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Slumps (Blowing It Scenario #112)

We All Get Into Them And The Only Way To Beat It Is To Play Through It.

No matter what it be; sport, writing, marriage, dating. We will all hit a slump at some point. In sports you see it all the time. In basketball shooters can’t hit a shot to save their life. Kickers will miss wide in football, while passers will miss there open targets. In dating you’ll feel like a misfit a complete social outcast at certain points. You feel like you couldn’t buy yourself a date if you wanted to. In marriage you’ll at times feel if your with the wrong person that there is an awkwardness that you didn’t see in the beginning. With writing, just yesterday I told someone I felt like I was in a slump that day. And there was my answer staring me right in the face, write about slumping. Because the only answer to a slump is to not give into it, but it’s to play through it.

The best way to get your rhythm back is to find the easy shot. Be it an actual shot in sport, or a metaphorical shot in life situation. It’s all the same, find a way to get some easy chances at getting back to being whole and focused. In basketball a shooter that is slumping might get himself fouled in order to get to the free throw line. Where they have a few easy attempts at shooting the ball. Kickers have it tough with the new extra point rule in football. They used to have a really easy extra point kick so if they were slumping the extra points would back focused that’s not so much the case anymore. So when they slump they tend to stay in it for the entire game. It’s not until the players can see there action go through the net or the uprights that they can mentally get back into the game. A quarterback who’s missing targets might start to throw a lot of short check down passes to get back into rhythm. And once he does, watch out for the big plays, because his confidence is back and he’s ready to sling it.

In dating if you can’t seem to find the dates you want, or almost everyone seems to turn you down, you might have to just take the first person willing to go out with you. Not to say it in a bad way but take the easiest shot. It might not work out but it will help to boost your confidence in that arena, and you’ll see the suitors come calling afterwards.

In marriage, if your slumping, do the little things, the easy things. Sometimes it might be too late but at least you’ll know in your next relationship to never slack on the small stuff; communication, affection, and attention. As for me and writing this. It was my answer to my slump, write what you know what your going through and it’s the easiest form writing. Key word to all this is easiest. Start at easy and when you get that down, slowly increase the intensity and difficulty till you’ve completely broken through any slump.

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Blowing It Scenario #109-Worry.

Did You Know Anxiety And Excitement Have The Exact Same Chemical Release In The Brain And It’s Just How We Frame The Situation That Dictates Which Is Which?

All we have to do is re-frame anxious situations as ones of excitement. Ever wonder how some people can love the thrill of jumping out of planes or public speaking while others cower at those same thoughts or actions. We all feel that same rush, some choose to thrive in it, while others might choose to look inward and express worry about unknown outcomes. It’s simply how we look at the task at hand. Do we want to be excited or do we want to worry?

So much of our worries are completely outside of our control, it’s usually over past or future issues. Issues that have already happened, or might happen down the road. Future what if scenarios that have yet to happen, if ever. We’ll worry about what we said or might say. Worry about what we’ve done or what we might do. We’ll tend to fixate on these outcomes or possible outcomes sending our amygdala in search of if this is a threat or not. If it’s deemed a threat, the brain in turn sends it to the thalamus, the reptilian part of the brain responsible for the fight, flight or freeze response. Once we reach this point, we now must ride out the storm till the threat has passed.

Most things pass through the amygdala as safe and will be sent right through to storage without us being none the wiser. But when we worry, we can activate that reptilian response and we’ll sometimes get ourselves stuck in that feeling of anxiety. Do we fight this, do we run from it or do we freeze? It’s not until we can find new safe harbors for our brain to anchor in, that we can then move on from this stress of worry. Be it a new thought process or relaxation techniques. And that is the cool part, because those safe harbors are completely within our control, either find a happy place to go to in your mind or simply live in the immediate here and now. No past, no future, just strictly in this moment and breathe deeply. When we breathe deep, it activates our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and digestion or in other words, the feed and breed part of the brain. Activities that require relaxation. So next time you feel worry arising try a simple form of box breathing. Breathe in for a count of 6, hold for 1 second, then breathe out for 8 seconds. Repeat this process until you’ve found calm.

Another thing I’ve found that helps deter thoughts from ever entering the thalamus in the first place is something a family member of mine once thought me. She said all you need is two powerful words when you feel a since of worry coming on. What are those two words you might ask, fuck it. Not, “what’s the worst that can happen,” because when you ask yourself that question, your mind will search for answers. Sending it into a tailspin and trust me it will find those worrisome answers. Just say fuck it don’t even let your thoughts reach your thalamus. Just move right on to a better suited task or thought process because worrying will solve nothing and complicate everything.

