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Blowing It Scenario #71-Blow Drying Your Hands In Public Bathrooms.

Blowing It By Blow Drying Hands.

Oh what joy, imagine you just relieved yourself of a full bladder that you had been holding in all day, what sweet relief. And now you kindly do the right thing by washing your hands thoroughly before departing the restroom and returning to regularly scheduled activities. Warm water caresses your hands, as your gingerly rub anti bacterial soap through all the nooks and crannies from finger tips to wrist, nothing escapes your purview. As you depart this joyous bath your hands and fingers are receiving, you’re left with a choice.

Do you dry your wet dripping hands in the hand dryer? Or do just shake the water droplets loose and wick of the remaining moisture on your pant leg? Well if you chose option one, your in for a treat. A treat where you’ll receive many potentially unwanted gifts in the process. As you place your hands under the powerful hot air, unbeknownst to you, and invisible to the naked eye. But as that hot air blast the water free from your hands, that very same hot air is now showering in a cornucopia of fecal matter and since it’s a public restroom you could probably be certain 99.9% of this lovely shower is foreign poo particles, all dancing there way over your entire body.

This is what a recent study has found conducted at the University of Connecticut, they placed bacteria collecting plates throughout 36 different restroom facilities on campus, fired up the blow dryers and let the good times roll. With hand dryers on, the plates collected 18 to 60 bacterial colonies, by contrast when blow dryers were off, the plates in regular bathroom air only collected one colony total. I don’t know about you but that is sufficient enough evidence to drop the use of air dryers all together and deal with the repercussion of having some damp pant legs for a few minutes. Who really know how clean pants are either though. Maybe just opt for paper towels and if their are none maybe just naturally let the regular old air dry those sopping wet hands of yours. Certainly this method will happen sometimes painfully slow but it beats the heck out of the body blasting poop shower alternative that you could be receiving.

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Blowing It Scenario #61-Condom Snorting Challenge, Kids Are Blowing It.

The Follow Up To The Tide Pods Challenge.

Kids are dumb sometimes and although they want you to think they have all the answers they do not always know how to assemble that knowledge in a cohesive way. This is why I think ninety percent of the internet should be off limits to children under eighteen but I don’t believe that should be a Government responsibility, it should be a parenting responsibility. Kids also have to deal with a whole other slew of problems through peer pressure bullying and an education system that is crumbling. On top of all that, they watch other idiotic kids trying to go viral on some online video streaming platform and think that it’s cool. So they begin to partake in all these asinine challenges.

First there was a Tide Pod challenge where kids literally were eating Tide Pods that are used to throw into your washing machine too wash your clothes. How ignorant do you have to be to think that is a good idea? Now the latest challenge apparently is the snorting condoms challenge where kids are snorting condoms through their nose and out their mouth. Just plain dumb. Yet kids keep pushing boundaries for that ever elusive validation of likes, views and subscribers.

There was a story I recently read of a teen in Australia who was dared by friends to eat a slug. Something most children would find completely harmless and disgustingly hilarious. However slugs often eat a horrific diet and live a life that brings them in close contact with feces of all animal sources. Particularly rat feces. So what this kid didn’t know was the slug he was about to ingest carried a deadly parasite called rat lungworm which commonly causes eosinophilic meningitis. Sometimes it’s its slightly harmless others deadly. However in this child’s case the the disease severely affected him and he went into a coma for four hundred and twenty days. Resulting in severe brain damage and is now paralyzed from the neck down. He requires round the clock attention. A young healthy teen cut down from his prime in his early years, all due to a ignorant challenge brought on by other young healthy, albeit, dumb teenagers.

So kids, be smarter, don’t follow the crowd, don’t do things just for attentions sake. Find a way to educate and not deteriorate society. Parents as well, monitor your children, lock them out of the internet if you have too. If they don’t understand how ignorant these challenges are, you have a lot more work to do.

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Blowing It Scenario #60-California Cancer Labeling Laws Adding Coffee To The Possible Cancer Risk List.

California’s Law About Labeling Possible Cancer Risk Is Good In Theory.

