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Believing Time Travel To The Past Is Possible.

Time Travel Absolutely Can Not, Will Not, Has Not Ever Existed Or Will Ever Be Invented.

Sorry to have to be the one to destroy all science fiction movies, shows and books on the subject for over a millennia but this has to be addressed. And when you reach the end of this article, the rationale will leave you more inspired than anything time travel has to offer. This is not an argument for or against quantum theory or wormholes or anything scientific about the current understanding of time travel. We always think of time as a linear thing, of very pinpoint, direct causalities but it’s in fact infinitely exponential where everything affects everything else. And the simple truth of the matter is time only moves in one direction and always will. Which is the way natural laws protect us from ourselves.

In order to explain this best, I have to use an old example. In this thought experiment, we’ll theoretically go back in time from your existence. First, let’s get into an agreement. Would you agree with me that you have two parents a mother and a father? They don’t have to be good parents or in your life currently but did it not take two humans to create you? One male and one female? Yes? Ok good, we’ll start there. And for your parents, did they also need two individual parents to begin their lives, your grandparents? So your mom had two parents, and your dad had two parents. So four grandparents for you in total at this point. Now if we keep doing that every generation doubles the previous. 2 becomes 4. 4 becomes 8. 8 becomes 16. 32 then 64 then 128 and so on. And this pattern continues back through time. At that rate, it only takes 30 generations to reach 1 billion great (to the power of 30) grandparents. Let’s say the average age of having children is 25. So with that rough average, 30 times 25 is only 750. Theoretically, in this example by the time we reach 750 years ago you will have had 1 billion grandparents in that time.

On top of that, they say the odds of you even being born is 1 in 400 trillion. That means every single one of those billion great-grandparents had the same odds. That is simply astronomical to fathom. Babies, although they make it seem easy to have in movies are incredibly difficult to bring into the world. First, you need that second person, which, all meetings throughout life are about timing and chance. Miss the bus, late for coffee, stuck in traffic. Anything and everything, all of it has a ripple effect that over time grows into a tsunami of change for future events. With just a bump, or a smell, or a conversation, all of it can knock you off any given trajectory and you might miss out on that chance encounter that could lead to finding that partner. Or that delay could lead to meeting them in the first place. Even still the web of encounters we have on a daily basis are constantly changing our timelines and in turn we change the timelines of everyone we interact with around us as well. Just reading this article is changing yours now. And nothing is passive either, ideas change decision-making down the road as well. So back to birth, once you find that other person, again your timing is everything the “right” sperm has to reach the “right” egg at the perfect moment in time. Ovulation the small window of time a woman can get pregnant every month is at best only 5 days out of the month but usually only 2 to 3 days. Miss that window the child doesn’t exist and its on to the next month and a totally different child. Then out of the billions of sperm only one reaches the egg which dictates so many traits that child has for life. That means temperature, diet, moisture and again most importantly timing all play a role. Any difference in that sequence, you could have a boy instead of a girl, a child who is unhealthy as opposed to a healthy one. Everything contributes to everything else. The resources that we all need to grow, come from the universe around us. So we’re always borrowing and exchanging with plants, animals and other people alike. Right down to the molecules of water, oxygen, carbon etc. all are burrowed and that which is in use can’t be taken in by another. So in effect, we share what we need to survive.

But here’s where it starts to get really cool. Since everything is so interconnected, we are literally changing the world with every step we take. You don’t have to be a titan of industry, or a Bill Gates to change the world. Simply walking, or driving, or talking with a friend is doing it. Some things seem more profound and have a greater impact in your life, some that you can see it in real-time for instance. Like if your significant other breaks up with you but you go out and meet the person of your dreams and have a beautiful family or even a miscarriage that eventually leads the next healthy beautiful child you might have. That child wouldn’t exist without the previous loss and that family wouldn’t happen without the breakup. So you literally have to give thanks to that breakup or the bad things that happen along the way to the good because without it the life you have wouldn’t exist.

It’s such a great concept in life. We are constantly experiencing peaks and valleys. Great times and hard times. But when your standing on the peak you have to look back and thank the valley, for had it not happened you would be on a completely different path and not on that particular peak. Birth and the life it gives is the ultimate peak, so just the same as with your own life, you have to look back through time and be grateful for all the peaks and valleys throughout history because they all contributed to your existence. Earthquakes, famine, atrocities, victories, defeats, wars, celebrations, births, and deaths. Everything contributed to all those perfectly timed chance encounters and if you try to move one single card in this giant house of cards the world as we know it, doesn’t exist, you don’t exist. So back to time travel. If you had this mythical time travel machine and went back 750 years and you simply bumped into one other person and you slightly alter their timeline that day. That small act compounds massively over time. And just by going back in time you effectively remove yourself from existence, so you never are around to actually go back in time. As a quick example say that small bump makes them slightly late to dinner and upsets the man’s wife who decides they don’t share the bed that evening. So the child they might have had doesn’t happen that night. and every single encounter that child had and the connections they made and the relationships they had and influenced don’t happen and the snowball builds and builds till you rearranged the entire world. You simply can not remove or mess with anything in time because it is all interconnected.

