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Blowing It Scenario #47-Profits Over People, A Failure Of Compassion Displayed By Martin Shkreli

Martin Shkreli Sentencing For Fraud Is This Week But His Actions In The Pharmaceutical Industry Echo a Far More Troubling Failure. One That Has Yet To Be Fully Corrected.

Profits over people. All to often these actions take place behind closed doors in board rooms and through creative accounting practices. Never to be seen is the actual face of the individuals who make the rules. In what world do you take life saving drugs and increase their pricing 700%? Apparently it’s common practice. It’s probably one of they most disheartening practices known to man. The kind that makes you question for a second your faith in humanity. It’s tremendously ironic to me that an industry that should be 100% rooted in compassion, could be so callous at times. Think of the compassion one must have to want to develop a cure for another’s ailment. You would think that has got to be one of the most compassionate actions known. Then think company or CEO who in turn sends this wondrous drug out in to the world to be a great use at a fair price. One that may be helping or saving the lives of thousands of people. And after it has proven to help those thousands of users the CEO decides to put their very own clients, the users of their products, into crippling debt, just to stay alive. And for what? Just so a few wealthy individuals can turn a larger profit that year for themselves and their share holders.

I’m all for businesses turning a profit but their is an extent. Their is bad profit and good profit. This actions is the lowest form of dumpster driving profit. At the forefront of all this is Martin Shkreli the CEO, drug price fixer. Who unapologetically rose prices of a common drug from $15 to $700. And in doing so  he shed light on this disgusting display that runs rampant through the entire drug industry, with no regulation in sight. Part of me commends him. Not for his actions, those are incredibly despicable and reprehensible. But for the fact that he didn’t hide behind the board room doors or the spreadsheet. He fully owned his actions, albeit terrible ones. He owned them, even once saying, that his only regret, is he didn’t raise the prices higher.

Now Martin is being sentenced for an act of fraud that happened with a different company altogether. He is not facing any punishment for any of the price gouging he inflicted on every day citizens. That somehow is not a punishable offense, even though it’s a form of theft. He’s facing punishment of hurting the moneyed interest, in a business prior to his price gouging. For some reason that is a worse action that you can take against another, then stealing poor and averages people’s money they use for life saving drugs. This does serve as a lesson still. Usually when you act in ill intent, those actions carry through in all that you do. If you find a business man or women who exuded insolence, selfishness and a general lack of sympathy for others. Chances are that has been their mode of operation for most of their actions throughout life and business. Steer clear of these people they will only take you down or better yet the positive change that takes them down. We can’t always keep them accountable but every once in awhile in life, they just might get back what they gave.

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Blowing It Scenario #42-Teacher Barricades Himself In Classroom And Fires Gun.

After All The Talk About Arming Teachers In the Wake Of The Florida School Shooting One Teacher Took It On Himself To Begin The Process Early.

Now this is a terrible action and luckily no one was injured except the teachers reputation. From the sounds of it the teacher was a bit unstable in spite of the fact he was well liked by the students. This was a solo act by one unstable teacher but with his extreme actions he may have ended the debate about arming teachers. I know the president called for arming well qualified highly trained with military background teachers. But shootings can happen any where from elementary school to high school to churches to concert.

There is no way to predict what event these cowards will target next. arming teachers is like putting a bandaid on a shark bite. Real genius move, how do you imagine it will play out when a shooter firing at hundreds of students running for their lives only to dodge return fire coming from these trained teachers. This isn’t the military and no one will ever except friendly fire as an excuse for death in a school shooting victim. On top of that at what point do we stop stacking these worthless bandaids, once the teachers don’t work out do you add more “qualified” weapons specialist just in case their needs to be another line of defense when the teachers fail to engage their targets?

I challenge you to find a military trained elementary school teacher. They usually don’t exist, its predominately, nurturing, caring adults, that want to care for and protect the youth without violence. As a matter of fact, that is most teachers in general. This teacher was a social studies teacher and if you have ever taken a social studies class you know they tend to be highly politically driven. If this teacher was at all like any other normal human being with even a fraction of empathy. His heart probably broke for what happened in Florida. Along with all our hearts. Maybe he was making a point, then again maybe he just lost his mind and he owned a gun. Let that latter part sink in. Even when you are off your rocker insane, you usually still have access to a gun. No specially trained teacher is going to get to a shooting before he or she can prevent deaths. On top of that most of these shooters go into these situations with the full intent to end their lives, after they inflict as much destruction as possible. What good is it in the mind of a potential shooter, of having the full knowledge that their might be a threat of military style teachers defending their schools with guns? What good would that be when the shooter themselves have absolutely nothing to lose? Either way this teacher just proved that it’s a terrible idea adding more guns to a gun problem. Especially in the school environment.

