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Not Legalizing Psychedelic Drugs Already. Avoiding Blowing It #240

It High Time We Legalize This Beneficial Treatment Of Psychedelic Drugs. Get High Time?

Psychedelic Drugs

I’ve never tried it myself but nearly a hundred years of research has proven time and again how beneficial psychedelic drugs can have upon the mind body and spirit. That research may even go back thousands of years when native cultures used them as part of their rituals. We would be much further ahead then we currently are. If western cultures didn’t frown so heavily on the use of these mind altering substances. And that is the key phrase mind altering. If your mind feels broken, sick or depressed these medicines can profoundly alter those states. Why wouldn’t we employ them?

You can not over dose on these medicines, they have nearly zero affect on anyone outside the user. It’s especially safe when using a trained guide or shaman. It’s almost as if they were made to partner with our minds. Now I know that’s a stretch to say but the evidence to its benefits are very apparent. Mushrooms, LSD, Peyote, Ayahuasca, MDMA. All considered psychedelic drugs yet hidden behind that title are so many effective treatments that we have over looked for years. Why? We send our minds into profound trips almost every single night with sleep. Why not be able to try that in a waking state? Where your conscious mind can meet your unconscious mind and find that blissful middle ground together.

Does the establishment worry these medicines can change individuals so profoundly that they need to maintain a schedule 1 drug rating on such substances? That people will turn on, tune in, and drop out of the structural mandates society places on us? Possibly. Or quite possibly and much more likely people get to heal from trauma. Heal from a broken place, a poor state of mind, a bad addiction. These medicines have the power to do that and I’m excited to see it’s a growing body of study. Soon to be used medically and hopefully one day recreationally for all who chose to expand their mind.

Big Pharma Disinformation Campaigns, Funding Denial Studies #206.


Businesses Like Big Pharma Uses This Tactic All The Time To Derail Opposition And Insure The Bottom Line. At The Expense Of The Individuals.

Oil companies will fund climate change denial data, Food companies will fund FDA reports with misinformation. Chemical companies will deny adverse health effects upon ecology and biology. And pharma companies will use case studies to deter you from using any product outside of what they’re selling. Especially if it comes from a natural easy to afford source.

Big Pharma Studies.

A study recently came out in a pharmacological journal. Notice the word pharma in there? Do you think they might be in support of a natural herbal remedy? They’re probably going to have ulterior motives. The article talked of the dangers of Kratom. An opioid alternative, that has helped innumerous amounts of people who were once addicted to pain killers kick their dependency. And this study had the gall to list a whopping four deaths have occurred while using this herbal plant supplement. Not knowing what else could have contributed to those deaths. Only four! Hell energy drinks cause more deaths.

Opioid Deaths.

Pharma Photo

How many lives have opioids taken just in the last year alone? 71,073 according to a recent survey. Four isn’t looking half bad after all for an alternative to pain mitigation. Furthermore, people are using Kratom to kick the habit of a drug that doctors and big pharma got them hooked on in the first place. And because it’s not classified as a class of drug, pharma can’t get their dirty hands on it and it can not be regulated by the food and drug administration. People can simply buy it at their local convenience store. Helping so many and possibly taking a profit away from pharma
in the process.

What We Can Do.

We always have to question what’s there to gain by a large corporation putting out a study with misinformation. Do you think they are actually looking out for the well-being of the people? Or might there be some form of financial motive involved? If they can prove something that sways supporters to their line of thinking. Than they can control the paradigm and I believe that is always the goal. Take these studies for what they are propaganda to push their own agenda.

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The Fear Of Missing Out (Blowing It Scenario #164)

It’s A Easy Fix, If Have A Fear Of Missing Out On Something. Simply Change What You Desire Or That Which You Value Most.

Easier said than done most will say. Some might even fear change itself. That’s a very tough predicament to find yourself in, with all those elevated levels of fear. For those of you who are fearful of many things, such as fear of missing out, or the fear of change. There is a solution and its not glamorous.

Fear Of Missing Out
Photo by Bram. on Unsplash

Routine Is Your Salvation.

No magic pills just hard work. Embrace that which you are most afraid to change. Lean into that fear, make the change. Do it day in and day out and just never stop doing it till it becomes habitual. You won’t even have to think about it. Tough at first but second nature after a period of time and repetition. It may take a month to build the new habit or a lifetime of focus. It really comes down to how you view it. If you feel its a struggle, it will be one. However, if you feel you are working on mastering your mind and body. It will be a trans-formative and enjoyable experience.

A friend of mine who struggles with drug usage. Reached out to another friend of mine who struggles with enabling in help through financial means.