Buying Into Meat Alternatives Hype #198.

Meat Alternatives May Be Better For The Environment, And They May be Better For Your Health. But What If They’re Not?

Beyond Meats the meat alternative brand’s stock has risen over 500% since going public and it continues to grow as more and more food supplier purchase their goods. Beyond Meat is a non animal based “meat product.” So it has the taste, texture and feel of being a burger or sausage or any other plant based meat product they engineer next.

Can Our Bodies Even Digest Non-meat Meat?

But here lies the paradox. Digestion begins with sight, first you see your tasty burger and at that moment your body begins to produce enzymes to break down animal based meat proteins. And once your body is prepared to break down meat protein and you don’t introduce any. It’s going to throw your digestion all out of wack. Your body is still operating like meat is coming into your system.

Secondly, this has to be a highly processed product in order to get those correct textures, and flavors. We don’t really fully know what’s in this product. Yes it’s called plant based but that’s only the base. What other chemicals and foreign food additives are placed into this concoction to get it to that taste. I strongly doubt that this is a healthier alternative to actual organic free range pastured meat. Which has no additives yet is still very taxing on the human body.

Photo by Emerson Vieira on Unsplash

What’s The Answer?

Lastly the argument could be made that meat alternatives have a lower impact on the environment. Which could very well be true. We don’t have the numbers on that, but I imagine harvesting all the extra ingredients as well as deriving certain chemicals and additives takes it’s toll on the environment as well. So putting this all together there’s a simple solution, if you’re going plant based, eat plants.

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Pesticides (Blowing It Scenario #135).

EPA Just Now Band A Pesticide That Has Been Proven To Cause Learning Disabilities.

An article came out recently that the EPA banned a chemical pesticide called chlorpyrifos, a substance known to cause learning disabilities. How is this even possible that something so heinous could weave its way into our food system? Let alone just now be picked up by the food and drug administration? It leaves you questioning what other toxic products have been slipped into our everyday meals?

I feel it’s high time we start labeling food with what it’s been treated with, where it was grown, maybe even soil content. I for one would like to know what I’m putting into my body. Organic matter is not like Oreos where you know you’re serving up your body a blast of chemicals and sugar and that is your choice. With fruits and veggies you naturally assume they are good and wholesome for you. What other ingredients are in an apple other than apple? But if they are saturated in ill reputable chemical sludge, how are we to know other than relying on the EPA to finally ban such a substance?

Each and every fruit or vegetable should have a list of ingredients of sorts. The list should include the name of the farm where it was grown, how it was grown, and its mineral content and what chemicals were sprayed on the plants and its soil. These chemicals are all absorbed by the plants and then transferred into the next organism that ingests this material. Inducing in some, instances of erratic decay of both the plant and the animal or human who consumes these products.

Let us know all that is in our food and we can then be the judge if we want to partake in such pernicious consumptions. I don’t feel that is too much to ask especially when it is known that some of these chemicals can cause learning disabilities, health issues, even cancer. Stop the degradation of our food sources. And rebuild a healthier you and planet.

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Allergies (Blowing It Scenario #115)

Screw You Histamines.

Look pollen you can stop already, I get you serve a purpose but at what cost? Can I get a little reprieve from this incessant sneezing? These allergies are off the charts this season. I am completely kidding about pollen taking a break. I know it serves a much greater purpose than ravaging my sinuses.

Why does something that creates such beauty cause such pain at times? Is beauty pain? Some might argue so. Rigorous days at the gym for that body you’ve always wanted. Hours of primping before work or that big date. Countless days, months, even years toiling to build a business, an invention, something beautiful for the world to enjoy.

Maybe pain is beauty or beauty comes through pain. And we’re all required to sometimes deal with the bitter, or the sour, to get to the sweet. Maybe allergies are natures reminder of this fact. The flowers, the fruit, the trees, all must deal with the pains of the changing seasons, the acclimate weather, the harsh environment, even death and decay and those that survive it come out stronger and more beautiful than before. And those that don’t survive still serve a greater, albeit a more painful purpose. Never the less they’re still contributing to the beauty of the rest of us plants, humans and animals all alike.

I’ll choose to believe that allergies are just nature’s way of reminding us to embrace the pain, and enjoy the pain. Because something much more beautiful is waiting for you on the other side of it.

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Blowing It Scenario #93-Your Sunscreen May Be Destroying Coral Reefs.

Sunscreen Kills Coral Reefs.

