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Selling A Plane That Crashes #186.

Plane In Flight

A Second Boeing 737-Max 8 Plane Has Crashed, Killing All On Board. It Seems Highly Likely It’s The Same Scenario As The First Crash.

Yet, the brand new Boeing 737-Max 8 has two to it’s name in so many months. And from the sound of it it might be the exact same problem that took the first plane down, happened to the second. It’s a bit scary when it’s not strictly operator error we have to worry about. The human element of aviation has been quite efficiently tuned to correct mistakes. But what happens when it’s a mechanical malfunction on a brand new plane that effectively forces the plane into a crash? Human correction might not have the tools to counter the effects of a doomed machine.

Flying Plane
Plane In Flight

What Should They Do With This Plane?

If I’m Boeing I would pull ever single one of the new jets out of service, have my very best engineers work out the problems, correct every single jet, change the name of the new corrected jet. For me if I see 737-max 8 painted on the side of a jet I’m flying on, I’m reluctant to board that flight.

Boeing Created This New Efficient, Albeit Problematic Plane.

This is a Boeing problem and that is highly concerning because they haven’t much competition when it comes to manufacturing aircrafts. The purchaser of the planes can’t simply go elsewhere for a better model. They have to hope and trust that the plane they bought. The one that left the factory brand new, that new plane is going to be in good working order when they start flying passengers all over the world. And if it isn’t, it should never leave the factory. If it’s not in perfect working condition, don’t ship. Many more test need to be done, this plane is not air ready. All planes should be grounded until further repair. However Boeing wouldn’t be a 100 plus year company if it didn’t correct it’s failures. This failure will most likely make aviation even safer in the end.

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NFL Referees Continuing To Decide Major Games #178.

Referees blown call

At What Point Do We Allow Technology Take Over For These Highly Flawed Referees?

Over the weekend the Saints lost to the Los Angeles Rams. But the saints should have won that game. But a blown call by the referees gave the Rams an opportunity to go on to the Superbowl. With under two minutes left in the game. With the saints in scoring position near the 10-yard line. Quarterback Drew Brees threw a pass to his young receiver. And while the ball was still in the air. The Rams defender hit the saints receiver helmet-to-helmet before the ball even got to its Target. A blatant pass interference call that was missed as well as a blatant helmet-to-helmet call that was also missed.

Essentially, had it been called, would have put the saints on the 1-yard line. With a first down giving them the ability to kneel out the clock and kick the game-winning field goal. However, it went uncalled. And the saints had to kick a field goal with nearly two minutes remaining on the clock. Plenty of time for the Rams to drive it down the field. And score a game-tying field goal to send it to overtime. Then in overtime again kicking a field goal to win the game. Now saints fans are filing lawsuits in order to get the game replayed. As well as fans signing petitions for the same thing.

Referees Choosing The Winners And Losers Of The Games.


How many times do we have to complain about referees fixing games before we fix the problem of the referees? It makes me want to boycott the sport, boycott the super bowl. They’re ruining the game playing favorites. Yet year after year big time games are decided by lousy calls. We have the technology. Heck even just the average Joe watching the game from his couch. could make better judgement calls. Then most refs who are hired and paid. Sadly it continues to happen and it ruins the sport.

Hopefully the NFL, NBA, MLB, all major league sports. Will start to implement more technologically sound ways to catch obvious calls as well. As obvious plays that shouldn’t be called as fouls. As a fan of sports. It is all so very frustrating to watch games decided by refs and not by the teams playing the sport. Change is due and I feel its in the air.

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Don’t Wear Headphones While Charging Phone #167.

It Seems Like Common Sense To Not Wear Headphones While Charging. But Even I Was Unaware You Could Get Electrocuted And Die From An Electrical Surge.

Headphones While Charing
Photo by on Unsplash

With some chargers being so cheaply made in order to keep them as inexpensive possible. In this glut and over abundance we are bound to run into some occasions of faulty wiring. Faulty wires, which can burn up phone batteries. And apparently if you’re not careful the surge can blow right through your phone. Up through your headphones and electrocute you to death.

This very phenomenon recently happened to a 16 year old boy in Malaysia. But this is not the only occasion of this happening. All around the world there are reports of people who have died from having there headphones in there ears while charging their phone. It’s usually due to a faulty off market cell phone charger that allows a surge of electricity to come streaming through the phone.