It just seems a little bias at times. How are you going to label one of the most popular drinks in the world as a possible cancer risk, and not every single processed food items on the shelf of a grocery store? Chips, cancerous, Cereal, cancerous, cheeseburger and french fries, cancerous. Soda, yes that delicious lake of sugar, cancerous. Coffee is just one of thousands of potential risk. If you are going to go after such high profile items, do it for all items equally. Don’t pick and choose which product you want to bury.

I was recently told an anecdote by a colleague. He said California had to slap a cancer warning label on sand for sand boxes. Why? Because excessive exposure may cause skin cancer. Not sure how much truth is behind this but imagine that. Just playing out in the sun in a sandbox may cause skin cancer. So I guess we should also add slides and swing sets to the list as well.

Coffee has been the staple of life across all cultures for many centuries. It’s an artful craft and a well loved beverage. And though I don’t drink it myself, I believe their are far worst things you can put into your body. As a matter of fact coffee has amazing cancer healing benefits to it, if it’s used properly. If you are one of the unfortunate to get diagnosed with cancer. And choose a healthy all natural alternative in fighting the invasive cancerous cells, over the noxious poisoning of chemo and radiation. Then you may subscribe to “The Gerson Therapy” an amazing all natural approach to fighting cancers of all forms and many other potentially fatal disorders. The Therapy itself builds up your own bodies immunity through natural foods and juices so it can fight off cancer itself. It was discovered by Dr. Gerson that through certain vegetable and fruit juices the body could be purged of toxins through this juices. However the toxins tended to collect and get trapped in the liver. The bodies garbage disposal. He discovered that if you use fresh organic coffee, used in an anema, that certain elements found only in coffee, can actually open the bile ducts of the liver and release those toxins. Completely flushing them from the body. This has proven more effective then current cancer treatments but it’s illegal for doctors to prescribe any other cancer treatment then chemo or radiation so you won’t hear these life saving alternatives from your highly paid doctors.

Knowing this information, maybe we should also stamp a cancer healing label on coffee as well. Just remember this coffee rule, through the mouth, potentially cancerous, and through the anus potentially cancer healing. So drink up, just be sure to do it through the butt.

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Blowing It Scenario #51-The Fraud And Failure Of Theranos.

How Is A Company That Has Never Produced a Viable Product, Or Ever Turned a  Profit Worth 9 Billion?

I often wonder how companies are valued at all. It seems this fraud is an often occurrence in the financial markets and with so called unicorns. How can a company go from nothing to billions in valuation. It’s all speculative and with the assistance of media hype you can really add fuel to the fire. Creating a raging dumpster fire. One that will soon flame out with all the investors money. Who like moths to the flame join in when it’s burning brightest.

I wonder can I just tell everyone is worth $40 billion? I Currently own 100% of the shares but would be willing to sell. However that is it’s current valuation. Why, because I say so. Is that how it’s done? Honestly I’m asking because I don’t know. It seems that way to me. Powers that be just roll the dice and bam, snap is a billion dollar company, twitter is a billion dollar company, Theranos, yik yak, jawbone, beepi all valued at hundreds of millions, because someone said so. Many of which have since failed, once the general public wises up to the lies they have been told to believe.

In the instance of Theronos, they not only defrauded their investors, they defrauded their users as well. Which is a much more dangerous prospect. The fact that you are a blood testing company who’s product didn’t even work. Now you have a fraud that not only risks people’s money you risk their health as well. What kind of punishment does one get for such extremes. Not really much of a punishment at all. So the cycle of fraud will continue to live on because their really is zero punishment for it. Heck it often seems like the more you steal, the better off you’ll be. Just a slap on the wrist, and a small fine. I guess the lesson here is, be an embodiment of your word. and make that word honest and forthright, it’s the honorable move. But if you are going to be a fraudulent entity get yourself the highest valuation you possibly can. What’s the worst that can happen? Did I forget to mention is now worth 100 billion dollars?

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Blowing It Scenario #39-Childhood Obesity Rates Remain High.

We Continue To See High Childhood Obesity Rates With No Evidence Of Decline.