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Blowing It Scenario #34-By Blaming School Shooting Survivors Of An FBI Conspiracy.

You Are Blowing It, If You’re Blaming School Shooting Survivors Of An FBI Conspiracy.

These kids have been through enough and it’s about time victims are finally standing up to the status quo. Far too long has the call for change fallen on deaf ears. But the victims of these crimes have taken this atrocity and have become activist in order to facilitate these necessary changes. Now that these kids, who had to endure one of the most horrific acts one can witness in any given lifetime. Now that their stepping up and doing something about it. A right wing group has decided to move forward with claims of a FBI conspiracy. One that has placed one of the child survivors directly in the eye of the public to promote an anti gun, anti trump agenda. Why do they claim this? Well it’s because the kid is articulate and has a father who is retired from the FBI.

Let’s pause a moment to realize how absolutely ridiculous that sounds. First off if you are part of a hate group or a group that thinks kids who were shot at and want change to gun laws, so no kid ever has to go what they went through. If you think they are coached by the FBI. Then you are dumber then a high school student and naturally this amazing articulation coming from the mouth of a teenager would lead you to believe he is in some way  a hyper intelligent, FBI coached wunderkin. This child scholar who displays the most common intelligence, couldn’t possibly be a regular student. He must have certainly been coached since birth for the day he would be placed at a school shooting. That will be the day the FBI release his super intelligence to the world. Even with his dad being a retired FBI employee. Most are glorified accountants or computer savvy men and women.

Lastly allow us to ponder what if. What if this kid an FBI pawn? What if one kid is placed in the public eye to facilitate a change to reduce murders, gun deaths, and suicides. What if one kid is placed in the public eye to push that agenda. What if? I challenge you to find anything wrong with that. Mind you we’re talking about kids. Let me emphasis that again, kids. Kids are being murdered and kids want change. Why? Because their are being shot at in places where they should feel safe. We should all want these kids to succeed on the progress they’re making. Yet many adults are either too stupid, too stubborn or too lazy to effect positive change to prevent these kinds of things from happening. Come on people, it doesn’t take a teenage scholar to figure that one out.

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Blowing It Scenario #28-Weak, Pathetic, Coward Mass Shooters-A Massive Failure Of Government.

Yet Another School Shooting Took Place Yesterday In Florida Killing 17 Students And Teachers.

When will it end? I literally wrote about gun control three days ago. That is how prevalent mass shootings are in our society today. Heaven forbid we make it more difficult to get your hands on a gun. The second amendment was written when people used single shot muskets. I’m sure had they known what was to come they would have excluded right to bear arms altogether. School shooting after school shooting. 58 concert goers just trying to enjoy a night out on the town gunned down by another one of these pathetic cowards. Because that is exactly what these shooters are, complete cowards. It’s easy to be confident behind a gun. These mental midgets seem like giants in their own weak selfish minds. Instead they need to think of others, and they need help. What they don’t need is access to a gun.

Now this piece of human garbage who I won’t refer to by name. Has taken the lives of 17 innocent children while they were attending school. One of the most defenseless places these cowards can target. And now we’re not only giving him the attention and notoriety he probably so desired. We probably won’t take any action towards reforming this outdated law. Sure keep right to bear arm but make obtaining a gun such a stringent process that no gun ever falls into the wrong hands. I addressed it before. We need make it necessary that in order to buy any gun, rifles and shotguns included. You must pass rigid psychological tests, followed by a more thorough background check. One that involves internet search histories, purchasing history, etc. Keep track of ammunition purchases. These records need to be updated annually throughout the entire time you own the gun. We also need mandatory annual classes. If you don’t come to your scheduled class every year and retake all the necessary test you are required to relinquish your fire arm. Also require all serial numbers to be attached to the owner. If your gun is involved in a crime, you will be held responsible for said crime.

Their are so many options that can take to prevent this kind of senseless violence. And yet we choose money over the value of life. Money to keep the gun makers and NRA happy. Or we call it personal freedom. How dare you take away my right to bear arms, we’ll hear the gun owners say. You’ll also hear only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. Well guess what gunslinger, the bad guys are winning. And lets discuss those good guys with guns. Most are just waiting in anticipation for an excuse to use that gun on someone or something, given the opportunity they’ll take a life too. A gun is simply a killing device, it serves absolutely no other useful purpose. You can’t rake the leaves with it or scoop ice cream with it. You don’t walk the dog with it or play lullaby’s with it. You kill things with it. It’s as straight forward as that. So we should all be on board with the notion that no one with any kind of psychological issues or background red flags, should ever be able to touch a gun. If you are one of those who believes you’re a good guy with a gun, then actually stop the bad guys by getting behind laws preventing gun ownership. Because the only true way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is to never give that guy a gun in the first place. Let’s stop the senseless violence already.

