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Necessity Of College Degrees (Blowing It Scenario #126)

The Idea That A College Degree Is Necessary For Success Is Right Up There On Par With Scamming A Senior Citizen Or Robbing The Blind.

What a brilliant racket colleges have at their disposal. Convince a generation of kids and parents that they can’t succeed in life without a college degree. Than in actuality set them up for failure in life, when they have a mountain of insurmountable debt because of said degree. It’s the ultimate irony.

These are mostly just kids coming out of high school hardly knowing any better. We go on believing that this amazing piece of paper called a diploma is our golden ticket. We can take it anywhere in our field of study and get that high paying career right out the gate. Meanwhile most kids and some adults with that expensive degree in hand, that they just purchased. Financed through years of their time, as well as banks and the federal government loans. Cant find work in their suggested field. Many college graduates usually find menial work that does not require any degree what so ever. All the while colleges become more wealthy off this lie we continue to believe.

They even sell some kids on the idea that if you entertain audiences representing our school via sports you can get your college paid for. They tell the unsuspecting youth, “work for us full time for four years we won’t pay you a dime, try not to get injured because if you do will kick you out. Just make sure you continue to entertain with our school insignia and we’ll be sure to rep the rewards from our students by charging them more to watch you play. And the money machine keeps chugging away. Talk about setting a student up for failure amke them an athlete that gives his work away for free. We’re going to teach you the exact opposite of valuing your time. Just give us your body. And we’ll send you out of here thinking you need to give your all for nothing in return.

Some employers even help to perpetuate this lie by requiring a college degree for employment. I’m surprised we haven’t filed a class action lawsuits against these employers. This should be considered discrimination. It says if you’re not wealthy or willing to take on massive early in life debt to go to college we don’t want you. Completely neglecting the fact of true education or emotional intelligence. You could be of far superior knowledge than most college grads and chose to intelligently avoid financial ruin early on in life by dodging the college fund juggernaut but since you don’t have that false claim of intellect, the all mighty diploma, you won’t even be considered for the job.

Now there are speciality fields that require a vast depth of knowledge. And college courses can help to develop the foundation of education in these niches. But why aren’t employers offering these courses for pre employment? They should be offering in the job apprenticeships. Trust me you don’t need a college degree to get a good job either. So unless you’re dead set on your field of entry for life. Don’t jump onto the college degree path. You may regret it down the road when the only career you can get is extremely unrewarding but you have to stay in it just to pay back your loan. Save your money invest in yourself. It will take knowledge to get ahead but knowledge is free, just look for it. Use your local library or the internet to achieve it.

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Not Being Contradictory (Blowing It Scenario#125)

Learn To Contradict Your Beliefs As Well As Others.

This may seem like a misnomer but I assure you it’s very much not. You may think being contradictory is the wrong move. That it’s a move of an aggressor. Surely this is true, it sometime can be, especially when you are actively unwilling to except others beliefs. But I believe we need to often question and sometimes outright reject the status quo. We need to exercise dissension when we think others are in the wrong or doing harm. And most importantly we need to contradict our own belief systems when we receive pertinent information that can lead us to better conclusions.

We can’t always stay sustained on such miopic views. We must work to expand our understanding of all things. Don’t reject new thought, reject the thought of rejecting new thoughts. Actively try to contradict old beliefs. Be a walking talking contradiction, look at ideas from ever possible angle. Heck even this article is a complete contridiction. On one hand I’m telling to be contradictive throughout your life and in your beliefs. While on the other hand, although it’s much lessor of an argument, I’m recommending you not be contradictive, at least not in the combative sense. If you read through the work on this site you’ll find even more contradictions.

Thoughts and ideas are malleable they can bend to your will of influence or they can bend to others. Let them ebb and flow while retaining old information and gaining new insights. It’s human nature to get polarized in a belief but to blindly follow that unquestioning can sometimes do irrevocable harm to you and your relationships. Open your mind and expand your horizons, contradict your every thought to find your actual truths.

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Stagnation (Blowing It Scenario #124).

Just As Standing Water Grows Sick And Putrid, So Will The Body And Mind If It Continues To Stay Stagnant.

