegal for doctors to prescribe any other cancer treatment then chemo or radiation so you won’t hear these life saving alternatives from your highly paid doctors.

Knowing this information, maybe we should also stamp a cancer healing label on coffee as well. Just remember this coffee rule, through the mouth, potentially cancerous, and through the anus potentially cancer healing. So drink up, just be sure to do it through the butt.

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Blowing It Scenario #57-Shorting Stocks.

Betting against growth.

Tesla’s stock recently plunged because of an accident with one of it’s vehicles. Making those that shorted Tesla’s stock $1.8 billion over night. The action of shorting a stock isn’t necessarily blowing it in my eyes. It’s part of the market and it makes people a lot of money. Just go back to the housing market crash in 2007 and 2008. There you will see the people who were shorting stocks, were the only people making money. I do think it’s a failure to allow shorting in the first place. You are literally making a regressive bet of failure. You want to see that company crumble. And while it does, you reap the rewards. It’s a side bet against progress.

Tesla is making innovative leaps and bounds towards what one would hope will be a better future. They have improved electric car capabilities, they are working towards complete autonomous cars and semi trucks. It remains to be seen if self driving cars will be a massive failure of economy, when it displaces a majority of the work force. But we’re not quite there yet. Either way you swing it, it’s progress. Why bet against it unless you are rooting for it to fail? And in the case that you are doing exactly that, well you may just find pessimism might be a close ally to you as well.

The other area of concern is the fact that on very rare occasions people are dying at the hands of this new technology. An absolute tragedy with each event that occurs. And in an ideal world, progress would be made with no loss of life. However we don’t live in an ideal work. The early tragedies will give way to massive breakthroughs and prevention of accidents to many more in the future. When the first airplanes took off crashes were a common occurrences. Loss of life was tremendous but as the years progressed and technology improved that loss became minuscule. And now it’s rare to ever hear of anyone dying in a plane crash. This is the promising future we may get to enjoy when invention is improved upon. With each iteration the process gains depth of knowledge and all of a sudden one day we just magically live in a world with no automobile crashes. There may be some hiccups along the way. That is to be expected it’s sometimes the price of growth. But betting against future progress is a bet of failure.

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Blowing It Scenario #51-The Fraud And Failure Of Theranos.

How Is A Company That Has Never Produced a Viable Product, Or Ever Turned a  Profit Worth 9 Billion?

I often wonder how companies are valued at all. It seems this fraud is an often occurrence in the financial markets and with so called unicorns. How can a company go from nothing to billions in valuation. It’s all speculative and with the assistance of media hype you can really add fuel to the fire. Creating a raging dumpster fire. One that will soon flame out with all the investors money. Who like moths to the flame join in when it’s burning brightest.

I wonder can I just tell everyone is worth $40 billion? I Currently own 100% of the shares but would be willing to sell. However that is it’s current valuation. Why, because I say so. Is that how it’s done? Honestly I’m asking because I don’t know. It seems that way to me. Powers that be just roll the dice and bam, snap is a billion dollar company, twitter is a billion dollar company, Theranos, yik yak, jawbone, beepi all valued at hundreds of millions, because someone said so. Many of which have since failed, once the general public wises up to the lies they have been told to believe.

In the instance of Theronos, they not only defrauded their investors, they defrauded their users as well. Which is a much more dangerous prospect. The fact that you are a blood testing company who’s product didn’t even work. Now you have a fraud that not only risks people’s money you risk their health as well. What kind of punishment does one get for such extremes. Not really much of a punishment at all. So the cycle of fraud will continue to live on because their really is zero punishment for it. Heck it often seems like the more you steal, the better off you’ll be. Just a slap on the wrist, and a small fine. I guess the lesson here is, be an embodiment of your word. and make that word honest and forthright, it’s the honorable move. But if you are going to be a fraudulent entity get yourself the highest valuation you possibly can. What’s the worst that can happen? Did I forget to mention is now worth 100 billion dollars?

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Blowing It Scenario #45-Supreme Court Ruling Of Citizen United Is Basically Equal to Russian Meddling In Our Elections

President Said He Would Crack Down On Russian Meddling In U.S. Elections He Should Start With Over Turning Citizens United.

I love this constant talk about Russian Meddling in our elections. I think it’s absolutely hilarious how the media paints a picture of some other country messed up our elections process and now is at fault for our unhappiness in the new state of affairs. It’s a completely ridiculous argument to incite vitriol, anger, and anti-Russian sentiment. It’s our own ignorance that skips over the fact that the worst perpetrators of election meddling is our very own “domestic” companies. I say domestic but that is a term used loosely.