It was recently published in pediatrics magazine that we have made zero progress on decreasing the childhood obesity rate here in the U.S. This generations failures have got to make way for future generations success. At least that’s what we anticipated with the last. This information, I must admit, is absolutely no surprise to me. When children are being feed pizza at nearly every social activity they attend. Usually cake is there as well to round off the balanced meal. Sugary juice boxes and packaged snacks line their lunch boxes along with all other kinds over processed under nourishing foods.

Carbohydrates are the most popular filler. On account they’re cheap and easy and they are not as perishable as other healthier foods. All carbs eventually turn into sugar in the body. So kids are often being fed sugar upon sugar. It’s really no surprise that the diabetes rates amount children have skyrocketed. I believe it’s nearly 1 out every 4 children now have or will have diabetes by the time they hit their teenage years.

It really all falls on the parents shoulders to guide their children to the healthiest possible habits from a young age. Some parents may disagree but it shouldn’t be a democracy. 3 year olds and 5 year olds shouldn’t have a vote on what’s on their plates. If you absolutely feel like you need to give them candy or you feel they deserve it then just give them fresh fruit. Or if they want juice make it fresh yourself. Veggies should be the staple of all diets. I wish my parents forced me to eat more veggies growing up. I know how difficult kids can be when it comes to eating but if they’re never introduced to such bad foods they’ll never know that it’s something to crave. However you have to do it, we should be giving the best start to life possible and that begins with diet.

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Blowing It Scenario #38-Vaping.

Vaping may be more toxic then just good old fashioned smoking.

A study was recently released that vaping or e-cigarettes contained high levels of of toxic metals. Such as cadmium, chromium, lead magnesium, nickel and in some cases arsenic. Often times when knew technology comes out we sometimes think it must be safer then the alternative. I know a few friends who have kicked their smoking habit through vaping. They progressively diminished the amount of nicotine in their e-cigarettes till it was down to nothing. But the habit of the smoking action never completely left them they still continue to vape maybe with just a slightly less toxic vapor.

So it begs the question is it even a safer alternative. After further test it has been revealed that these toxic metals are coming form the devices themselves. The cheaply made heating coils within the vaporizer are leaching toxic metals into the vapor and these metal could lead to a whole slew of health issues down the road.

Hopefully they will soon create a better heating element because I for one am in support of others using e-cigarettes as an alternative. They can be used nearly anywhere, no nasty lingering smoke smell. No actual smoke that you force others to breathe in second hand. It a much more polite habit, if you were to have one. You don’t force everyone around you to partake in your vice.

Until then most smokers will be risking health issues that come with the injestion of toxic metals in aerosol form. Be that cancer, brain damage, or any other health ailment. I’m pretty sure most people that vape know that they are risking their health in some form or another. Even if you were inhaling just concentrated water vapor it’s still would not be a good pure product for you to fill your lungs with. Now add a bunch of chemicals and toxic metals and you have the making of a long term study on the effects on human health. And if your an early adopter of the tech, then you get to enjoy the status of a guinea pig.

As long as you have all the facts before hand and you can make an educated decision if you want to participate in this trail run, at the potential expense of your health, then by all means, it’s your body, vape away. However if you didn’t already know you may just want to give it a second thought.

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Blowing It Scenario #37-Drinking Alcohol To Live Past 90.

A Study Came Out Claiming That If You Want To Live To 90 Moderate Drinking May Help You Get There.

This is just crazy to me. I really don’t know how this study came across this hypothesis or how they determined such an end result since the study began in 2003. It just perpetuates the idea that I have long since suspected, they we are pushed to drink. In every social setting we’re supposed to drink, in every movie or show, drinking is often glorified. Every sporting event alcohol is the main sponsor. I imagine without it our economy might just collapse. It’s the social lubricant that gets you free of inhibition to make those impulse actions and purchases. Moderation is so difficult because as your self control wanes, so does your ability to say no. You more often then not agree to have more and more. Even full well knowing you be paying for it the next day. Sometimes for two to three days after. The loss in productivity alone could be the economic balance act. You spend a lot on drinking and going out then you turn around and lose it on lost productivity.