The drug user friend knows exactly who to reach out to get the form of “help” he needs, usually financial. And he’ll tug on their heart strings with messages like “I’m homeless can you help” or “I’m out of gas and need money.” Many generous friends have given this individual a lot of money over the years. Only to watch him squander it on drugs and gambling.

How To Change.

These friends now know after thousands of dollars spent trying to help. That their contribution isn’t helpful at all. In fact it has the adverse effect and the only thing that will help this individual is change. Change he is afraid to make but it’s supremely necessary.

Change Your Environment.

First he’ll need to change his environment, ditch the people closet to you. Negative “friends” will drag you down with them given the opportunity and misery loves company. He needs to get them completely out of his life. Then work on changing habits, desires and values. You would have to desire change and not just spare change for the next fix, actual change. Which I believe most people want.

Guide Your Actions, Make It Emotional.

Here is how the drug user could help himself. Wake up every morning at the exact same time. Wake at 6 am, then workout, then write a journal about your recovery. Full of emotion and feeling and how you are going to make that one day better than the last. If you want, post it online to help other individuals in their recovery. Eat a healthy natural breakfast full of fruits and vegetables, eat that throughout the day. Go to work, if you can’t find work, volunteer.

Just keep yourself from being idle throughout the day. As the saying goes idle hands are the devils tools. It’s a very true statement, if you don’t have productive activity that’s where bad things find root. And don’t just vacantly say you will do these things, do them because in the famous words of John D. Rockefeller, “words without deeds are like a garden full weeds.” Lastly set a sleep time and routine for every evening, stick to it religiously. This is the way to help that friend, he has to help himself.

I’ll say it again routine is the salvation. He may not understand it, and he may not recognize it right now. But he is already in a negative pattern, a negative routine, it’s a cycle. He has a fear of missing out, and he’s afraid to change. But if you fear missing out on night life or drinks and doing drugs, change your desires.


Make sleep the choice you prioritize, something you are unwilling to miss out on. Value moments throughout your day with friends. Take that time to create things, rather then consume or simply enjoy great conversation. Make a good cut off time every evening for alone wind down time and ultimately bed time.

Value your time alone, don’t feel that you always need to be in company. And when you are in company make the best of it. Just choose better desires and better values. Than continue to act on those and life will change for the better around you.

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Fighting Fire With Fire #152.

Fighting Fire With Fire

Sometimes It’s Just Crazy Enough To Work. Other Times You Just End Up With A Bigger Fire.

Fighting Fire with Fire

We use this fire method all the time, from flu shots to hair of the dog. We’ll use what causes the problem, to fix the problem. And just as insane as using dog hair to put in a wound of a dog bite. So are our many other remedies.

The Drinker.

Will use more alcohol in order to avoid the dreaded hangover but in the end will be left with a much worse one.

The Drug Addict.

A different drug to kick the habit of the other. Which often leads to a new addiction. Or worse yet they’ll need the lifesaving benefits of a drug in order to stop the overdose of another drug.

Flu Shot.

Those that worry of getting sick will use a mild dose of the flu in order to try to avoid getting the flu.

The Smoker.

Cigarette smokers might try to quit smoking with the aid of the same addictive substance taht got them hooked in the first place. Nicotine in different forms. Maybe they’ll use water vapor with the same chemicals maybe a patch or gum.


We’ll attempt to pay off debt with more debt.

We’ll try to talk our way out of bad situations our mouth got us into. Which is more often than not the only way out of those situations but hopefully we just don’t start that fire in the first place.

In The Name Of Safety

Recently they passed a law in my home state that requires all construction companies to not release any silica into the air. Because silica is known carcingen. Silica dust is natural and usually fairly abundant everywhere on new construction sites. And in order to clean it up the state requires you to use a sweeping compound to sweep up this dust.

However on these sweeping compounds which are unnatural and carry a large warning label on the box that says this product may cause cancer.

Now those worker get the pleasure of interacting with two known carcinogens. Fire on fire in the name of “safety,” but  probably more accurately in the name of profits.

So Why Is It We Use These Methods?

Well it’s because every so often they actual work. And just like a well fought forest fire, with perfect placement and timing you can stop the encroaching fire and all its impending destruction with more fire. In order to fight fire with fire you need to have a well coordinated plan of attack. You need to know the consequences of that action and you need to use it in the right place at the right time. Just remember a poorly placed uncontrolled fire will only expand your already burning one.

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Withholding Life Saving Information (Blowing It Scenario #140).

Countries And Corporation Withhold Life Saving Information And Drugs Usually In The Name Of Finance.

