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Blowing It Scenario #21-Twitter’s Previous Failures Finally Amount To Success

Twitter Posted It’s First Ever Profit Since Going Public In 2013.

Business is sometimes a battle of attrition. You grind it out every single day and you can still lose money at the end of that day. That has been the story for Twitter. A company known and used all over the world. Twitter hasn’t turned a profit since 2013 but all that changed with it’s most recent quarter. Nearly 5 straight years of steady losses and it took till now to turn the corner. Which is a beautiful display of failure in action.

Hell most of us after two years of failing to make any profit would probably say to ourselves, “well this clearly isn’t working.” Maybe we wouldn’t even make it two years, some of us just a few months, others a few weeks and many of us still, just a few days without seeing results can send us packing it in on our goals and dreams. We usually, more often then not, simply hang up our hats and move on to the next project that will hopefully provide greener pastures in the future. Or maybe even a path of lesser resistance.

Sometimes the correct move when your flying in the face of failure is to stick it out. To keep adjusting coarse slightly till you find a working formula. It may take a year or two, or even five, maybe longer. However I will say it is my firm belief if there is no turn around after too many years you will have to face your extinction event. Just don’t give up too soon and try not to lose all that is good around you in the process either.

Twitter also has another thing going for it in the prevention of failure. One of the greatest factors of all when you are trying to push through those breaking points. That is, that Twitter had thousands of people relying on them. Thousands of workers and investors with families of their own to take care of and provide for. Thousands of people trying to affect change around the world through their platform. This is the main thing you can’t dismiss when you want to quit. Who is relying on you? If we become other oriented, meaning we put others first and we continue to grow that base. Before you know it hundreds of thousands could be relying on you too. If you have just one, or a thousands. In that moment, you will refuse to fail too.

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