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Blowing It Scenario #107-Over Complicating.

There Is Such Beauty In Simplicity. I Like To Believe Perfection Is Found In The Imperfections.

Because that’s exactly how it was supposed to be. Just let it be. Why must we over complicate things? We do it to our lifestyles, we believe we must own the best of everything, the best house, the best car, the best spouse, the job that pays great and covers all the expenses for all your over complications but in turn keeps you locked in at 80+ hours a week or worse yet keeps you constantly at their beck and call with endless email and phone calls even during our down time.

And then we will in turn do it to our relationships. We’ll think we need things from our partner, the house, the car, the kids and when we find out those complications aren’t always the answers. We’ll look to get back to the basics but it might already be too late. Put yourself in position to be with the right person and everything you want from each other will come as a simple task, it will be as close to second nature as possible because you’ll both be working together towards the same simple goals you set out in the beginning. But regardless of all you do for each other, in the end we’ll all realize love was all we really needed.

Because sometimes in our blind pursuit of over complication of everything we begin to neglect what’s important, the simple things, the perfect things. Love, friendship, life. They all take work but its the simplest form of work. Love another and you’ll be loved, be a friend and you’ll receive one, enjoy life and life will bless you with abundance that freely comes to you because the best things in life are free. How much more simple can you get. So for argument sake I’ll keep this article simple. Life can be so easy, let’s not over complicate it.

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Blowing It Scenario #105-Assumptions.

What’s That Old Saying? “When You Assume Something, You Make An “Ass” Of Both “U” And “Me””

It’s a ridiculous statement but there are some truths to it. Assumptions are pure guess work that you deduce through personal biases. Depending on what we assume, we could be setting ourselves free or shackling ourselves to ideas that are massive hindrances to our progress.

We’ll tend to assume another persons emotions. Sometimes we’ll assume their desires, what we think they want or don’t want. If you always assume no one could ever be into you, or no one will ever want what you’re offering. Your actions will manifest those feelings. And you’ll never take action to counteract those assumptions. You’ll simply go through life assuming that the glass is half empty and no one will ever fill it up. It’s what gets us into trouble with relationships, work and life in general. If we assume our partner is feeling a certain way, we could be completely neglecting their true emotions.

Not all assumption are bad but wouldn’t you rather know instead of having to guess. Instead of assuming we could just ask for what we want or how another person feels. There is another old saying “if you don’t a-s-k you don’t g-e-t,” It’s silly but true. If you don’t ask for what you want or what you assume others want from you. You’ll never receive what you need, be it companionship, information, sales, help, etc.

That being said, there are some blind assumption that can be positive and keep you on a path you would normally divert from had you not made those false positive assumptions. If you assume great things will come your way, you’ll probably be on the receiving end of great things from time to time. However that could also set you up for disappointment too. If you assume nothing, everything that comes to you is a gift, not just the great things. If I were to assume that these words I write are completely worthless and they hold no value in anyone’s eye, I may have stopped at article one. But if I assume the contrary, I might continue on writing forever in the hopes this reaches you and provides you value. That can be a benefit of assumption. There will always be both a negative and a positive to the equation. But when you frame assumption in a positive light you can keep going through adversity in the hopes of being right later on down the road.

Blowing It Scenario #104-Smart Homes And Inviting Recording Devices Into Them.

Smart Homes Of The Future Are Intended To Make Our Lives Easier But At What Cost.

Amazon Echo, Google Home, Apple Home Pod, Nest Security Cameras, Amazon Security Cameras. These are all devices that can record you at anytime, unwittingly and send that information anywhere. This is what recently happened with Amazon’s Echo. A couple’s private conversation was recorded and sent to one of their contacts. This is just a small hiccup but it exposes the technology for what it truly is, a recording device to collect data on it’s users.

Simply put we invite these recording devices into our homes where we conduct our most private and intimate moments in life. And we expect these corporations that own the technology we use to just close there eyes and plug their ears while we have these moments. It’s just not how the business works, everything you do provides data, that data is then used by or sold to other companies trying to profit from your information. It’s now so invasive that the European Union recently passed the GDPR General Data Protection Regulation. Where they don’t allow these companies to track their citizens personal data. That is a step in the right direction and good for those who live in the E.U. because the rest of us have every app we download tracking our every move.