Progress is tantamount to health, both of the body and mind. Leave either untouched or under worked and watch disease fill in the margins. Some of it will be seen but most goes unseen and unnoticed till it’s too late. The atrophy has set it and progress is simply a distance memory of a fleeting past life.

Always continue to keep moving forward like the pristine rivers that carve canyons and valleys in there wake of progress. Rivers that reshape geography into it’s own image. Rivers that harbor far less disease than standing water. Where stagnant water on the other hand is the breeding ground for it. Remember we humans are 90 percent water. So move your body stimulate your mind. Make small goals celebrates those tiny victories and when those are achieved make bigger ones. Keep progressively working towards bigger and better ambitions. Once you start to build momentum you can use that to carry you to the next wall that stands in your way and you will be able to bulldoze right through it. Use the power of habit to gain new routines, than use the power of routine to maintain results. Here’s how a habit is born and when you know habit creation you know how to use it to mold the life you want.

A habit is simply three parts. First part is the cue. This is your mental trigger that tells you to begin your routine. For example if you wanted to workout first thing in the morning you might put on workout clothes immediately after waking and that would be your cue to start your workout. Second part is routine, or the action part of your habit, this is the workout. Third part is reward this is where your habit gets reinforced. Maybe it’s a drink or smoothie maybe it’s simply the shower after the workout. Whatever it is give yourself a little treat to help lock in those gains you’ve made. Here’s the beauty, the routine portion can be easily interchangable, so if you have coffee in the morning and that’s your cue to have a cigarette. You could instead use coffee as a cue to go for a run. It’s not the best pre-work out drink but you can see in this example how the routine can be changed. Just be sure to reward yourself after the action is complete. You can also habit stack, this is where add more routines to other routines. And you basically use routines as your cue to begin the next. So say you want to create a great morning. You would wake and waking would be the cue. You than brush your teeth which is routine that also acts as the cue that leads you to the next routine, say it’s workout. You workout, than workout becomes the cue to start writing or do something else productive and so on and so forth until you get to your reward at the end of your habit loop. Play around with it, make it fun, just remember to keep progressing.

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Ungrateful, Lack Of Gratitude (Blowing It Scenario #122)

Be Thankful For What You Have.

Sometimes this can be strewn as complacency. We sometimes believe if we’re not striving to obtain more we’re too complacent. We’re taught to want more and in that state of desire for more we can lose sight of the gratitude for what we already have. Complexity can sometimes breed contempt while simplicity can often breed a sense of gratitude for what little we may have. Shed your layers down to essentials and when you do so you’ll find you have more gratitude for what you already have. Air in your lungs, a working heart and mind, freely available water, edible vegetation that also produces that air we breathe, sun and the rain fall that nourishes us and our vegetation, people close to us, friends, family and loved ones, and the love and generosity they show to us. Any form of shelter that can protect you from the elements should suffice for gratitude. Be sure to let all things know you are grateful for them. Yes even the inanimate objects. this is more for you, and less for them obviously. It demonstrates you are thankful for all things. It’s often those who grow up with the least that are so grateful for the littlest things.

Most self help “gurus” will suggest you focus on what your grateful for a few minutes in the morning. Than right afterwards they’ll have you focus on what you want you to achieve. The big house and fancy car maybe you own a jet in this fantasy and you travel the world all without ever really visualizing doing any real work for others. It’s so contradictory to gratitude it’s a baffling oversight of self help. This very action of visualization will naturally create and harbor some form of contempt for your current life. And if you’re ungrateful now what makes you think that will change when you have all the toys in the world? The mansions, the Bentley’s, the yacht, the Gulfstream. You won’t be more grateful, you’ll just continue to want more.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to strive for more. But instead of making it selfish desire, why not be grateful for all that you currently have and than work towards making people’s lives around you better. Give others a reason to be grateful and in doing so you’ll grow organically and each step along the way you’ll be grateful for all that you have and all that you receive.

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Ego Traps (Blowing It Scenario #121).

I Dare You, What Are You Chicken?

This the battle cry of thousands of decisions gone awry. It’s the epitome of poor choices lead by pride and ego. No one wants to feel diminished to less than they are. Sometimes we expose a weakness of our will or fortitude and will see being pressed by others as a challenge to prove that we are more than capable for the task at hand. But that over confidence in our ability is often our ego not willing to relent or take the hit.