What Are Some Better Options.

So lets err on the side of caution and never wear our headphones while charging our phone. And if we feel we absolutely have to wear headphones choose Bluetooth headphones instead. Or simply play music through the phones speaker. And lastly try not to buy off market cheap chargers. Not only can they burn up your phone they can potentially kill you if you’re not careful.

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Blowing It Scenario #88-Using Atrocities As A Catalyst For Anger.

Don’t Let What Happens To Another Negatively Effect The Way You Treat Individuals.

All to often we’ll hear in the news about something negative that recently happened. Excessive police force, mass shootings, racial violence, racial profiling. These are all terrible actions and should be abolished from the general psyche but they do happen. And we’ll take these actions of a few, place them into a whole encompassing category, we’ll gather every one who’s ever been part of the system and we’ll lump them into one sum meaning. That the whole system is corrupt. Than we’ll create these group hate attacks on that system.

Only small sects of society does this but it’s highly toxic and nobody wins. Police brutality, hate the police, mass shootings, hate gun supporters, racial violence, hate the race the contributed to it, racial profiling hate the businesses and the people that perpetrated the incident. But in some cases the distinguished among us allow us an opportunity to learn from others actions and not only grow from them. They help to better society while they are at it.

This is exactly what happened when two black men were arrested in a Starbucks coffee shop just for being in there. They broke no laws and were minding their own business yet they were arrested and it was national news. Many would usually protest or call for a boycott. However, did these two gentlemen make a big scene and tell the world how unjust it is? Nope, wanted other to learn from the incident so they simply settled with the state for one whole dollar each and ask $200,000 to be donated to help high school students to develop entrepreneurial skills. And what did Starbucks do, they shut down all locations for a day to train their staff on compassionate interaction with individuals.

So many more benefited from this peaceful demonstration, then the usual go to of anger resentment and frustration of the disenfranchised. We need to encourage more actions like the ones these two gentleman displayed and have society operate with an eye for improvement especially when it seem all hope has faded.

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Blowing It Scenario #76-2 Young Women Caught Smuggling 200 Pounds Of Cocaine To Australia.

Getting Caught Smuggling 200 Pounds Of Cocaine Is a 200 Pound Failure.

Actually it will add up to a lifetime failure. Two beautiful young girls who had their whole lives in front of them. Will now spend nearly a decade behind bars, because of their actions. They had just found a love for travel too. As they were traversing the globe seeing all the beautiful places the world had to offer. They got involved with the wrong people in the wrong business.

They picked up a sugar daddy. A wealthy man to pay for their way of life. Often times putting out sexually for this exchange. Almost like a high end prostitute. I reserve judgement on that. Money should be spent however you want to spend it and women should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies that they see fit. With their new sugar daddy they got into the drug smuggling game. Which was probably their biggest failure, their decision to get involved in drug smuggling in the first place. That and excepting a sugar daddy. What a dumb way to go out, and who gives two young women 200 pounds of cocaine? It’s almost like they were planning to fail. I’m sure no suspicions would arise when two petite women who can barely carry their luggage are asked to open their suitcases to reveal barely any clothes and a few bricks of cocaine adorning their bags. At least practice some moderation.

However it is probably a good thing these girls got caught the way they did and only got the limited sentence they received because if they didn’t learn this lesson now. They could have fell prey to far worse individuals down the road.

Seriously though just enjoy your vacation, stay out of prison so you can continue to enjoy many more vacations. If you feel the need to smuggle something in order to make huge profits, than learn e-commerce. Than you can ship and sell legal goods all around the world. It may take a little longer to earn those huge profits but I assure you it won’t take half as long as your prison sentence.

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Blowing It Scenario #75-Tax Day.

It’s the Final Day To Submit Your Taxes.

For some this may be a joyous occasion your hired the right accountant and they have sifted through all your expenses and found you a nice little return at the end of the year. For many others this time of year is a burden to big to bare. No write offs, no deductions, health care penalties. Some may find themselves owing money. When every last cent already went to paying bills and buying groceries for sustenance just to keep themselves alive. And maybe turning the lights and heat on from time to time. So they will be the hardest hit usually they will be put on a payment plan just enough to keep them in their perpetual poverty.