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Blowing It Scenario #25-Military Added 4000 Names To Gun Ownership Ban After An Attack.

It Was Only After One Of Their Own Forced Their Hand. When He Went On A Killing Spree In A Church In Texas.

In November of last year an ex U.S. Airmen went on a killing spree during a church service in Texas. We won’t say his name because quite frankly he doesn’t deserve to ever be part of the american consciousness. His memory and all like him, should be scrubbed from history. Every mass shooter should never have their name released in the news or their photo. They should be ghost. Worthless humans who tried to make a name for themselves in the worst way possible.

Somehow gun control has been the biggest hot button issue in the U.S. for thirty some odd years now. Yet we still can’t seem to get it right. Sure people should have the right to own guns. But their should be a very stringent psychological test, followed by an extremely through background check, followed by a mandatory gun school training program. We also need to monitor ammunition purchases like we do with fertilizer or cough medicines. It’s a red flag that should be accounted for. And here’s the kicker, every single gun serial number should be tied to that owner, so if your gun is involved in a crime. Then that gun owner should be held responsible for that crime. How’s that for responsible ownership? Guns would be locked up so tight they would never see the light of day. When the owner wanted to take it out. I guarantee he or she would keep a very close watch on that.

After the last mass shooting by one of their own. The military have finally removed over 4000 other names from the gun registry list. All names deemed unfit for gun ownership. Names that were never added to the system prior and could freely purchase guns to do whatever they please with. Men and women who were trained for combat but were too unstable or violent for the military, could have purchased guns. Because their paperwork was not filed by the military. Not to mention the person who shot people in the church in Texas. His name was on that list that was never filled. He should have never been able to purchase the gun he used.

All I’m saying it doesn’t end with just the military. I’m all for responsible gun ownership. Any responsible person would and should submit to stricter gun purchasing laws. Half of the people who go on mass shooting sprees have no criminal background. So what good is a background check then? We need more then just that. We need to weed out the psychologically unstable and the violent as well. We’re the only country in the world who has consistent displays of this kind of senseless violence. Let’s do more to prevent it. At least the military wised up and started to work towards future prevention.

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Blowing It Scenario #24-Attacks On The Police-Failing To Understand They Protect And Serve

Cops Literally Keep Society In Line Without Them, Their Would Be Chaos.

Two Ohio police officers were shot and killed yesterday responding to a 911 hangup. It was a domestic abuse call, the officers were there just to make sure everything was alright and were gunned down upon arrival. Domestic violence are some of the most dangerous calls. The rage within the suspect is redirected towards the officers, who are there to protect the innocent lives. The wife in this case was so scared of her husband that she was hiding in the bushes to call 911 to inform them her husband shot the police officers responding to the call.

This is not an isolated incident. These kind of things happen often. Just in Washington State last month an officer responding to a break in during the middle of the afternoon was shot and killed in pursuit of the suspects. Why? Because a couple drug addicts, who already burden the system by giving absolutely nothing back to society, only taking, in the the form of robbing and stealing in order to get their next fix. Police Officers, are men and women who put their lives on the line every single day, just so we can walk to the store and not get mugged. So we can send our kids to school and not have to constantly worry if they’ll come home that day. So we can drive the streets at night and not have to worry about getting in a head on collision with a drunk driver.

If you think the police are bad or out to get you. First off you are wrong and need to take a look at your own actions. Second imagine the alternative. Pure anarchy. Every action a police officer takes is one to protect something. If you think a police officer is out to get you or trying to attack you. You just might be too ignorant to understand that you are the one posing a threat to something or someone. Some actions you do may seem so minute that they don’t warrant any counter action from an officer, that you might even question why an officer would target you. The reason being, prevention is the highest form of safety. If an officer can stop something before it escalates, they have done their job, and everyone gets to go home with their lives intact and have dinner with their families that evening.

It’s that ticket you received for speeding in a school zone, it’s that DUI arrest. It’s that questioning when you look out of place in a nice neighborhood, heck any neighborhood. It’s that knock on the door when their are loud noises or yelling coming from your home. These small actions may have prevented a child from getting hit by a car, a multi-fatal accident on the highway, a double homicide break in your neighborhood, or a murder suicide domestic dispute. Who know how many crimes these man and women truly prevent in any given day. Just so we can live happy, healthy lives. We live in one of the most peaceful times in human history, and if you don’t believe so, read “The Better Angels of Our Nature.” The police are a big reason we have that peace. So if you see an officer of the law, even if it’s when he or she is giving you a ticket. Be sure to thank them for there service, because even if at times it doesn’t seem like they are protecting you, they are protecting someone around you. Which is also contributing to your peace and safety.

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