Why must we prove ourselves to another for the sake of their enjoyment or entertainment. We only need to prove to ourselves that we’re capable of whatever we set our minds to. And in just knowing within ourselves that we’re more than capable, we never have to show another that we can do something because we already know we can.

Make it your own decision of how you display yourself to the world. Will you be trapped in what others may want you to do, challenged by your ego or pride? Or will you do what you want what feels right to you. If someone ever challenges you to a dare tell them you know you could do it but won’t for them. Instead let them fall on their own sword. Ego is strong but will is stronger.

However ego is never fully gone. There’s a catch to zen mastery. If your trying to let go of the ego, it takes ego to obtain such results. To try is to work with your ego to attempt to vanquish it. Don’t work against it. Just be in the moment and you’ll reach a happier state.

I believe Benjamin Franklin in his attempt to master what he believed to be thirteen virtues. One of which was humility. He stated that the pursuit of humility is never achieved because once one achieves it they become prideful of their accomplishment. Hense defeating that virtue of humility. You can be proud but also try to stay humble, show you can exercise humility even in the smallest of decisions. And celebrate that you did. Be proud of not having to demonstrate your pride or ego.

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Divorce (Blowing It Scenario #120).

Divorce Is One Of The Biggest Life And Relationship Lessons One Can Receive. Don’t Waste It.

Divorce was never even in my conscious realm. I thought I did everything right. Never cheated, Never used drugs, Never uttered bad name towards the other, only built up each other, Went to bed every night together, every evening would tell each other, “I’ll love you more tomorrow than I did today” and every morning we woke up we would say to the other “I love you more today than I did yesterday.”

We traveled the world together, we saw Buddhist temples in Thailand, had lunch on Machu Picchu in Peru, ate termites in the amazon rain forest, Sailed through the Greek islands and rode quads throughout Santorini and Mykonos. Went on night hikes and ziplined through the jungles in Costa Rica. Skydived in Kauai and relaxed on their marvelous beaches. Was told on numerous occasions they would never want to go through life with another, and I was the love of their life.

So how did it all fail? How Did It End In Divorce?

It all comes down to the little things. Those little things that you begin to neglect the more time spent with another. And as you neglect those things they slowly erode the relationship as they become more habitual. until you finally reach the point where it would be awkward to reintroduce them into a relationship. We’ll call this phenomenon learned neglect. Where each mild neglectful action is slowly reinforced by continuous love and affection even though you stopped the actions that might be deserving of that love and affection somewhere along the way. You may not even notice it. This is why communication is so important. Tiny leaks can sink great ships and if you don’t pay attention, your marriage too could be relegated to the bottom of the sea.

Do Not Use The Word Divorce.


We had our occasional arguments a few blowouts where I said things I didn’t mean. They were very few and far between. Here is a massive lesson for you, never ever verbalize the D word (divorce) in the others presence unless you’re ready to begin your perilous decent. Even if you think it’s the best way to end an argument trust me it is not. Distraction is another culprit on the on the relationship killers list. I could have spent a lot less time distracted, A LOT less time. We are so absorbed by other things that catch our interest, we get pulled in too many directions and forget to focus on whats important.

However you are luck.

My loss is your gain, and it’s also the gain of my relationships from here on out. Divorce is such a powerful lesson don’t throw it away or revert into self loathing. Know that it falls on your shoulders, take ownership of it and be better down the road. Here are the most valuable takeaways I can give you.


this is the foundation of all relationships and it must be respected, you have to trust each other. You have to believe the other. Jealousy has no place in solid committed relationship. What you or your partner may have done it their past has no bearing on the present or your future together. Try to welcome your partner without judgment and if you do come to a problem with some thing from your partners past, learn to forgive. It’s in the past and I’m sure had they known you then it would not be part of their past.


Communication is paramount. It’s where you find out your partners likes and dislikes, wants and needs, worries and fears. Tell each other what you want from the other and from life, tell them often. It’s where you discover how your partner is feeling and you should be able to ask and receive an honest answer at any given moment in time. Guessing is just setting both of you up for failure. And don’t assume the other knows how you feel or think they are supposed to know that information. Sometimes we know but it’s far better for both parties to just talk it out.