A report came out that China has been with holding samples of the bird flu. It is a influenza bug that has the potential of killing a lot of people, if or when it makes the transfer from human to human. This is valuable research and an illness that all countries should be working towards suppressing. Never should we let our differences get in the way of creating systems of collaboration to help out the greater good of humanity.

I hope this withholding is for financial reasons and not some far more nefarious reason. Although withholding drugs and life saving treatment in the name of the all mighty dollar is quite nefarious. And drug companies, even hospitals do it all the time. It seems unconscionable, why would anyone make such a heinous decision? I guess in the some people eyes sometimes money is more important than saving lives. It happens often, especially when they don’t have the finances for it.

On the other hand it is a service and we do need to pay our fair share for such a service. It is how these services are produced in the first place. But massive inflation of a service just to pad the pockets at the expense of the many is inconceivable. As is withholding research of a potentially deadly strain of virus, so only a few will have access to its life saving vaccine. This is a counter intuitive approach. With limited supply, spread becomes easier and faster and it will still come beating down the doorstep of even those who have received the treatment. It may not get them, but it will come close to home if it spreads. So why not just work together.

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Not Allowing Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports #132.

Performance Enhancing Drugs

Make Sports Great Again. With Performance Enhancing Drugs.

All athletes should be able to take performance enhancing drugs. Just require them to disclose which ones they use.

Performance Enhancing Drugs

If you are of the, “purest, that’s cheating in sports” camp. Than I have news for you. There is just about absolutely no original purity left in any sport. Performances are constantly being enhanced in every aspect of the game. Every year, every professional athlete, and every sporting good manufacturer. Are all out there finding new ways to edge out their competitors.

They Work Every Single Angle To Enhance Their Performance.

Better equipment, better training regiments, better technology, better statistics, better supplements, better nutrition. It all adds up. Not to mention everyone’s body chemistry is different. So one player who has more natural testosterone than another maybe able to train harder. One may have a higher IQ. Another better agility and flexibility. Some things in nature are just luck of the draw.

On Top Of That How Much More Advanced Is The Equipment These Players Use Today Than They Did Ten, Twenty, Fifty Years Ago?

Light years differences in some instances. Tennis rackets, bicycles, golf clubs, footwear, gloves, clothing, feedback monitors. The list keeps growing. Football players now use performance enhancing gloves that stick like glue to the football. Where as a player getting tackled, can still catch a ball one handed and with three fingers.

Better footwear for runners, and all sports for that matter. Along with better fabrics with less resistance. Better wicking technology, which leads to better suits for swimmers. Technology has improved in other areas such as lighter rackets for tennis players. And lighter bicycles for riders. Even better training equipment.

We’re constantly enhancing every area. Why punish a player for attempting to enhance their body unnaturally. Sure it’s with unnatural chemicals. But so are current hydration methods. Most popular beverages for athletes are filled with unnatural chemicals.

If We Want To Be Purest.

We should require all players to only drink water, only use cotton clothing, flat shoes, limited padding, maybe go back to leather helmets, or none at all. All sports golf and baseball included can use only solid heavy wood equipment. And we can go back to kicking pig blatters.

The point is everything evolves, including sports. It’s more entertaining to watch apex elite athletes get even better than what the human body is usually capable of. Maybe that’s just me but I believe performance enhancing drugs should be available to all players who are willing to take that risk to improve that much more.

Blowing It Scenario #102-Enabling Others To Be Helpless.

We Often Think We’re Helping Others By Giving Them What They Want Or Think They Need But Not Allowing Them To Do It For Themselves Often Hurts Them More Then It Helps.

A 30 year old man in upstate New York had to be summoned to court by his parents this week. Because they had already served him multiple eviction notices which he disregarded and continued to stay in their home rent free. Good for the parents finally taking action to set this man child free. However it’s about a decade too late and how do you think he learned this behavior in the first place?

We live in an era when we are constantly enabled by our parents, our technology, and by those closest to us. We learn how to be helpless. If you are given everything through out your life, do you think you will ever develop necessary skills or the belief that you have to work for these things? No, you’ll just go on believing that everything should be handed to you. You won’t see that someone does in fact have to work to pay for your existence. You do others a disservice if you are constantly giving them money, or food, clothing, and shelter. Yes a loving parent will always take care of their child. But at some point, say when the child reaches an age of self sufficiency, which ultimately should be around their teenage years. You have to begin to apply some tough love. Make them work for what they have, charge them rent, show them what the real world is like. Do it gradually at first and show them how it’s for their own best interest. Because if you wait too long, it may just turn into a debilitating phobia. One that will see constant struggle throughout life because they were never given the tools to live outside the bubble you built for them.