Hawaii recently became the first state to ban certain sunscreen. Specifically ones that use oxybenzone (BP-3) or octinoxate. Two products known to be in over 3,500 skin care products. Honestly it’s quite the surprise they’re just now figuring this out. For years we have lathered up our skin with a high quality SPF right before we set out to enjoy the water. Only to watch that lotion beautifully release that kaleidoscope of colors when the oil reacts with the water as it slowly dissipates into the sea. No wonder the reefs are dying off, that’s just one person, times that by hundreds of millions and you certainly have a ecological disaster a foot.

On top of that what harmful effect could these skincare products have upon us. Sure we don’t have the same biological make up as coral but if our lotion can kill young coral what can it do to the young skin cells we have in our bodies. Are we willingly applying toxic chemicals to our own skin to prevent the suns rays from penetrating? I know these chemicals beat the hell out of skin cancer so sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.

I imagine the rest of the world will follow suit with Hawaii and Australia working towards preventing these chemicals from hitting our water ways sooner than later. I’m sure the only reason it hasn’t happened yet is because it’s a pretty major industry and that money buys time. What should we use instead? Well you can always go the old fashioned way and keep your sun exposure brief or scientist say you can use a mineral based sunscreens that use zinc oxide or titanium dioxide not sure the research behind those and what effect it has on our ecosystem but currently that is apparently is the best skin care solution for the coral reefs. So get out and enjoy that weather just try to do it without BP-3 chemicals.

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Blowing It Scenario #46-Daylight Saving Time.

Can We Just Be Done Already With Changing The Clock Twice A Year.

What a cruel joke we have played on us twice a year. Spring forward and Fall back as the saying goes. Spring forward happens over this upcoming weekend. And oh what glory we get to look forward to Monday morning when we crawl out of bed, eyes burning, head pounding, as we just received or first day adjustments for our one less hour of sleep then we normally are accustomed too.

Then six months later we’ll get to enjoy the whole circadian dance once again. When we give ourselves the gift of that depressing notion that we will be rolling our clocks back an hour those wonderful long days of summer are now long gone and we will eventually falling back into complete darkness at 4 in the afternoon, as we set our clocks back an hour the follow fall. Neither clock adjustment is enjoyable and quite frankly I don’t see any benefits to it what so ever.

We’re always told it was for the farmers who have to get up at the crack of dawn and before their was an abundance of power workers needed to get there work done in daylight and shops need to stay open for patrons. So hours were adjusted. But there are no farmers to till the land anymore power is readily available at all hours of day and night and the earth doesn’t change it’s rotation back an hour in Fall and forward in Spring. It just all seems completely arbitrary to keep this experiment going. It’s a failure for us to continue to recognize this as status quo. Every year we talk about over turning it and every year nothing happens. Let’s just stay sprung forward and call it good.

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Blowing It Scenario #19-Pollution, An Ecological Failure

A Study Just Came Out That Our Earth’s Ozone Layer Is Failing To Heal Itself.

I’m no scientist but I do believe we live in a time of great paradox. On one hand we have a system that can only sustain itself, on perpetual growth. That growth more often then not, aggressively challenges nature for new, ever expanding resources. While adding even more issues ecologically down the road when those resources inevitably need to be discarded. Ocean’s are acidifying, polar ice caps are melting, species are dying out, and now we know the ozone layer is failing to heal.

What are the answers? I honestly don’t know and I fear some of the alternatives. It seems like one system must give way to the other. We are a species that will attempt to insure our survival at all cost, sometimes at the peril of other species. As those species die off though, we must work to get more inventive. Or the better solution would be to put forth efforts to save the planet and it’s species. Which may come at the expense of growth. The concern is how does that look? Is it dystopian by nature with population controls and water wars? Or can we engineer inventive ways to create world changing products, that rob nothing from the environment and possibly even give back to it in the process. None of which do I believe will happen in the immediate future. But I’m hopeful for the latter.

We can now grow far more plants per square foot indoors and through hydroponics then we could on the same acreage of land outdoors. I do have some concern in that process. That growing soil-less food it’s lacking the abundance of nutrients nature provides through the soil. Never the less it’s a step in the right direction to feed an ever growing population, that uses far less water and has zero need for pesticides use. However the best possible solution I could think of, would be if everyone maintained there own garden. However in that scenario, the food industry would have to give way. And the people would have to step up and do the work. Would the industry be willing to part with such profits? Would the people maintain their crop or would they allow there mini farms to fall into disarray?

Scientist now work towards lab grown meats by using stem cells from cows. Which are then allowed to grow and multiply on a nutrient rich solution. Something some may think is gross but it’s a similar process in nature. Probably the best answer would be to eliminate meats from diets all together but I don’t think many will sign on to that proposal. We’re starting to work towards alternative energy with solar panels, wind turbines, hydro electricity. None of which are completely above taxing the environment in some form or another but it is far better then burning fossil fuels. I do believe we’re working in the right direction but we have a very long ways to go. I do hope we finally crack the code in this process and create a system of harmony because the alternative could be far worse.

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