Put down the fucking phone from time to time, pay attention to your someone. Sorry to use such crass language but this is becoming the norm in most relationship and it’s slowly eroding all that you’ve built together. That action is simply telling your partner non verbally that your tech with it’s news feeds and it’s easy access to all the other people on facebook, snapchat, instagram, or pinterest, are far more interesting than your partner.

And you would prefer to be entertained by whatever is going on onscreen rather than engage with the real life human sitting across from you. It’s somewhat of an emotional cheat, you are reaching out to tech to get what you feel you are lacking from your partner. Don’t go in search for outside entertainment, be present in each others company. Give that person your full utmost attention. Be comfortable with boredom. it’s not always going to be massively stimulating and that’s fine embrace it for both your sakes.


Touch each other often, cuddle with each other, kiss each other, hold hands everywhere you go. Have sex, lots of it and don’t be afraid to use your mouth. Use communication to find out what your partner likes and wants are, than go and do that to them or for them. Something happens physiologically when two people continuously embrace. Your bodies almost seem to crave each others. There is this wholeness between the two of you. Use it to both your advantage.

When you stop touching that craving diminishes and it becomes much more difficult to want what you are not currently receiving from that partner. This is where some partners find themselves straying if they are not having their needs met. Which is basically the end of the relationship regardless. Do not do this, it’s incredibly selfish if you feel you must move on give your partner that same right. Once you have strayed there really shouldn’t be any coming back from that. Steer clear of this and just frequently touch each other and hold each other close.


Give honest sincere appreciation of each other and their actions and or sacrifices. Say thank you and mean it, that simple gesture is so important and it can have a massive impact on future actions. If your partner is someone you’re thankful for let them know it often. What ever they do for you is simply icing on the cake and with each layer let them know how grateful you are for it.

Putting It All Together

Anyone can have tremendous success in a relationship. It does not have to end in divorce. Find someone who fits you perfectly and always work to insure you grow your relationship together and that it’s a positive one on both your lives. One that you impact each other in ways far beyond the surface. That you’ll strengthen your resolve in one another and continuously deepen your connection. It really is easy you just have to find the right person you are willing to do this for and they are willing to reciprocate.

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Taking Yourself To Seriously (Blowing It Scenario #118).

Life’s Too Short, Have Fun, Be Playful, Get Creative.

Sit back, relax, kick off your shoes and throw up your feet. Let me be your leisure coach for a brief minute. Too often in our lives we take ourselves far too seriously. So much so it often comes back to bite us in our ass. It’s a catch 22 of sorts. We may want a certain lifestyle and in that chase we’ll not only take ourselves too serious, we may altogether miss the mark. And while working so hard for what we thought we wanted, trying to hit said mark, we’ll often damage not only our fun and happiness, sometimes even our relationships. Our goal may still grow further out of reach with it. So why not enjoy yourself along the way.

From the sage advice of Michael Scott to Dwight Schrute in the hit classic The Office. Always remember K.I.S.S.- keep it simple stupid. Mildly insulting but great advice. It’s as easy as that, simplify all things. Let go of what others might think of you or even your feelings about how you’ll feel. You may look weird or dumb or maybe your actions will be misinterpreted. Who cares it’s not for them and most of the time people are envious they can’t be as free because of their structured barriers the have placed around themselves.

Play like a kid again it’s where creativity hides. It’s funny how we’re organized to be so structured even in what is supposed to be creative environments. But fail to have any creative thoughts or inspiration in those same environments. It’s not until we shirk the status quo and have a little fun that life opens up to us. No judgments pure freedom. Have fun in your relationships, fun in your work. Life can be so amazingly fun if we just can just except that we don’t always have to take ourselves so serious.

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Impulsivity (Blowing It Scenario #117).

A Lack Of Proper Judgment And Restraint In Decision Making.