You can be an international company with a corporation based in the United States Of America and that company would be considered a an American citizen. And that “American Citizen” company, would then be allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money to elect the official that will best support their corporate agenda. Take this for a hypothetical example. Anheuser-Busch the makers of Budweiser are considered an American corporation. However they are fully owner under the Anheuser Inbev umbrella. A multi nation conglomerate who is based in Brazil and Belguim. Now if Budweiser had a candidate they thought would best set rules and laws that would help their business. They could then pour billions of dollars into trying to get their candidate elected. How is this not meddling from foreign interest? I’m not saying Anheuser Busch InBev did any of this. It’s just an example I use to demonstrate our very own Supreme court set the stage for anyone in the world to influence our elections. They don’t have to be a U.S. citizen (human citizen) they just have to maintain a corporation within the U.S. And they will be able to completely influence every election held. And our own countries elected officials gave them that right.

Maybe Russia has had their hand in our elections and then again maybe it’s just all fabricated. Just a seed planted in our minds to grow into us to actually wanting to fight with or go to war with Russia.  I hope that’s not the case. My question is what does Russia really have to gain? Did they receive any benefits what so ever from this election? Who knows maybe they are trying to create their own currency and cut out international banking. That will usually earn the ire of those in charge to push for war. Regardless of where you stand on Russia we have to get our own affairs in order first before we go blaming other countries and that begins with over turning the failed and flawed ruling of Citizen United.

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Blowing It Scenario #44-United Airlines Replacing It’s Performance Based Bonus With A Lottery

Now You Can Work Your Butt Off And Hope To Get Lucky.

This is so indicative of our economy and state of employment. Performance pay based on luck. United is essentially saying we don’t want to pay you for working hard, but we’re going to incentivize you with the idea that if you do work hard we just might pay you. It’s the same concept as an internship. Work hard for free so the employer can benefit from your hard work at zero cost. And just maybe at the end of it we’ll give you a job.

It’s a genius racket and one we all buy into, yes it does work out in the end for a select few. But many more will fail or worse yet greatly benefit the company it “works” for and receive no compensation at all ever. Maybe I’m just crazy to think our time is valuable and if we’re putting in time for another we should compensated for that time. We only have so much of it on this earth why would we want to waste it advancing some companies agenda while never receiving anything in return. It would be a beautiful system if we were all altruistic and groceries were free, housing was free, labor was free, gas was free and health care was free and we all just worked supporting one another at no cost. But that isn’t how our society is setup. We work to get paid so we can pay for housing, groceries, health care, gas and in some cases labor working for us.

We as patrons of United should all be able to fly for free right? We’ll just setup a lottery that will insure the airlines might get paid for travel cost. See how that works when the shoe is on the other foot? It simply doesn’t. Now if the fact is that their is just no money to pay bonuses that is a different story. However if we examine the executives pay and it’s 50 times the average earnings of the employees then their is money in the budget. It may be a crazy concept but I think we should pay the people that help our companies most, the workers.

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Blowing It Scenario #42-Teacher Barricades Himself In Classroom And Fires Gun.

After All The Talk About Arming Teachers In the Wake Of The Florida School Shooting One Teacher Took It On Himself To Begin The Process Early.

Now this is a terrible action and luckily no one was injured except the teachers reputation. From the sounds of it the teacher was a bit unstable in spite of the fact he was well liked by the students. This was a solo act by one unstable teacher but with his extreme actions he may have ended the debate about arming teachers. I know the president called for arming well qualified highly trained with military background teachers. But shootings can happen any where from elementary school to high school to churches to concert.

There is no way to predict what event these cowards will target next. arming teachers is like putting a bandaid on a shark bite. Real genius move, how do you imagine it will play out when a shooter firing at hundreds of students running for their lives only to dodge return fire coming from these trained teachers. This isn’t the military and no one will ever except friendly fire as an excuse for death in a school shooting victim. On top of that at what point do we stop stacking these worthless bandaids, once the teachers don’t work out do you add more “qualified” weapons specialist just in case their needs to be another line of defense when the teachers fail to engage their targets?