Recently this happened in my home state. The police were called into evict a man in his 50’s who had been living in this home with his mom his whole life. She had passed and the father wanted the son out of the house. He had a large cache of weapons he had collected over the years and when the swat team came to evict the man. He killed himself but not before setting fire to the house first. The man would rather die and burn down his only sanctuary then have to participate in the real world. This is an extreme example but this is how the man was raised. We’ll call it extreme learned helplessness. It’s the same thing that happens with addicts. We give into their request so often, thinking we’re helping them but ultimately we hurt their chances of improving. If we provide them with everything they request or we think they need, they don’t have to put any effort in to achieving anything for themselves. This applies especially to money. However if they need help for recovery, do it, but keep tight capital controls on the funds and make sure it’s strictly going to where it’s best suited for that.

Really we should all do our part to be self reliant and help those around us to do the same. We help others by guiding them, first to self sufficiency, then to self reliance, ultimately putting them on the path to self mastery. Where they can, in turn, guide the next group of individuals.

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Blowing It Scenario #76-2 Young Women Caught Smuggling 200 Pounds Of Cocaine To Australia.

Getting Caught Smuggling 200 Pounds Of Cocaine Is a 200 Pound Failure.

Actually it will add up to a lifetime failure. Two beautiful young girls who had their whole lives in front of them. Will now spend nearly a decade behind bars, because of their actions. They had just found a love for travel too. As they were traversing the globe seeing all the beautiful places the world had to offer. They got involved with the wrong people in the wrong business.

They picked up a sugar daddy. A wealthy man to pay for their way of life. Often times putting out sexually for this exchange. Almost like a high end prostitute. I reserve judgement on that. Money should be spent however you want to spend it and women should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies that they see fit. With their new sugar daddy they got into the drug smuggling game. Which was probably their biggest failure, their decision to get involved in drug smuggling in the first place. That and excepting a sugar daddy. What a dumb way to go out, and who gives two young women 200 pounds of cocaine? It’s almost like they were planning to fail. I’m sure no suspicions would arise when two petite women who can barely carry their luggage are asked to open their suitcases to reveal barely any clothes and a few bricks of cocaine adorning their bags. At least practice some moderation.

However it is probably a good thing these girls got caught the way they did and only got the limited sentence they received because if they didn’t learn this lesson now. They could have fell prey to far worse individuals down the road.

Seriously though just enjoy your vacation, stay out of prison so you can continue to enjoy many more vacations. If you feel the need to smuggle something in order to make huge profits, than learn e-commerce. Than you can ship and sell legal goods all around the world. It may take a little longer to earn those huge profits but I assure you it won’t take half as long as your prison sentence.

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Blowing It Scenario #67-Bill Cosby, 40 Plus Years Of Blowing It.

40 Plus Years An Alleged Rapist Has Walked Free.

All the while hiding behind the veil of good wholesome family man and comedian. Ridiculing and deriding other comedians that used dirty language in their act. This is the worst kind of predator. The most unassuming, and easy to trust. We were all sold the lie, and maybe that was his own carefully crafted image that made us buy into that facade. Making himself untouchable in the process and it’s those untouchables that get away with murder. Or in this case decades of sexual abuse, using drugs to rape victims. We didn’t want to believe it, how could the jello pudding pop guy, the guy who never utters a bad word, Doctor Huckstable himself, how could he be a sexual predator?

Today begins day 1 of his retrial, the fact that it has made it to retrial is somewhat baffling. However I do respect the court process and they are only trying one of the alleged victims case, so they have to completely disregard the numerous other women he attacked in years prior. And statute of limitations apply. All because he hasn’t raped anyone since his sixties. But did we only reach this statute because when original victims came forward their pleas for this sexual predator to be reprimanded fell on deaf ears? Were those in charge of the criminal process also so blinded to the fact it was thee Bill Cosby? I assume it’s very hard to charge a rape case. In most instances it’s one persons word against another and there needs to be evidence a criminal act occurred. However when there are multiple women coming forward with the same allegations it becomes time to act. Time to believe the victims, time to punish the accused.

In this type of situation I believe some flexibility in a statute of limitations should be allowed. If an accuser came forward many years ago and it’s on record but was completely dismissed or thrown out at the time because of the accused status. Than that should not be considered part of the statute, that should be considered poor investigating or poor judgement. Those allegations should now still be relevant, and admissible in court, and it shouldn’t matter how far back they go. Either way Bill Is 80 years old and has already gotten away with all this. We need this to be an example to future generations that it doesn’t matter the stature of the predator let’s go after them and fight them tooth and nail till the end. Till justice is served.