Boy is this one fun though. It’s fun to be impulsive at times to just fly out to a new destination on a whim, kiss the girl of your dreams, buy the car you’ve always wanted, go cliff diving, . The problem is not in the doing of these things. Doing can add much reward to your life. It’s the not thinking them through first that can come back to hurt us. It’s a gamble that you are taking a leap in the right direction. Sometimes it pays off immensely, sometimes it fails miserably.

I feel I’m impulsive all the time but that impulsivity comes from long thought out ideas over time and when opportunity presents itself, you must act quickly. If you have a goal set to visit every continent and than you purchase a ticket to South America on whim one day, that’s an impulsive act in the moment. But in actuality it’s been part of a plan all along. The opportunity came and instead of neglecting it or putting it on the back burner for later, you pull the trigger on it. It may seem impulsive at the time but technically this is not impulsive behavior at all but it can feel that way. It’s very decisive behavior. It’s the, I’m going to do this and I’m going to do it now mentality. This is highly beneficial when thought through. However it can be highly detrimental and can have major consequences if you have not thought it through or if your thought process is focused on the negative or the material. Or if your impulsions involves someone else and they don’t want to be a part of it. This is where you can potentially do harm to yourself and others. Steer clear of this if you can.

It’s really quite simple, just think before you act. If you going to make impulsive acts, plan them out long before they happen so in that moment you’ll know exactly what you want and won’t have to over think it. Make them decisive acts. Keep it all positive and optimistic and choose decisive acts that will enrich your lives and the lives of those around you.

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Indecision (Blowing It Scenario #116).

A Lack Of Decision Making Skills.

How often do we go through life debating with ourselves about what we truly want, only never to land on a definitive answer? This is the crux of the problem with indecision. We find ourselves stuck in neither what we want and can’t seem to find exactly what we don’t want either. Indecision sometimes just feels so safe and comforting, like you can just curl up and sleep in it’s warm inviting embrace. You don’t have to be weighed down with the pressure of having to make a decisions for yourself.

Decision making can be scary, there are so many variables that can arise from that proposition. Did you make the right one? What will others think? Will you be happy with that final decision? Everything from that point on falls squarely on you shoulders. You are the decision maker and what you say goes. It’s a tremendous amount of power you wield in your own life and definitely one of high pressure and stress. But doesn’t it just sound so much more of an amazing life than sitting idle in complacency?

We have so much power to control the trajectory of our lives, yet we under utilize it or differ it to another by not making decisions for ourselves. From the onset of morning, till you lay your head down in the evening. Everyday choose how you will create that day. What you will do, how you will do it. Will it be a positive progression? Will you make a difference in other peoples live? Make the decision and act on it.

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Distraction (Blowing It Scenario #114)

An Attraction That Steals One’s Focus.

I thinks it’s safe to say we live in the most distracting era ever in history. We have endless entertainment laying in wait in our pockets or handbags. Just at the tips of our fingers we can contact anyone in the world and they can contact us. Either with voice calls, text or videos. Just now I’m being distracted by my phone and my pets. We have family and friends who need our attention and sometimes we need theirs. Our email boxes are perpetual growth machines which is not a good thing.

In a time we need to maximize our focus to get ahead, we seem to have such a limited supply. Or we’ll put or focus into menial task that don’t move the needle forward. We’ll waste hours surfing the web, or posting on social media, or binge watching the latest series on Netflix. We’re so distracted we can’t even give our significant others the time of day. You see it all the time, boyfriend and girlfriend sitting across from each other out in public, both their heads buried in their phones. Because who can be bothered with the bore of a person they chose to spend their time with when there are so much more important more entertaining things to get done online? Groups of friends while out together won’t even talk to each other in the presence of each other because they are so enthralled with their technology. We need to re-establish our focus win our time back. Focus is paramount to getting stuff done as well as being respectful to those you are with.

Delete the apps, turn off the phone, the t.v. the tablet. If you can’t do that at least set them to do not disturb when you need to give your attention to someone or something else. In order to get real work done, you may have to cut out all distraction. Find a place where no device, no person, basically a place nothing can disturb your work. Maybe an office, hallway, closet what ever you need to find complete peace. Simply focus on the task at hand and you’ll be able to get far more work done in a fraction of the time. Let’s not be so frivolous with our time or our mental capacity. Let’s stop wasting it with distraction and gain back some much needed focus.

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