I challenge you to find a military trained elementary school teacher. They usually don’t exist, its predominately, nurturing, caring adults, that want to care for and protect the youth without violence. As a matter of fact, that is most teachers in general. This teacher was a social studies teacher and if you have ever taken a social studies class you know they tend to be highly politically driven. If this teacher was at all like any other normal human being with even a fraction of empathy. His heart probably broke for what happened in Florida. Along with all our hearts. Maybe he was making a point, then again maybe he just lost his mind and he owned a gun. Let that latter part sink in. Even when you are off your rocker insane, you usually still have access to a gun. No specially trained teacher is going to get to a shooting before he or she can prevent deaths. On top of that most of these shooters go into these situations with the full intent to end their lives, after they inflict as much destruction as possible. What good is it in the mind of a potential shooter, of having the full knowledge that their might be a threat of military style teachers defending their schools with guns? What good would that be when the shooter themselves have absolutely nothing to lose? Either way this teacher just proved that it’s a terrible idea adding more guns to a gun problem. Especially in the school environment.

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Blowing It Scenario #40-Crony Capitalism On Full Display In Georgia.

Georgia Governor And Other Georgia Republicans Vow To Cut Tax Breaks To Delta Airlines If They Don’t Reinstate NRA Benefits.

We hear about crony capitalism all the time but we rarely get to watch it on full display in the public eye. The Georgia Governor have vowed to pull tax breaks to delta airlines which is based in Atlanta. If they don’t reinstate NRA flight benefits. Let’s take a wild guess who has funded his election? I can only speculate but it would be amazing to me if the NRA wasn’t involved in some form or NRA linked companies.

This is the problem with the Citizen United, Supreme Court ruling. Corporation are not people and yet we classified them as such and now they are allowed unlimited spending on campaigns which inevitably leads to corrupt politicians who look to only benefit their own supporters. Talk about picking winners and losers. The Georgia Governor is literally doing just that. That is not the free market at all. This is precisely why corporate money needs to be removed from elections. We’re a government that is supposed to be for the people, by the people. Corporations are not the people. Granted maybe most of his constituents are gun toting NRA supporters and member. Even if that is true, regardless of that fact he still trying to dictate the market. Government dictating and controlling business is a dictatorship and when a corporations dictate government it’s called crony capitalism. Neither of which are desired by the people. Yet, it’s what politics has become.

Politicians think and act in a way that says, “I’ll support what’s supporting me,” and that task usually goes to the highest bidder. Not your regular old every day citizen. It’s that billion dollar corporation with unlimited funds, that has it’s own agenda, nonadjacent to the people but with the same rights as the people. That’s who’s going to get the attention of the politician. Weird how that all works. I’m sure it was probably an act of crony capitalism that brought Delta to Atlanta in the first place. And Now it’s the same crony capitalism that may dictate their business model in the future. All because another corporate backed entity says so. We as citizens need to find a way to get the power back and the first step would be to over turn Citizens United. Because the over abundance of money in politics has been flowing to both political parties, and the more it does, the divide continues to grow larger. And with that great divide the more it seems neither party tends to have the public’s best interest in mind most of the time. Hopefully we can begin to change that, because whatever this is, it’s definitely not for the people by the people.

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Blowing It Scenario #38-Vaping.

Vaping may be more toxic then just good old fashioned smoking.

A study was recently released that vaping or e-cigarettes contained high levels of of toxic metals. Such as cadmium, chromium, lead magnesium, nickel and in some cases arsenic. Often times when knew technology comes out we sometimes think it must be safer then the alternative. I know a few friends who have kicked their smoking habit through vaping. They progressively diminished the amount of nicotine in their e-cigarettes till it was down to nothing. But the habit of the smoking action never completely left them they still continue to vape maybe with just a slightly less toxic vapor.

So it begs the question is it even a safer alternative. After further test it has been revealed that these toxic metals are coming form the devices themselves. The cheaply made heating coils within the vaporizer are leaching toxic metals into the vapor and these metal could lead to a whole slew of health issues down the road.

Hopefully they will soon create a better heating element because I for one am in support of others using e-cigarettes as an alternative. They can be used nearly anywhere, no nasty lingering smoke smell. No actual smoke that you force others to breathe in second hand. It a much more polite habit, if you were to have one. You don’t force everyone around you to partake in your vice.

Until then most smokers will be risking health issues that come with the injestion of toxic metals in aerosol form. Be that cancer, brain damage, or any other health ailment. I’m pretty sure most people that vape know that they are risking their health in some form or another. Even if you were inhaling just concentrated water vapor it’s still would not be a good pure product for you to fill your lungs with. Now add a bunch of chemicals and toxic metals and you have the making of a long term study on the effects on human health. And if your an early adopter of the tech, then you get to enjoy the status of a guinea pig.