Where does all this money go anyway? There are so very few social programs any more. Roadways are deteriorating, we still don’t have universal healthcare. All we have is a penalty if we don’t buy it ourselves. A failed system for sure. Teachers aren’t being paid. Programs left and right are being slashed and yet the tax bill keep chugging along. Well a lot of the money goes to debt and when you have never ending balloon of debt. You constantly need to feed that beast on the backs of hardworking citizen.

We have government employees who consistently misappropriate funds. The man in charge of affordable housing spends thousands over budget on office furniture. Who pays for that? The tax payer does. The man in charge of protecting our environment spent $43,000 on a sound proof phone booth. Which raises questions why does he need a booth like that in his own office? Again who foots the bill? The tax payer does. He was also given an apartment at a highly reduced rate by a company he is supposed to regulate. More conflicts of interest. Treasury secretary honeymoons in Europe which he called a business trip, using government funding. There’s your tax dollars hard at work. So while so many live large and lavishly in government with the public’s tax dollars. Many citizen this year will languish in the fact that not only were taxes taken from their paycheck every week, they will have to pay even more money at tax season just to continue to fuel this reckless spending.

Regardless of these facts be sure to pay your taxes because if you don’t the government can confiscate everything you own, but you don’t have to be happy about it. And find yourself a good accountant it will probably be a small cost to save yourself thousands.

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Blowing It Scenario #71-Blow Drying Your Hands In Public Bathrooms.

Blowing It By Blow Drying Hands.

Oh what joy, imagine you just relieved yourself of a full bladder that you had been holding in all day, what sweet relief. And now you kindly do the right thing by washing your hands thoroughly before departing the restroom and returning to regularly scheduled activities. Warm water caresses your hands, as your gingerly rub anti bacterial soap through all the nooks and crannies from finger tips to wrist, nothing escapes your purview. As you depart this joyous bath your hands and fingers are receiving, you’re left with a choice.

Do you dry your wet dripping hands in the hand dryer? Or do just shake the water droplets loose and wick of the remaining moisture on your pant leg? Well if you chose option one, your in for a treat. A treat where you’ll receive many potentially unwanted gifts in the process. As you place your hands under the powerful hot air, unbeknownst to you, and invisible to the naked eye. But as that hot air blast the water free from your hands, that very same hot air is now showering in a cornucopia of fecal matter and since it’s a public restroom you could probably be certain 99.9% of this lovely shower is foreign poo particles, all dancing there way over your entire body.

This is what a recent study has found conducted at the University of Connecticut, they placed bacteria collecting plates throughout 36 different restroom facilities on campus, fired up the blow dryers and let the good times roll. With hand dryers on, the plates collected 18 to 60 bacterial colonies, by contrast when blow dryers were off, the plates in regular bathroom air only collected one colony total. I don’t know about you but that is sufficient enough evidence to drop the use of air dryers all together and deal with the repercussion of having some damp pant legs for a few minutes. Who really know how clean pants are either though. Maybe just opt for paper towels and if their are none maybe just naturally let the regular old air dry those sopping wet hands of yours. Certainly this method will happen sometimes painfully slow but it beats the heck out of the body blasting poop shower alternative that you could be receiving.

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Blowing It Scenario #70-Fear Mongering.

Main Stream News Not Only Sensationalizes The News It Reports, It Creates A Sense Of Fear.

Every single article I came across this morning in the news had an ostentatious sense of fear surrounding it. Let me walk you through a few world ending head lines. West planning on bombing Syria. Fox news reporting the world may end April 23 when planet X passes by. Another article ask the question what if earth climate controlling conveyor belt came to a halt. The list goes on and on. Really almost all news could fall under blowing it. It’s hard to even read the news without getting some form of depressing thoughts bubbling up to the surface, or outright fear.

So often we’ll fall prey to this trap, we’ll develop anger and resentment and we’ll want the powers that be to do something about our new found anger the news has in sighted. Or more often then not, we’ll sit with our misery, only to take it out one the first unsuspecting friend or family member that is willing to engage in the topics. Usually these are topics most of us have very little or absolutely no control over what so ever. What are you going to do about stopping bombs in Syria or halting that fictitious planet from reaching earth? I’ll tell you this much anger isn’t going to help.