Just about every single app we now download to our phone for some reason requires access to our speaker, our camera, our personal photos, our contacts, everything. It doesn’t make any sense, and yet it makes perfect sense when your business is data driven. It’s so powerful to know when you eat, sleep, go to the restroom, what shops you frequent, what you buy, how much you drive, where you drive too, what websites you frequent, what photos you take, are you willing to tag those photos and interconnect them with others, how much exercise you get, what you talk about, what you text about. All this information is compiled into one tight little package about you. Where we can than in turn be swayed and directed into any number of funnels the powers that be want us to be shuffled into. Technology is a blessing and a curse, yes it has made our lives easier in many ways but we won’t truly know the consequences of it all because we could be on a completely different trajectory had we never been guided down the paths that our tech has guided us down.

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Blowing It Scenario #103-Opposites Attracting.

Not Sure How This Idea Behind Magnetism Became A Common Saying About Human Relationships.

Tell me if you have heard this one before or if you’ve ever told yourself, opposites attract? It’s a very common saying and belief. And although it’s very true if you are a pair of magnets. It doesn’t so much correlate to humans. Humans are so much more complicated then the north and south poles of a magnet. A more truer statement would be like attracts like. Where similarities draw in those with other similarities. Not the opposite. If you try to go after the opposite you’ll be in a constant battle. You’ll want one thing out of life while your opposing partner wants something completely different.

Opposite can sometimes challenge you in certain areas and if you are looking to be challenged it may be something you sign yourself up for. This can sometime help you in improving but it will be trying if you make a life of it. It’s great when you can complement someone else’s weaknesses with your strengths or vise versa your partner helps you where you struggle. In those situation though you’re not working as opposites, you’re working as two parts to make a whole. You are both working towards a common goal. Not opposing each other but working together, it’s two fundamentally different things.

The only real situation opposites attract in a relationship is if their is a dominant and a submissive. Where one exercises their will, while the other submits to it. This codependency is not too uncommon and if it works for you great. You can continue to tell people opposites attract. But for the rest of us, relationship are more of an ebb and flow, a get and give back mentality. A continuous effort between two to work fully in unison. Yes, you will have to at times give way to your partners demands, but most of the time you’ll want the same thing, so it won’t be hard when it comes to that. But it’s simply not as cut and dry as opposites attract because in that sense you will constantly be butting heads working towards opposite goals, opposite wants and opposite needs.

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Blowing It Scenario #102-Enabling Others To Be Helpless.

We Often Think We’re Helping Others By Giving Them What They Want Or Think They Need But Not Allowing Them To Do It For Themselves Often Hurts Them More Then It Helps.

A 30 year old man in upstate New York had to be summoned to court by his parents this week. Because they had already served him multiple eviction notices which he disregarded and continued to stay in their home rent free. Good for the parents finally taking action to set this man child free. However it’s about a decade too late and how do you think he learned this behavior in the first place?

We live in an era when we are constantly enabled by our parents, our technology, and by those closest to us. We learn how to be helpless. If you are given everything through out your life, do you think you will ever develop necessary skills or the belief that you have to work for these things? No, you’ll just go on believing that everything should be handed to you. You won’t see that someone does in fact have to work to pay for your existence. You do others a disservice if you are constantly giving them money, or food, clothing, and shelter. Yes a loving parent will always take care of their child. But at some point, say when the child reaches an age of self sufficiency, which ultimately should be around their teenage years. You have to begin to apply some tough love. Make them work for what they have, charge them rent, show them what the real world is like. Do it gradually at first and show them how it’s for their own best interest. Because if you wait too long, it may just turn into a debilitating phobia. One that will see constant struggle throughout life because they were never given the tools to live outside the bubble you built for them.

Recently this happened in my home state. The police were called into evict a man in his 50’s who had been living in this home with his mom his whole life. She had passed and the father wanted the son out of the house. He had a large cache of weapons he had collected over the years and when the swat team came to evict the man. He killed himself but not before setting fire to the house first. The man would rather die and burn down his only sanctuary then have to participate in the real world. This is an extreme example but this is how the man was raised. We’ll call it extreme learned helplessness. It’s the same thing that happens with addicts. We give into their request so often, thinking we’re helping them but ultimately we hurt their chances of improving. If we provide them with everything they request or we think they need, they don’t have to put any effort in to achieving anything for themselves. This applies especially to money. However if they need help for recovery, do it, but keep tight capital controls on the funds and make sure it’s strictly going to where it’s best suited for that.