In contrast to this miracle health benefit alcohol somehow provides. I have also read many more studies on the adverse effects of alcohol. They have linked it to dementia, heart disease, cancer, liver disease. The list goes on and on. You can also factor in all the arrest made due to over drinking, the loss of life due to drunk driving, the sexual assaults, STD’s, alcohol poisoning. Often in these inhibited states one tends to explore other drugs, leading to a whole other slew of problems. Knowing that the benefits hardly outweigh the cost. We willingly and might I say happily submit to or urges at least every weekend. Or if your on the health plan, every day. Because let’s be honest drinking is pretty darn fun. Who cares about the consequences.

However, if you’re one of the few who choose not to submit to this constant bombardment, don’t worry their will be a fair amount of harassment coming your way along with studies to support why you should be drinking more. Don’t give in to it. But if you do, who knows what can happen. You may just some how find that sweet spot of dosing and if you stick to it maybe you just might be one of the lucky few to make it to 90. That is if you don’t develop the plethora of alcohol related diseases along the way. Good luck.

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Blowing It Scenario #31-Pet Food Companies Supplier Blows It By Contaminating Canned Dog Food With Deadly Drug

Pentobarbital, A Sedative That Is Also Used To Euthanize Animals, Was Found In Canned Dog Food, Forcing A Recall.

Sometimes you can’t even trust the food you feed your pet. And if you’re the manufacturer of pet food, sometime you can’t even trust your suppliers. A number of canned dog food brands were recalled this week went it was found the contained the deadly sedative. The food and drug administration has since lead an evaluation and determined it was at very low levels unlikely to harm your pets.

However what if this happened to baby food or your canned soups. We put far too much trust in our over chemicalized food industry. Everything we eat is over processed and under nourishing. A study also came out this week that processed foods have the greatest link to the causing of cancers within our own bodies. The food we eat is literally killing us slowly. They don’t even need to give us the deadly sedative dog food treatment. The poison is already in the foods and approved by the FDA. And we willingly purchase it and enjoy it because lets be honest those food chemist really know how to activate our taste buds and ignite our desire to crave more of what’s bad for us. Unless your a monk living in a monastery isolated from all worldly pleasures. Then you too have partook in the many joyous flavors and sensations over processed and over preserved food has bestowed upon our stores shelves.

It’s incredibly hard to resist even fully knowing that the foods we eat can give us cancer, heart disease and every other health ailment you can list. Our health care bills continue to grow. Yet we keep chugging along on the same path to destruction. It’s only when poison is found in pet food that we receive a blip on the radar that says, “hey, maybe all this mass produced food isn’t all that good for us after all.” However, it’s a fleeting notion, one that will usually pass with the next big bag of fried chips or the frozen t.v. dinner.

At least their is hope, we know from failure there often comes success. The company responsible for the dog food mishap has since isolated it to one supplier and I’m sure have since installed new safety measures to prevent anything like this happening in the future. As for the people who want to get there health in line maybe they will begin to start avoiding the hazards of processed foods and maybe even begin to implement a healthy eating regiment filled with all natural foods. They will most likely stubble and fail along the way but just always remember the alternative. The over processed chemical filled foods you think nourishes you now, could very well be the source that’s poisoning you. Isolate it and remove it.

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Blowing It Scenario #29-Following The Sage Advice Of A Facebook Group.

A Mother Was Arrested For Feeding Their Child Bleach In Order To Cure Autism.

The scary side of ignorance runs deep in this story. One that a parent believed a facebook group touting the cure for health issues in the form of hydrochloric acid in a purified water solution. The snake oil salesmen peddling this “cure” came to market with the genius name Miracle Mineral Solution. And two that they used this “cure” on their own child. A simple google search would reveal hydrochloric acid in water is essentially bleach. What we use to kill all pretty much all living things germs, bacteria good and bad. It’s an industrial solvent and used in the human body it can in small doses eventually kill the person ingesting it. In larger doses that will action will be expedited.