Honestly if you don’t read the news to use it for current events, I would recommend steer clear of it all together. We must stand guard at the gateway of our minds and one the best possible way to do that is to is to avoid such negativity, especially early in the morning. Often it can set the tone for the entire day. Avoid it like the plague. I’ve gone through multiple stints where I completely cut out news and I was all the more happier for it. However if you must read the news, I recommend an RSS feed news app that filters out only the news you want to read. Then only put positive filters on that app. Encouraging articles, improvement articles, helpful articles. That way the news you receive will be that of benefit and not purely of misery.

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Blowing It Scenario #68-Comedian Double Standards Expressed In Simpson’s Response To Apu Controversy.

The Problem With “The Problem With Apu”

The Simpsons recently released a clip responding to the controversy surrounding one of their main characters Apu. An Indian store clerk who is voiced by an white american voice over specialist and actor Hank Azaria. Hari Kondabolu a comedian of Indian decent, wrote and starred in a documentary film called “The Problem With Apu.” Noting the problem with this characters representation of Indian culture to the public. I completely agree with Hari, it is an over the top generalization of an Indian character voice by a white man. Which by all accounts in our current cultural climate is racist.

I believe it has and always will be a fun non malicious character for the creators of Simpson. Never have they had ill intent pushing forward characters that may be seen in a poor light. What are the Simpson to do with Apu now after thirty years of representation without backlash? If anything the problem lies in the general society that use the Apu name as a derogatory term. Those are the true racist. And since Simpsons is such a huge cultural phenomenon it’s the lowest hanging fruit for the ignorant and misinformed.

On the other side of this problem with Apu. I’m quite surprised this documentary has been brought forth by a comedian. The one art form that habitually crosses lines and pushes the boundary of all political correctness to expose not only our own insecurities but often times how ridiculous those insecurities play a role throughout our lives. Thank goodness for those comedians that shine a light on some of our darkest demons and make us laugh while doing it. There is an Indian comedian that his whole act is literally making fun of nearly every single culture and people love it. They’ll laugh hysterically at his over generalized conceptions of their cultures. This is absolutely no different then what the Simpsons do. Something we should never censor. It’s the right to free speech. Just like it’s the Simpsons right to create characters that may every so often offend some and Hari’s right to make a documentary about those who have been offended.

We’ll all say and write stuff that will offend another, and this will happen through out life. There is no avoiding that. That just the nature of the beast, everyone is an individual who is entitled to their own feelings and emotions, try to stay respectful of others, don’t do things with malicious intent. And if your trying to be funny, make sure it’s funny. Once it’s stops being funny maybe it’s time to move on.

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Blowing It Scenario #67-Bill Cosby, 40 Plus Years Of Blowing It.

40 Plus Years An Alleged Rapist Has Walked Free.

All the while hiding behind the veil of good wholesome family man and comedian. Ridiculing and deriding other comedians that used dirty language in their act. This is the worst kind of predator. The most unassuming, and easy to trust. We were all sold the lie, and maybe that was his own carefully crafted image that made us buy into that facade. Making himself untouchable in the process and it’s those untouchables that get away with murder. Or in this case decades of sexual abuse, using drugs to rape victims. We didn’t want to believe it, how could the jello pudding pop guy, the guy who never utters a bad word, Doctor Huckstable himself, how could he be a sexual predator?

Today begins day 1 of his retrial, the fact that it has made it to retrial is somewhat baffling. However I do respect the court process and they are only trying one of the alleged victims case, so they have to completely disregard the numerous other women he attacked in years prior. And statute of limitations apply. All because he hasn’t raped anyone since his sixties. But did we only reach this statute because when original victims came forward their pleas for this sexual predator to be reprimanded fell on deaf ears? Were those in charge of the criminal process also so blinded to the fact it was thee Bill Cosby? I assume it’s very hard to charge a rape case. In most instances it’s one persons word against another and there needs to be evidence a criminal act occurred. However when there are multiple women coming forward with the same allegations it becomes time to act. Time to believe the victims, time to punish the accused.

In this type of situation I believe some flexibility in a statute of limitations should be allowed. If an accuser came forward many years ago and it’s on record but was completely dismissed or thrown out at the time because of the accused status. Than that should not be considered part of the statute, that should be considered poor investigating or poor judgement. Those allegations should now still be relevant, and admissible in court, and it shouldn’t matter how far back they go. Either way Bill Is 80 years old and has already gotten away with all this. We need this to be an example to future generations that it doesn’t matter the stature of the predator let’s go after them and fight them tooth and nail till the end. Till justice is served.

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