As long as you have all the facts before hand and you can make an educated decision if you want to participate in this trail run, at the potential expense of your health, then by all means, it’s your body, vape away. However if you didn’t already know you may just want to give it a second thought.

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Blowing It Scenario #34-By Blaming School Shooting Survivors Of An FBI Conspiracy.

You Are Blowing It, If You’re Blaming School Shooting Survivors Of An FBI Conspiracy.

These kids have been through enough and it’s about time victims are finally standing up to the status quo. Far too long has the call for change fallen on deaf ears. But the victims of these crimes have taken this atrocity and have become activist in order to facilitate these necessary changes. Now that these kids, who had to endure one of the most horrific acts one can witness in any given lifetime. Now that their stepping up and doing something about it. A right wing group has decided to move forward with claims of a FBI conspiracy. One that has placed one of the child survivors directly in the eye of the public to promote an anti gun, anti trump agenda. Why do they claim this? Well it’s because the kid is articulate and has a father who is retired from the FBI.

Let’s pause a moment to realize how absolutely ridiculous that sounds. First off if you are part of a hate group or a group that thinks kids who were shot at and want change to gun laws, so no kid ever has to go what they went through. If you think they are coached by the FBI. Then you are dumber then a high school student and naturally this amazing articulation coming from the mouth of a teenager would lead you to believe he is in some way  a hyper intelligent, FBI coached wunderkin. This child scholar who displays the most common intelligence, couldn’t possibly be a regular student. He must have certainly been coached since birth for the day he would be placed at a school shooting. That will be the day the FBI release his super intelligence to the world. Even with his dad being a retired FBI employee. Most are glorified accountants or computer savvy men and women.

Lastly allow us to ponder what if. What if this kid an FBI pawn? What if one kid is placed in the public eye to facilitate a change to reduce murders, gun deaths, and suicides. What if one kid is placed in the public eye to push that agenda. What if? I challenge you to find anything wrong with that. Mind you we’re talking about kids. Let me emphasis that again, kids. Kids are being murdered and kids want change. Why? Because their are being shot at in places where they should feel safe. We should all want these kids to succeed on the progress they’re making. Yet many adults are either too stupid, too stubborn or too lazy to effect positive change to prevent these kinds of things from happening. Come on people, it doesn’t take a teenage scholar to figure that one out.

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Blowing It Scenario #31-Pet Food Companies Supplier Blows It By Contaminating Canned Dog Food With Deadly Drug

Pentobarbital, A Sedative That Is Also Used To Euthanize Animals, Was Found In Canned Dog Food, Forcing A Recall.

Sometimes you can’t even trust the food you feed your pet. And if you’re the manufacturer of pet food, sometime you can’t even trust your suppliers. A number of canned dog food brands were recalled this week went it was found the contained the deadly sedative. The food and drug administration has since lead an evaluation and determined it was at very low levels unlikely to harm your pets.

However what if this happened to baby food or your canned soups. We put far too much trust in our over chemicalized food industry. Everything we eat is over processed and under nourishing. A study also came out this week that processed foods have the greatest link to the causing of cancers within our own bodies. The food we eat is literally killing us slowly. They don’t even need to give us the deadly sedative dog food treatment. The poison is already in the foods and approved by the FDA. And we willingly purchase it and enjoy it because lets be honest those food chemist really know how to activate our taste buds and ignite our desire to crave more of what’s bad for us. Unless your a monk living in a monastery isolated from all worldly pleasures. Then you too have partook in the many joyous flavors and sensations over processed and over preserved food has bestowed upon our stores shelves.

It’s incredibly hard to resist even fully knowing that the foods we eat can give us cancer, heart disease and every other health ailment you can list. Our health care bills continue to grow. Yet we keep chugging along on the same path to destruction. It’s only when poison is found in pet food that we receive a blip on the radar that says, “hey, maybe all this mass produced food isn’t all that good for us after all.” However, it’s a fleeting notion, one that will usually pass with the next big bag of fried chips or the frozen t.v. dinner.

At least their is hope, we know from failure there often comes success. The company responsible for the dog food mishap has since isolated it to one supplier and I’m sure have since installed new safety measures to prevent anything like this happening in the future. As for the people who want to get there health in line maybe they will begin to start avoiding the hazards of processed foods and maybe even begin to implement a healthy eating regiment filled with all natural foods. They will most likely stubble and fail along the way but just always remember the alternative. The over processed chemical filled foods you think nourishes you now, could very well be the source that’s poisoning you. Isolate it and remove it.

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