Really we should all do our part to be self reliant and help those around us to do the same. We help others by guiding them, first to self sufficiency, then to self reliance, ultimately putting them on the path to self mastery. Where they can, in turn, guide the next group of individuals.

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Blowing It Scenario #101-Sexual Repression.

Does Sexual Repression Manifest Itself As Sexual Aggression?

Withhold anything that’s strongly wanted and there will grow a burning desire to obtain these things. Sometimes these wants will be transmuted into new desires. Does the same hold true for sex? Sex is simply a part of human nature and will always be desired in some form or another. Make it a healthy desire. Don’t suppress it but also don’t attack it or others. All sex must be mutually desired.

Today an archbishop in Australia was charged with covering up sexual abuses of his colleague, another priest. This is the highest ranking member of the church to be charged. It shouldn’t matter who you are or what your profession, no one should be outside the purview of justice and I commend Australia for going after sexual predators (especially those of minors) and those who protect them. Even if those men claim to be men of god and are high ranking priest.

4,400 men and women have come forward with stories of sexual abuse by the church from 1980 to 2015. None of this has it’s place in any church, or society as a whole for that matter. This is just in Australia, around the world there are so many more claims. What is it about this environment that makes sexual assault of minors so prevalent? Is it the fact that those involved know so much of their actions will always be covered up by the powers that be? Or is it the fact priest must remain celibate and by repressing normal sexual desires they become altered in someway? Manifesting in the worst way possible, as predators to youth. I will truly never see how children become the object of there desires but we as a society need to examine these things so we can hope to prevent them in the future.

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Blowing It Scenario #100-Lack Of Action Or Poor Action Choices.

The 4 Stages Of Action Theory.

Action is paramount to life. And this is our basic theory on how different actions impact you in different ways. You can add complexity to any given idea and the same holds true to this theory. But for sake of argument I have simplified it to four specific stages. These are what I believe to be the four stages of action.

First and most powerful is “Persistent Progressive Positive Action,” this type of consistent action will put you on the road that leads to success. It’s the actions that challenge you to constantly improve and to get better in any particular area of life. This is where we want to strive to maintain. Actions rooted in stage one will drastically improve your life and the lives of those around you.

Second is “Passive Action” which ultimately leads to mediocrity. This type of action is, at the very least positive, in the fact that you are taking a small action every day towards an easily attainable goal (say getting yourself to the end of the work day) and not standing still. It’s this type of action where you have reached a certain level over understanding and cease to make any more larger improvements. This is your 9 to 5 people, improvement is slight and minimal at best but it’s far better than inaction.

Which leads us to the third stage “Inaction” this action or lack there of, leads to atrophy, if you don’t use it you lose it, and complete inaction is death. If your heart, lungs, or brain are inactive you are effectively dead. Inaction can spiral you into a state where even the easiest of task can feel like climbing Mount Everest, steer clear of this phase if you can. It takes way more energy to move a stagnant object then it does to push one already in motion. Stay active and you’ll never have to worry about moving the immovable object. At the very least stay in stage two.

Lastly our fourth action is “Negative Action” these are the actions that inevitably lead to destruction. For example these are the actions that put you in jail or worse. Your drug users and thieves. Those using actions to commit poor acts that impact them negatively or work against their progress. However, we will see that this can be a highly useful tool in the four stages. It is when one begins to decline from peak performance that they can apply this stage. If you a the greatest in the world at what you do and you begin to decline in skill after applying every possible strategy to improve. It could be time to apply stage four and retire from that given arena. That’s not to say giving up, when you leave one area of expertise. You should begin immediately back in stage one with the next project you plan to master.

These four stages are brilliantly displayed in a documentary I recently watched called “The Fear Of Thirteen.” It’s a life story told by a man who spent over 20 years on death row, all because of the actions he took throughout life. Seemingly small actions that exploded to catastrophic results throughout each choice he made. He began in a world of negative actions both taken against him (he is raped as a young boy, which was not handled early on and we can see it snowball into self destructive tendencies later on in life) and applied by him. He started out as a small time crook robbing cars and using drugs. Which is always going to be a path that leads to negative results.