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Blowing It Scenario #48-Drugs-The Catalyst Of Many Failures.

So Many Failures In Life Can Be Linked To Drug Use. Yet So Many Dive Right In Fully Knowing The Harm They Could Be Inflicting.

An article came out recently about a young 21 year old girl who gouged her own eyes out while on meth. The sad thing is this most likely saved her life. Blind now from her actions but she has since quit using drugs. I’m not so certain this positive outcome would have came through less drastic measures. She was just days away from heading to treatment. A treatment she most likely would have left with all the promise of hope that she would be avoiding the perils of drug use in the future. But all to often the drug’s irresistible siren song comes calling and you’re right back where you left off. Actually more often then not, you try to jump in where you left off and this is where over doses happen. You try to smoke, shoot or snort the amounts your custom to and you body hasn’t acclimated to the large doses yet, then bad thing are in store. You don’t go from sea level to the peak of Everest on the same day, it’s a gradual process that got you too the peak before. When racing to the top your body is going to have averse reactions. Sometimes leading to death.

Yet what is this powerful allure that keeps people coming back? Even full well knowing it could be their last time. What makes the mother of 3 shoot up heroin when she knows she may abandon her children through her actions. Either through death or the state. Why would you ever try meth knowing it could make you gouge your own eyes out. The answer lies in the fact that it’s simply a part of human nature that we need to counteract from time to time. Most creatures of earth seek altered states. From the forest dwellers that eat hallucinogenic mushrooms, to elephants that eat fermented fruit to get drunk, cats eating catnip. Heck even children at play will spin themselves in circles chasing that short lived high. One animal will bash itself in the head with a rock to reach altered state. If that last one isn’t a metaphor for drug use I can’t think of one much better. All across the animal kingdom we see these experiences. Creatures just want to feel something out of the ordinary especially when your ordinary seems hopeless or mundane.

I’m all for people doing whatever they so choose to do with they’re own bodies. To steal a line from Ben Harper in a song about smoking weed. Your choice is who you choose to be and if you’re causing no harm then you’re alright with me. The problem with most major drug use, is you’re not causing no harm. The heroin and meth users usually are a major burden to those closest to them and society as a whole. They don’t always carry jobs and when they do they can tend to be short lived. So often times many users need to steal from others or do other illegal activities just to get the money needed to get to their next fix. Right now their is a massive opioid epidemic across the entire U.S. with no end (other then the morgue) in sight. It’s often just a slow suicide once it gets started. It takes tremendous strength and will of the highest character just to get clean and stay clean.  There is hope but you’re going have to give all of yourself. Many are not willing or ready to do such extreme measures. They would rather risk death or blindness then to get and stay clean. So why even start at all?

How do we stop the scourge that is plaguing society? I really don’t have the answer. The best option I think would be to stop it before it ever starts. And not just by telling people don’t do drugs, clearly that doesn’t work. I think it might help deter more people if we use an honest education based system. Instead of saying don’t do drugs we should ask ourselves instead, “what if we like them?” When you ask yourself what if I like these drugs, you come up with a double negative answer. If you like them great, how will you fund this new found habit you’re, so fond of? What does it look like when all your teeth are missing, your face is scabbed up from the incessant picking at it, and eyes gouged out. What does it look like when you’re the town pariah. What does it look like when your parents are crying themselves to sleep at night wondering if you’ll ever come home again. Or your kids are in foster homes. Think of the outcomes prior to use, walk that path in your mind first, and maybe you’ll second guess the decision. Now this is a very extreme version of this thinking. But I use a modified version of it all the time. I ask myself, “what if I like smoking weed?” weed is really no big deal in my eyes, I wouldn’t even classify marijuana as a drug. It has a very low impact on society, as a matter of fact you could argue that it’s a boon for the economy in states that have legalized it. Now, the question is, what if I like it? Then I have the pleasure of wasting money on a new unnecessary habit, that I didn’t have before. It’s not like food or water you don’t need it to survive, so you’re literally burning money to feel good. Some might ask that question and think the benefits outweigh the cost. I can definitely see benefits outweighing cost in this scenario. Which is fine too but it’s still not for me.

Now the flip side to the question of major drug use would be, “what if I don’t like it?” Great, you are one of the lucky few and you can move on with your life knowing you tried something new, that has ruined the lives of many others before you, and you luckily made it out alright. If that’s the case and you don’t like it, wouldn’t it just be best not to roll the dice in the first place?

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