We can’t believe everything we read on the internet. If you get your information from facebook, google, or even blowingit always double check your references. Once you double check them and you find yourself what you believe to be a reputable resource. Go on to double check the creator of that resource. What are their credentials? What makes them an authority in this arena? Never, never take anything at face value. It’s so easy to be an “expert” these days. You write a few articles, and bam, your the “expert” on healthcare and medicine, or your the “expert” on sports and fitness and so on and so forth. I will tell you right now. I am no expert, I only want to open up the conversations on these issues. Others failures are the absolute best way to learn. From this conversation you might learn don’t feed your child bleach. Hopefully you already knew that but it was a mothers failure that can help reinforce it.

I do believe in alternative healing therapies. Granted I call it alternative, but I believe it’s really as simple as sticking to a healthy diet of living natural organic foods. With that, we could probably wipe out over half of all medical problems. Easier said then done. Food can act like a drug to us, especially the standard american diet, it plays our own mind against us sometimes. It’s the cause and the cure of what ails us. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, once wrote, Let food be thy medicines and medicine be thy food. This was a man who lived to his 90’s when the average life span was half that. These are the “cures” we should search out. Not foods and medicines that kill but ones that live and heal. Not processed but natural.

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Blowing It Scenario #16-Flu Season, A Failure To Defend Ourselves Against The Virus.

Flu Season Has Been Busy This Year.

I have luckily enough been one of the fortunate ones this year and I haven’t been sick. But if you are one of the thousands who failed to avoid the illness, you know it’s been a rough season. However, silver lining, it has been a great year for the virus itself. I should mention I’m no doctor, so I’m also in no position to be shelling out advice. And I imagine if I was a doctor, I would probably have my hands full right now. But let’s discuss the flu and our many failures to defend against it.

First off the flu vaccine. I get the concept of microdosing to build up your body’s immune system to better defend itself against virus. But you are literally giving yourself a small dose of the flu. At least that’s how it’s been explained to me. On top of that their are many different strains of a virus. How are you to be certain your defending yourself against the correct flu bug? I’ve taken it once in my life and it was the one year I actually got very sick. It may work for a majority of the people that use it, but I choose to let my body build it’s defenses the natural way. If you stay healthy and clean you just might be giving yourself a fighting chance.

Second line of defense towards prevention is cleanliness. An area I think we vastly fail in. I want to talk about the common handshake for a minute. I know its a personal touch toward connecting with another person and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. But why can’t eye contact and a head nod work just the same? Listen folks, I’m a man, and let me tell you men are disgusting creatures. I can’t tell you how many countless times I’ve been in the men’s room and I’ll hear crickets from the faucets as the fading steps grow fainter and the door echoes the cringe worthy sound that another one of our revolting species just failed to wash their hands. Now I’m expected to go shake hands with this individual? Maybe women do it too but we need to be able to avoid the handshake with out coming across as a horrible person when we do.

Next, if your sick, stay home don’t be a hero. I know that is incredibly difficult to do and society doesn’t make it any easier. Employers don’t always have the most sympathy. If your child is sick, finding someone to watch them is difficult and so and on. What I’m talking about is the manageable tasks. The stuff you can get to another day. The post office visit, the dining out, maybe cutting out your cycle class or chest day at the gym. Another major cesspool of germs. I’m an advocate for getting in shape, but their isn’t a much better place then a gym, for those happy viruses to grow and get strong along with you. That nice warm and damp gym, where hundreds of people share the same equipment. That’s not the best breeding ground, if their ever was one.

It may sound like I’m being a bit of a germaphob at this point. I assure you it’s quite the opposite. Bacteria is everywhere there is no avoiding it. Bacteria cells in the human body, some say, actually outnumber our own cells. It’s simply part of us. So we should surround ourselves with the good natural bacteria nature provides. Only use antibiotics as a last resort. Because if you have enough good bacteria it will defend itself and you against the bad. Nature abhors a vacuum so when your body and immune system is deficient, something will come to fill its place. It’s prime ground for illness to take shape. I believe if we keep ourselves healthy by getting the proper bacteria into and around our bodies. Which you can get from eating organic fruits and vegetables along with drinking fermented beverages or eating fermented foods. Also, we can stay cognizant of others and keep our space, quarantine ourselves when sick. If we need to be out, lets at the very least cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze. Just try not to use your hands when you do, but if must, be sure to wash up frequently and keep them clean, you may just have to shake with those things later.

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