He finally gets arrested for his actions and at the time of arrest he chooses to be slightly difficult with the arresting officer (another stage 4). They book him for his crimes and add evading arrest and attempted murder of an officer. So he’s looking at hard time now. While awaiting trial for these accusations he came across a news article about a women who was raped and murdered. In his infinite wisdom he decided that he would turn states evidence about this crime. One he did not commit nor did he know anything about it but he figured if he could make up a convincing story he could roll that into a plea bargain deal and get a lesser sentence for the crime he was booked for. So he decided to make up a story to tell the cops about a guy he once knew as a heavy drug user and throw his name under the proverbial bus (stage 4). He spins an elaborate story about the murder and how this drug user commits it. What he didn’t know was that drug user had since cleaned up his life (stage one) and was clean and sober and nowhere near the scene of the crime. So after the trail for his current charges (theft, evading arrest and attempted murder of a police officer) was held. Most of the charges were dropped but since he provided so much in depth information on this other crime, the rape and murder of a women. And the person he implemented was not the murderer, he inadvertently became the only suspect in a crime he did not commit (stage 4).

It was an open and shut case, he was convicted of her murder and sentenced to death. While on death row he was not allowed to speak. For two years he was in complete silence, complete inactivity(stage three). While in prison he made even more negative choices. At one point he escapes transfer and goes on the run making many more mistakes while on the run but ultimately turns himself in because he knows if he doesn’t life will constantly be a struggle. His story takes a positive turn finally when at one he was given a book to read on death row, he had never read before but soon fell in love with the practice he began reading everything he could get his hands on always making progress to get better. He met a woman at this time and after getting to know her better he finally confesses to her he never killed that women. They begin to take positive actions to clear his name, filing petition after petition (stage one). Soon their is a breakthrough in DNA sequencing and the blood at the crime scene could now be tested. He tries over and over to get the blood tested. Years and years of walls and barriers to no avail. But its not all for nothing. No one ever completes the full test and when it seems like all hope is lost after 20 years on death row. He commits the biggest act of defiance and ask the governor to have his execution to be moved forward and instated promptly (stage four when all hope is lost). The governor surprised at this point, wonders how a man so fervently trying to display his innocence for over a decade would all of a sudden want to be executed. He immediately orders the medical examiner test the blood from the crime scene and it is proven he is not the murderer after all.

He is eventually released from prison but not before they take away all his freedom one last time, they take all his books and everything from him but what does he do with this time. He doesn’t stay inactive or begin sulking, he spends his time envisioning the perfect future he wants to build for himself when he finally gets out. And in turn he eventually makes that vision reality (stage one). Hopefully you can see how the choices we make and the actions that follow, can easily turn the tide and change the direction of your life completely, however small or large. Knowing that, you can use this information as a guide to improvement, stay out of the final two, sometimes three stages. unless the fourth stage is absolutely necessary completely avoid it. Be persistent, be positive, make progress by always taking massive actions towards those type of goals.

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Blowing It Scenario #99-Selfish Acts.

Imagine If We Changed The Name Self Help Industry To “Other’s Help” Instead And We Focused On Improving The Lives Of Others, How Much More Beneficial And Further Reaching That Would Be.

Not that their is anything wrong with self help but when we stop at just the self we aren’t really improving anything around us. We put so much time, energy and money into self help but the crux of the matter is when you’re just helping yourself you’re neglecting everything else. You have to realize that those in the self help industry are successful because they’re applying the very principles of other’s help by trying to help you improve. Those in need of self improvement will be far better off if they just apply their efforts to helping just one other individual. Because that self improvement must see the light of day and must be payed forward for it to have any real impact on your life.

If we simply end at just the self, we can develop a selfish attitude towards the world around us. Once we’re in a selfish state we’ll think what’s mine is mine, screw everyone else. We’ll see others as selfish individuals who leach from society we’ll act out in negative ways to hold on to what we think is ours and that doing our part to help our fellow man is beyond us. It should be left to those who have more. This line of thinking is completely flawed and has no bearings in our culture.

We could think of work as helping others and not just a paycheck. We could do rewarding work that does in fact help others. We could think of the payments we give others as helping another individual in some way. We could donate our time, money and energy to helping others in need. Because when we do, each small act of kindness tends to have a multiplier effect (selfless good begets more selfless good) and the magnitude can sometimes be felt around the world. We may not see the effects all the time but trust me they are there. And they are working and the results can be ever lasting.

Nothing great was ever built alone it takes so many helping hands along the way. Their is absolutely no such thing as self made, banish that idea from your mind. In order to just be on this earth it took two parents to create you. In order to survive past childhood multiple selfless people took care of you and fed you. When you hear the word self made you conjure images that they did it all alone that absolutely no one helped along the way.  We are always in some way going to be reliant of others, albeit someone to purchase your goods and services or to supply them. Be self reliant as much as humanly possible but also know everyone needs help from time to time. Give it more than you get it and the world will change for the better around you.

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